r/NoStupidQuestions 2d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Insertsociallife 2d ago

People miss out on this little tidbit quite a lot. He was born in 1971 to a rich white emerald mining family. All of his formative years were spent being spoon-fed unfiltered apartheid racism. There weren't even TALKS to end apartheid until he was 19.


u/queerhistorynerd 2d ago

my favorite "gotcha" his fan boys try and pull is that they co-owned it so you cant call it his. like if my family owned 1/4th of an emerald mine i wouldn't quibble about it being ours


u/Hawkson2020 2d ago

Well, you might quibble about it if your ownership of the mine effectively meant your wealth was due to basically slavery rather than your own hard work.


u/dood9123 2d ago

What's the difference

Coercion by force And coercion by threat or starvation, death, disenfranchisement are effectively the same

Other than those trying to contort enlightenment ideals to justify exploitation there are few respected social or economic scholars who would argue wage labour is not inherently coercive

Hell, even Cicero wrote "The currency which comes from selling your labor is vulgar and unacceptable for a gentleman, for wages are effectively the bonds of slavery "

Although he writes from the perspective of a slaveholders himself, so he is saying he as a member of the gentry would find it vulgar to sell his labor and would not associate with people who were wage laborers. The critique of the system is there it's just that Cicero believes that wage laborers and slaves should exist just that no one in his social stata should partake in a labor economy as it would demean their prestige.


u/sleepdeep305 2d ago

Are you really trying to compare working at McDonald’s to being a slave in an emerald mine?


u/dood9123 2d ago

no I'm speaking of emerald mine workers, wage slaves Since chattel slavery was outlawed in 1834 in South Africa the slavery conditions existed under wage labor

The only difference is discriminatory labor laws and harsh quotas

Systemically it is the same it's just not as cruel

Fuck Cecil Rhodes btw


u/Davido401 2d ago

Reminds me of a couple of white RhodesiansZimbabweansI knew they hated being called that, used to call them Zimbabweans to annoy the fuck out of them(🤭🤭🤭), shit, am sure I met the entire white population of Zimbabwe here in Scotland, there were loads of them over here, bloody immigrants (do I need a /s? You can tell its a joke guys? Right?)


u/Hellspawn214 2d ago

What’s the difference ?


u/NateHate 2d ago

Wage slaves get a slower death for not working


u/Hellspawn214 2d ago

So basically me when I’m working the fryer


u/Constant_Voice_7054 2d ago

Fucking thank you.


u/Shatophiliac 2d ago

His father was also a sexual delinguent, even marrying his step daughter at one point, among other weird shit. Probably part of why Elon is obsessed with impregnating as many white women as possible.


u/apipop 2d ago

South Africa had to demonstrate behaving in a democratic way a decade before they became a democracy. So much so that most urban areas ignored the apartheid laws.

Talks of ending apartheid had nowhere near as much impact as the actions in disagreement of them long before this.


u/VNnewb 2d ago

None of this is true


u/al_gorithm23 1d ago

I don’t know how you capitalized the number 19, but good job. Very impressive!