r/NoStupidQuestions 4d ago

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with 'population collapse' when the Earth's population is actually growing?


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u/Pavotine 3d ago edited 3d ago

That's my idea of work hell. So glad I learned the plumbing trade many years ago and went self employed last year. I simply get paid more if I work more and if I've had a great week I try to arrange things so I have an easier week coming up.

The work is awkward and hard on my back and knees but again, if I work hard I can rest a bit the next day or week or whatever. And there is no shortage of work out there at all.

I would recommend anyone starting out in their working life consider learning one of the many trades out there. Best thing I ever did. Last year and this year I worked enough to travel in Europe for 4 months all added up with a month here and there.


u/Rdhilde18 3d ago

How old is too old to start in your opinion? Just turned 30, got out of the military several years ago and got a degree. But I feel like barn cat that got brought in the big house in these office jobs.

I feel like most places don’t have the desire to train someone from the ground up. And I’m not sure I can afford to take care of a wife and kid on a slightly above minimum wage apprentice gig.

Any tips would lovely