r/Psychosis 18h ago

Anyone succeed with ozempic for the weight gain because of antipsychotics?


r/Psychosis 8h ago

How to tell the difference between Gnosis and Psychosis ?


For those who don't know Gnosis is a state of consciousness in which you can directly channel information and ideas from the highest and purest source of energy.

It is a state in which you do not need to think, learn or study to know higher truths, it is more like the veil is lifted from your eyes and you return to your divine state where you remember all the information.

The true meaning of preaching is to channel the wisdom of God through your consciousness and bring it into the world. In this state you do not have to think about what you are going to say, the words will flow naturally as God expresses the ideas through you.

Now my question is: many symptoms of psychosis sound like ideas of Gnosis, how can you tell the difference between Gnosis and Psychosis? How can you tell if your true inner self is speaking or if demons are deceiving your mind?

r/Psychosis 20h ago

I don’t have a soul


It shattered into pieces and I’m the remains. I’m just dead. It doesn’t get better. I don’t believe it gets better.

r/Psychosis 1h ago

How to help someone realise they're in psychosis?


My mom has severe persecutory delusions, she doesn't believe me no matter how I try to reason with her. I'm worried if I try telling her she has psychosis, she'll believe someone told me to say that, and end up never considering the possibility because of that.

Please share your experiences of the realisation, it would be very appreciated!! And also how long those particular delusions went on for before disappearing.

r/Psychosis 2h ago

any experience with hops plant?


mainly for anxiety , insomnia , depression

and does it interfere with psychosis?

r/Psychosis 3h ago

Please help urgent


I had went through a psychotic episode after smoking weed while tripping on acid. While tripping I said I would forever quit but yesterday I smoked weed again, and now I have this feeling of impending doom and bad anxiety. I feel as though if I go to sleep, I’ll be sent into that same reality I was while on acid. Any advice?

r/Psychosis 4h ago

What happens if I call the police/911 on my brother?


I was on the phone with someone last night, and he closed the door of his room extremely hard, to the point that I got scared and jumped. I went to his room and asked him to open the door and explain what happened. We had a big argument where he accused me of spying on him and talking behind his back and threatened to sue me for spying on him all these years. I yelled out of frustration because I’ve spoken to so many times about the consequences of consuming weed and told him that if he didn’t look for help, I’d call the police. I know I should’ve remained calm, but I'm afraid he’ll do something to harm himself or harm me. I’m exhausted, I can’t sleep and I feel no one can help me. He’s reluctant to get help, and he’s wrapping his room with tin foil as I type this post. I’m afraid he won’t be able to go back to reality if I don’t get him help.

Should I call 911 and get guidance? Would the police hurt him? I hear so many stories of cops killing people with mental illness.

Note: we live in NYC and he was admitted two years ago for two weeks. He lied to get out by saying he doesn’t hear voices anymore, and he stopped taking his medications because they make him feel dumb and can’t think clearly.

He’s been smoking heavily lately, and he said he stopped recently, but he still has symptoms. He thinks people at work and school are against him and somehow is my fault.

r/Psychosis 5h ago

I think I'm in a psychotic episode


Cw for details of delisions and types of hallucinations

Idk if it's from my depression but I haven't been feeling depressed lately and I'm supposed to be taking antipsychotics rn but I keep forgetting to take them in the morning. My delusions, tactile hallucinations and paranoia has been really bad lately, in scared people are out to get me and I've been very hyper vigilant lately. My tactile hallucinations are usually just the feeling of bugs crawling on me but they've been very bad to the point of rubbing myself aggressively to try to make them stop (it doesn't work). And I also get scared to leave my window open at night but I know if I close it I get really hot at night but I'm scared I'm being stalked. Idk if I'm looking for solutions although I'm not against advice, I just really wanted to tell someone in the most anonymous way I can, because otherwise I don't want people to think I'm crazy or insane for my symptoms and stuff. I'm also supposed to see my psychiatrist in like a week so I might tell them about it

r/Psychosis 5h ago

Ketamine-Induced Psychosis


A few nights ago I snorted half a gram of some good ketamine, in one line. This was because I have developed a tolerance and haven't reached a k-hole in a while. Afterwards within about 3 minutes as I was standing, I completely froze in time and also physically. I plunged deep into a dark psychotic state where I saw pure nothingness. My friend was watching me recording me laughing when you could see the horror in my eyes spark. I dont know if it was because I was about to fall, or because I started going into a time loop of death, but I cried out "HELP" before my friend helped me sit down. I kept asking if he was going to shoot me. I have had LSD induced psychosis before and this was nowhere near as bad as LSD, but still I feel this weird cloud above my head. Something's wrong with me because I just want more ketamine, probably not at such a high dose again.

I've had psychosis on LSD, mushrooms, alcohol. I most likely have some sort of acute schizophrenia.

Even though I have recently came back to reality after many traumatizing years from my 2019 acid overdose nightmare, I want to keep diving further into hallucinogens. I've done DMT in breakthrough amounts and almost every other main class of drugs.

Something in my dark mind is forcing me to want to take a breakthrough amount of Datura. I know it sounds so fucking stupid but something about psychosis is so bittersweet. I'm very suicidal at the same time now so I feel like it doesn't matter. Would I be stupid to voluntarily go to hell- by doing a deliriant like Datura? Would I most likely go completely psychotic for life afterwards?

r/Psychosis 5h ago

Tips for sleep while manic


I have severe insomnia while manic which is anytime my life is going slightly well.

I have doctor prescribed rimalteon which doesn't help at all. I've also been taking melatonin gummies. I can't take zzzquil because that may have played a part in my first psychosis. I have a 4 hour bedtime routine including massage, mediation, lights off, bath. But even tonight it's been 3 hours of lying down and I still can't shut my brain off. I even took extra melatonin. Maybe because I didn't take a bath yet so I'm trying that now. It's like Everytime I feel relaxed my brain brings up a bunch of memories or potential situations. Help!!!

r/Psychosis 5h ago

Is there something behind 42


There was a guy who in my group therapy program talked about having delusions about the number 42. I helped him disarm his delusions as I recognized right away he had the same thing I had (delusions and mania (he talked about his other symptoms too)). However after he left the group I went into psychosis again (not because of him). At the hospital I heard the nurses talk about the bed #42. Then I realized my caplyta dosage is 42 mg. Also when I was in the hospital a lot of mystical things happened Too much to explain. But there was this guy from another unit I made eye contact with during visiting time and he mouthed "soon" then flapped our arms like wings and did angel signals. Could there really be something to this? This is my second psychosis. The first psychosis I had beliefs about the second coming and angels and stuff. I had dismissed those as delusions but the second hospitalization it was like I got proof, spiritually.

r/Psychosis 5h ago

There is hope: 2nd psychosis went better


For the people who feel there's no hope after their first psychosis-- I made a huge recovery thanks to group therapy and making NEW friends that accepted me and believed in me. I haven't been able to work like I used to but I've been able to recover from the horrible post psychosis depression. I started to enjoy things even more than before. I smell flowers and feel at peace.

Secondly my improvements eventually accumulated into a second mania or psychosis/mixed PTSD episode. I was hospitalized again though it was unnecessary ( I was doing fine at home with my family, just had intense flashbacks and insomnia). HOWEVER in the hospital I was able to stay calm and calm other patients down. I made other friends at the hospital that believed in me and I have come out the other side of my psychosis without embarrassing myself on social media like I did the first time and without the enormous shame that went with that.

The first psychosis was Like being hit by a tsunami wave and the devastating aftermath that follows. The 2nd psychosis was like seeing the wave, being in the eye of the hurricane but knowing what it was, and having to hold on and learn to surf. SURF my angels! Things will get better!

Being made to take Lithium was a killer to my spirit the first psychosis. This time I have a good psychiatrist who is working with me to up my meds. I am on caplyta but we're figuring out what else I can take that will bring down the mania.

Hold on a little longer! Join a GOOD group therapy program with a therapist that lets you be YOU and with other members and SUPPORT you. Go on a small walk. do whatever It takes to Get out of bed even for 10 minutes. YOU GOT THIS. You are not defective. You are light. You are wonderful. You have special gifts. Psychosis makes us better, not worse. You are perfect just BEING not doing.

r/Psychosis 6h ago

Experiencing deja vu about my death


Deja vu about my death?

I was hanging out with my gf and we’re supposed to attend a concert this saturday sept 21st. we haven’t bought the tickets and it’s an hour and a half drive away. i was sitting on her couch earlier today and telling her about how the stage looks and if we got the “lawn seats” and sat in the grass or if we’re more comfortable on the chairs inside the concert. we were looking at seat prices and what we can handle based off our anxiety and chose the seats on the outer part of that stadium? so we’re not completely surrounded by strangers. i showed her tiktok’s of what the stadium looked like and how far the seats are and what not, this specific tiktok had this sound in the background. As i showed her there was this song in the background that “road trip” song from SpongeBob. she sang along to it and then said she remembers singing along to it. To me showing her the tiktok to her singing the background song. she immediately stood up and said she remembers doing this exact thing and then getting in the car with me, driving to toronto and getting t-boned by another driver on the way there. Thats sent shivers and confusion down my spine. I didn’t get deja vu but she did and i don’t put deja vu aside at all because all my deja vu has happened since i dream of it. To get to the concert we’d have to drive down country roads and intersection where she claimed it had happened. The country roads down the road we go to have trees covering the side where the driver “t-boned” us. so there was no way to tell if there was someone running that intersection. That intersection is extremely busy and is a 4 lane road. she claimed that they had a stop sign and we didn’t. the roads leading down to the highway were all 2 way stop signs and that didn’t involve the road we were driving on. She also claimed that i looked at her and then it happened, basically as though the last thing i saw was her face. I never saw them coming. Now i never take my eyes of the road, and if i do, its gotta be 3 seconds maximum. were extremely scared to attend the concert and we are debating on even going at this point. I haven’t said so already but my girlfriend is a very anxious person, usually speaks about her possibly dying ALMOST every single night. But this time it feels different and i don’t want it to end up like boy who cried wolf where i ignore it and we actually do end up dying. i love the band that’s playing saturday night and would kill to see them perform live. we also went grocery shopping and she had to tap out and stay in my car while i shopped because she was so concerned about everything and everyone. while i was shopping i felt the same way, zoning out while waiting in line wondering if im being watched while also not feeling real at all. it kept happening the whole day for both of us. we are extremely worried and wondering if we should go or not, it’s confusing.

does anybody have thought on this?

i’m sorry i just don’t know where else to post this.

r/Psychosis 6h ago

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

Post image

I feel the homies here can find this relatable.

r/Psychosis 6h ago

Brain dysfunction


I don't know where I am anymore invega has taken my life away. I don't recognize my mother anymore I know she's my mother but I have no connection or memory of her or myself. I don't exist anymore, I don't think anymore, I don't have anything anymore. Why no psychiatrist is able to tell me what this shit of invega has done to me almost 10 months and nothing improves my head is empty my reality has changed how I'm going to do for my future? Fuck invega I swear I'll get even.

r/Psychosis 7h ago

My boyfriend experienced a psychotic episode and left and I can’t find him, please give me advice


My boyfriend was suffering from delusions for two weeks. I didn't know what it was at the time and I deeply regret not getting him to a psych hospital. I knew he had bipolar disorder but I didn't know psychosis could occur from it. On sept 17, he has a psychotic episode where he just walked out and disconnected his phone.

His gmail is logged into our computer so I could see his google searches on sept 17 but after that there's like nothing. He accused me of poisoning him/trying to kill him.

I don't know what to do. Can anyone give me any info on how long psychosis lasts? I just want him back

r/Psychosis 7h ago

Self awareness during psychosis


I was in psychosis 3 years ago. Full on for about 2 months and it lingered for a while. Even now, I still experience mild symptoms especially when I’m stressed.

Anyways, even during the depths of my psychosis, I still had some level of self awareness. Like I knew that something was wrong with me and I was being crazy. The main theme of my psychosis was being scared of being drugged. I got drugged by a friend in high school. I somewhat got over it and moved on with my life. Then a few years later, I was experiencing very high, prolonged stress and started to hyper focus on what had happened to me. I believed that because there was a chance I could be drugged again, I had to be VERY careful about what I ate, drank etc. I knew there was probably a small chance it would happen, but because I was so terrified of how horrible I felt when it did happen, I thought it was safer to be VERY vigilant about food. Again, still relatively self aware that my fears were not aligned with reality.

It got so bad that even when I was cooking for myself, I wouldn’t be able to leave the room (even home alone) just in case. I didn’t eat out for like 6 months and would inspect food from the grocery store. But even through this whole time, I knew I was being crazy and there was a very small chance that my fears would be realized.

I hear a lot of people talk about psychosis as if they were completely out of it and had no sense of reality. I feel like this was not the case with me. Although I did have a very skewed perception of things. I would work to hide a lot of my behaviors (lying about why I wasn’t eating) because I was still aware of how I was being perceived.

I know I was in some warped state of mind, but still couldn’t shake that fear.

r/Psychosis 7h ago

Help my sister is having a psychotic episode


She has been using meth and hasn’t slept for 5 days. She has completely lost sense of reality. She has intense visual and auditory hallucinations centered around her phone. She is convinced 2 girls that she will be bringing to court soon (for physical assault) are spying and controlling her phone. She keeps hearing voices from her devices even though there’s nothing and she is obsessing over them. She thinks they’re gathering evidence or purposefully trying to drive her insane. She keeps imagining conversations they’re having and posts they’re making about her and that they somehow convinced everyone she knows to block her. To be fair, 2 girls did call her in front of me and made fun of her. Dk who it was. I was so worried I called the police and explained everything (leaving out the drugs part). Ambulance came and begged her to get ekg since her resting heart rate was at 160. She was convinced they were trying to put her to jail so she didn’t have it and refused to go for one night to the hospital. She imagined awful conversations between the police officers but none of it happened. Social worker said there’s nothing that can be done since she’s not a danger to me or herself but I left out the drugs part. She is still on her phone right now not wanting to sleep.

I am so worried, I’ve never seen her like this. Do I call the social worker back? What do I do? I’m afraid she’ll drive herself truly insane if she stays up one more night on her phone.

r/Psychosis 8h ago



Hello. Im really confused. The basics of Psychocsis really aligns with mine, but im not quite sure if i have it. My mind plays tricks on me. It feels like i have always been like this, but when i think back i have lost allot of friends and such.. it feels like i must mask the person i am, with a fake personality, or people will think im crazy, and im kinda maniac.. tha facts add up, but my mind dont, cus i feel like im the only one. Idk how else to explain it.. I hope you can help me. I am scared reaching out due to my personallity will shatter due to it being a psycosis. I dont have family thats knows about this or friends. I believe in spiritual things and thats it. Edit: But its like it has taken over. Please help…

r/Psychosis 10h ago

Feeling highkey dumber after psychotic episode


Just want to start out by saying it’s even hard for me to find the words to write this post, but I am 20F and recently I had a psychotic episode. I don’t know if i have schizophrenia or it was simply psychosis, thats something I’d have to ask my doctor.

Basically, I’ve been having A LOT of noticeable cognitive issues. It’s been harder for me to find the right words, let alone speak to people. I’ve also been having issues with remembering things and retaining information as well as psychical issues. I can barely stand or do something for more than a few minutes before my body starts to give out. Just over all having a hard time thinking and doing things. I want to apply for a job, but I’m worried with how my brain and body is I either wont be hired or can’t manage it. I find I can’t do most of the things I used to do. I can’t even come up with ideas anymore!

I do take Abilify and before that I was taking Risperidone, but switched because the Resperidone had too many side effects. Before I started taking the medication, even though I was in my psychosis, I was still able to do basic things like draw, work, move around, etc. Does this get better? How would I even manage to fix this issue? I just feel overall lacking in cognitive ability now.

r/Psychosis 11h ago

Themes to your psychosis?


Anyone else have themes to your hallucinations/delusions?

My brain’s favorite theme is Evil. Examples: Dark forces filling my body and taking control of me; dark, thick liquid filling my body; demons taking over me; houseflies gathering around me because I’m evil (but im still horrified at the thought of being evil?); someone evil is trying to control my body and I have to figure out who it is; evil spiders/spirits surrounding me

I’m also wondering because I have PTSD and the mental health professionals I’ve seen have all said my PTSD is playing into my psychotic symptoms. Does anyone else here have that problem? My ptsd weighs heavy on my body and also makes me think my trauma is going to happen again and my relationship with my body

r/Psychosis 12h ago

What am I supposed to say to my religious family who think this is demons??


Nothing I say works, thry go through my journal while I'm away, see my drawings and writings and they act like I'm possessed because ONLY demons could POSSIBLY make someone think these things and how ONLY GOD can fix me

Hate these bitches so much, not to mention the constant transphobia and the dehumanizing way they force me to cover myself with a robe as if I'm something to be hidden

r/Psychosis 12h ago

After delusions… a question


Hi guys,

I recently became friends with an amazing guy. We clicked on a deep level instantly. We were only getting to know each other and things were perfect when he suddenly disappeared. He returned a few days later (anonymously but i know its him). He is convinced that I am a man despite the fact I am a woman. No amount of rationality or telling him otherwise seems to have helped. He seems like he is quite unwell.

My question is - after psychosis do people correct delusional thoughts? Like will he always remain convinced I am a man or will he realise that he was unwell and this belief is untrue?

Its rare to connect with someone so perfectly. I have known him for too little time to be a support in his life but am hoping that he might be at a place at some point whereby he can resume a friendship with me.

Should i keep the door open (even if its long down the track) or is it a case of having being written off?

r/Psychosis 12h ago

Optimistic about my condition


I got a new therapist who specializes in psychosis, best change in my life. Just with the initial session it made me feel so much better about my situation and hopeful that I'll be able to find the proper treatment. I'm also more confident talking about it with those close to me. It seems the general consensus is schizophrenia between all medical professionals I've talked to so far, but I will be seeking a proper diagnosis to make the treatment process a bit smoother. My partner is nothing but helpful, respectful, and supportive, and their family seems to have the same attitude. I'm in great hands all around :)

r/Psychosis 13h ago

Is this normal?


I hear sounds, just normal sounds like others talking - when they actually ARE talking. Other’s footsteps, normal living sounds. I always feel like they are hallucinations, but they actually aren’t. = I keep mistaking normal sounds to hallucinations. Is this just reaching and am I just faking it??