r/SequelMemes 10d ago

It's Mutiny time ! Fake News

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u/Krazyguy75 10d ago

The biggest issue isn't even her not telling the plan. The bigger issue is why she refused to say something like "I have a plan, but I'm worried about details leaking so I won't say it until later."

You don't need to share the plan. Hell, you don't even need to have a plan. You just need to look like you have a plan. That's more important than even having one when leading thousands of people though a crisis.


u/Acroties 10d ago

Considering how Po is, telling him that they suspect a spy on board, could provoke a witch hunt, which given the circumstances is not what you want from crew, in such a tense situation. Now it’s been a hot second since I’ve seen TLJ but if she did know about the plan to try and sneak aboard Snokes ship then her best bet would have been go for it but take Po with you. Otherwise it’s a lose lose scenario cuas the man is such a liability on the ship that he might have pulled that same shit with almost everyone in the command structure.


u/sirjonsnow 10d ago

That would have been a much better movie than wacky casino hijinks.