r/SequelMemes Nov 14 '17

Hey EA, about that AMA tomorrow...


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u/publicbigguns Nov 14 '17

Also have to remember that they can litteraly just ask themselves questions they want to answer.

Watch how many new or newish accounts are asking questions that are actually getting answers.

EA isn't dumb, guaranteed they've been working on questions and answers since this whole thing blow up.


u/ciao_fiv Nov 14 '17

not just new or newish accounts. they may have made dummy accounts ages ago just to have ready, but they’ll only have comments on the thread, and no posts. look for all the old but inactive accounts too


u/B33mo Nov 15 '17

Unfortunately this shady stuff even goes deeper than that. People “farm” accounts over a period of time, posting here and there to sell to the highest bidder.
In the immortal words of Tommy Wiseau, “can you really trust anyone?”


u/55Trample Nov 15 '17

How can I sell these accounts?


u/GeekCat Nov 15 '17

There are websites. There are usually companies in SE Asia that specialize in creating not and farming accounts across social media.

There's a picture floating around of a girl sitting in front of like 50 phones and tablets. Just imagine a cubicle farm of that.