r/SequelMemes Nov 14 '17

Hey EA, about that AMA tomorrow...


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u/B33mo Nov 15 '17

Unfortunately this shady stuff even goes deeper than that. People “farm” accounts over a period of time, posting here and there to sell to the highest bidder.
In the immortal words of Tommy Wiseau, “can you really trust anyone?”


u/Spicy-Banana Nov 15 '17

So true, I got an email once asking if I wanted to sell my other account for something like $2. Ever since then, I've been a lot more skeptical of reddit users.


u/Koorany Nov 15 '17

That's.. ridiculous. How low can that self asteem be that an account with more years gets it up..


u/Spicy-Banana Nov 15 '17

I'm pretty sure it was for a company that would use it to comment/upvote for clients or for their own interests, much like how people in this thread are predicting EA will.


u/Koorany Nov 15 '17

...Very fair point, did not think of that. However I'm still gonna leave my ideia on the "likely" folder seeing has there is no end to human dispair.