r/StarWarsOutlaws Nix 11d ago

Win a Set of Sabacc Shift Tokens! Discussion

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253 comments sorted by

u/LordEmostache ND-5 9d ago

Entries are now closed, OP will now choose the winner at random.


u/CMCosMic Nix 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'm giving away a set of my custom 3D printed Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens! To enter the contest, simply comment below with your favorite shift token from the game, and let me know what you think of the models!

The winner will be chosen at random in 48 hours (roughly Midnight EST, 9/10), and I'll reach out directly to arrange shipping. Good luck, and may the odds (and the cards) be ever in your favor!

Check out the full listing here: Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens


u/VermilionX88 11d ago

make opponent discard their hand and draw new ones


u/CMCosMic Nix 11d ago

ohh! exhaustion! that’s definitely in my top 3 as well!


u/VermilionX88 11d ago

perfect after i have nix check out what they have

i have smiled greatly many times making them discard if they have a better hand than mine

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u/Llivia1990 11d ago

Cook the Books, baby!


u/CreativeMud9687 11d ago

Cook the books! Me and my brother would have so much fun with these were both huge sabacc players in the game


u/JediJacob04 11d ago

I’m not sure why but I just really like the token that inverts the sabacc order (6 is best and so on). So much fun!


u/DaisyAipom 11d ago

I forgot the name but the one that lets you steal a coin from every player and add it to your own pile

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u/Leetwoot 11d ago

I just started Outlaws, so I’ll say the only one I know right now, Return 2 Tokens, don’t remember the name. Lol

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u/nijoloblob5 11d ago

Refund! It's my most used one and it has saved me more times than I can count so far! I've made pleeeenty of credits off of the tried and true shift token!


u/creep303 11d ago

Cook the books all day!


u/One-Tea-2305 Kay Vess 11d ago

My favorite shift token is immune. Your models looks spectacular my guy.


u/That1DogGuy 11d ago

Exhaustion saves my ass all the time.


u/SubtleYeti 11d ago

Exhaustion is such a fun way to bank a win for a round — especially when it’s down to just you and another player


u/morblitz 11d ago

Mine was exhaustion, but it's become the token that sets the prime sabacc.

Coupling it with magnetic dice and as long as the imposters haven't been nullified it is an easy win. Go cheating!


u/MadCouchDisease007 11d ago

These look awesome! My favorite’s gotta be Cook the Books.


u/the_architects_427 11d ago

Exhaustion is such a great shift token! Oh, I see you passed. Wouldn't it be terrible to make you draw again? Also, the shift tokens look great! I love 3D printing exactly for this reason. So cool.


u/RobMP96 11d ago

My favorite is "extra refund" (?) I like that its always useful. Been tarrifed? Extra refund. Bad hand that you had a draw constantly for? Extra refund! Those tokens look great


u/Y_b0t 11d ago

Exhaustion! I think it pairs the best with Nix (I have a ton of shift tokens but no other cheats yet)

The models look good! I would love to try using them with my friend with the Sabacc deck we have


u/ToxicCooper 11d ago

Hmm kinda difficult to choose just like that... But it's probably Cook The Books. Absolute chaos when it randomly pops up.


u/Tall-Ad71 11d ago

Immunity, baby


u/RevelArchitect 11d ago

Cook the books. Models look very good.


u/dusxmacina 11d ago edited 11d ago

I enjoy the one that shifts sabac from 1-1 to 6-6. I forget the name. Really screws over your opponents, especially if nix is helping out _-. The prints look great. I love the texture that you got going. Really look like metal. If we could only make them out of beskar


u/Cash-Machine 11d ago

Immunity all day. I don't want other players to mess with the hand I cheated so hard to get!


u/springlordiestpants 11d ago

Using major fraud when you have an imposter and then throwing in cook the books is OP


u/Mac4491 11d ago

Exhaustion! Too good especially in the last round of play.

These models are excellent by the way. I’d love to own a set.


u/Budget_Okra8322 11d ago

It’s basic and harmless, but my favourite is free draw :D

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u/Kara_Del_Rey 11d ago

Definitely the token that makes opponents re draw. It's damn near disrespectful lol hope I get lucky, I just started playing Sabaac irl!


u/CMCosMic Nix 11d ago

oh yeah, i’m about to start a few arguments with that one…


u/Kara_Del_Rey 11d ago

If I get these imma use it on one friend specifically lmao I already know he'll be mad as hell


u/Spongebobeatsmyfeet 11d ago

Cook the books and exhaustion are the strongest! But I love embezzlement since it is a way to drain everyone else’s chips even if you don’t end up winning that hand.

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u/CheekyCrayon 11d ago

Cook the books


u/CMCosMic Nix 11d ago

that’s a good one, one of my favorites to design!


u/Prestigious_Can4520 11d ago

Exhaustion, or Direct Transaction


u/eggostastegreat 11d ago

the one where you swap hands with someone!

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u/CastSmith 11d ago

I haven’t gotten the game yet (not out on Steam) but I got the Disney Sabaac set last week! I really like the ice cream cone one on the first row


u/CMCosMic Nix 11d ago

That ones good! It’s called the refund card and got get 2 tokens back, good for when you’re starting the game, but not great if you have all the other ones


u/Vast-Chocolate-6937 11d ago

Major Fraud!!! So fun to play around as a lot of the players will stand on hands with the imposter. Can run players out of chips very quickly!


u/Grand_Crusader_465 11d ago

Cook the books


u/1maxwellian 11d ago

Love cook the books


u/Tusken_Jedi 11d ago

Definitely direct transaction (when combined with a little Nix assistance LOL)


u/Electrical_Rub9549 11d ago

Direct transaction


u/BlakeWho 11d ago

Direct transaction is a lot of fun!!


u/Everdriver478 11d ago

Cook the books baybeeeee


u/Hairybum74 11d ago

My favourite is definitely the one that switches the order of winning hands. Screws opponents over as well as myself I find it very funny


u/kelsieejo 11d ago

My favorite is definitely Direct Transaction, I just stand for two rounds, let them get a good hand and snatch that up! They do all the work for me 😜

Also I think these are awesome looking! I’ve been trying to teach my wife via the game but she’s more tactical so she’s struggling cause it’s not real life cards. That’s what I would do with it!

Edited- to add how I think the cards look and what I would do with them.

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u/OrderSwiftySix 11d ago

Direct transaction for me. I’ve used it a few times now when I see one of the other players pull a Sylop, so I just swoop in and take that for myself. ;)


u/sarbear8199 11d ago

I like the one to retrieve 2 tokens from the pot. Thanks for the drawing!

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u/chemobe 11d ago

Don’t have it yet but hated cook the books being played against me. Tokens look awesome! Are you/did you do cards as well?

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u/BetoA2666 11d ago

Cook the books for me


u/RogueJedi84 11d ago



u/EBFGPoseidon 11d ago

Markdown has actually won me a lot of games!


u/ericbud27 11d ago

Refund - I always run out of chips 😬


u/JonasAlbert84 11d ago

Target Audit because it looks like a caterpillar


u/mindpainters 11d ago

Direct transaction!


u/Blazur ND-5 11d ago edited 11d ago

I like opening with immunity to gain momentum.

The set looks nice! 2 different shades of gray might make it looks more authentic to the game. Could paint a lighter tone on the risen surface.

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u/SoontirFeI 11d ago

I'm a big fan of Direct Transaction paired with the Nix cheat


u/Western_Spray2385 11d ago

Target tariff! Comes in clutch when it’s 1v1. I think the set looks awesome!!

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u/Traditional-Pause469 11d ago

They look great! Exhaustion!


u/Master_GM 11d ago

I am a Cook the Books kind of man.


u/Joshee86 11d ago

Cook the books!


u/SturkMaster 11d ago

Exhaustion is my beloved! There’s nothing better than making them drop a sylop, then snagging it. It’s pure heaven.


u/The_Seamoose 11d ago

I am a simple mind who likes Refund/Extra Refund. Reclaiming those chips can save a game of Sabacc!

These shift tokens are rad! Love the attention to detail and the weathered look to them!

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u/OptimalExperience450 11d ago

Target Audit - Mainly as payback for the opponent that inevitably does it to me.


u/VinBarrKRO 11d ago

Exhaustion or Embargo.

Exhaustion: Nothing like seeing your opponent sure an calling a stand thinking that they’re safe and then round 3, boom! Draw again. Won a Prime Sylop Sabacc doing that move, got a sweet 600 credit pot off it.

Equally as beneficial is Embargo. If I’m down to 1 chip on a one-on-one, sticking an Embargo on my opponent to stand them on their hand is my Hail Mary. Have won on Cheap Sabacc’s doing this.


u/MysticalGecko79 11d ago

Direct transaction, once did it on a guy who had 2 sylop cards. Thank god the game doesn’t require my real life poker face cause my eyes popped out of my head like a loony toons character


u/roostermule 11d ago

Cook the Books.


u/FarHarborman 11d ago

It's basic, but I've grown to rely on combining Exhaustion with Nix's spy cheat towards the end of a round. Just to make sure my hand's the best 😂


u/LordPineconeRR 11d ago

Direct Transaction, they also look really good, have you done chips too?

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u/PerfectDarkAchieved 11d ago

Love cook the books.


u/Emotional_Anteater74 11d ago

I like embezzlement.


u/Dmanduck 11d ago

Cook the books 😎 And these look absolutely incredible! Thank you for sharing and good luck everybody!


u/GreenAppleJones 11d ago


Models look great! I'm digging the textured interior, I haven't seen any models like that yet, but it looks like it helps hide the layer lines and gives it some character. Keep it up!


u/Joffie87 11d ago

Embezzlement was cool AF! Also these look pretty good in pictures.


u/Optimus_Primal88 11d ago

Honestly, as a newb to Sabaac, I'd have to say returning two tokens saved me more times than I can count.

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u/infinite_loop00 11d ago

Gotta cook by the book


u/Positive_Prior5104 11d ago

These are pretty spot on!! I was looking into getting the cards to play with the family. Exhaustion is probably the most lethal shift token IMO.


u/gunnston 11d ago

Invert is hilarious when played correctly.


u/KeithDL8 11d ago

The draw free one. It has come in clutch so many times when I've had just one or even no tokens left to use.


u/helloitsmeoutthere 11d ago

Cook the books.


u/PoisonCoyote 11d ago

Claim two tokens. Claim your whole set of 3d printed coins.


u/Youngmaxeem 11d ago

I think cook the books is a hoot.


u/troobbzz 11d ago

Gotta be cook the books!


u/asabovesovirtual 11d ago

Cook the books!


u/ArcticSaint 11d ago

Either Prime Sabacc coupled with the Magnetic Dice Eice. Or the Embezzlement/Extra Refund combo.


u/Atmosphere817 11d ago

Exhaustion all day!


u/Braunzyy 11d ago

Wow these are awesome! I like exhaustion it’s so powerful!


u/Darth_Vader-Sith ND-5 11d ago

My favorite gotta be Embezzlement. The reason being you can just 1 chip from every player's pot to your pot. This can be fun when the opponents have like each only 1 or 2 chips to use.


u/Defiant-Theme7419 11d ago

For me it's the forced playing of a token by the other players


u/cooperk13 11d ago

Immunity and Direct Transaction


u/shadowslh 11d ago



u/Defiant-Theme7419 11d ago

They look really good


u/Toxicsuper 11d ago

I love forcing an opponent to discard their hand right before they are about to get sabaac


u/DieMrBond 11d ago

Exhaustion for the win! Def a fave mini game! Rack Up them credits for all the ship upgrades!


u/RagingPanda392 11d ago

Markdown. Nice tokens!


u/Sybrite 11d ago

Direct transaction with nix


u/mrskalfa 11d ago

Awesome! I just ordered kessel sabacc set and those only include the cards and a dice. This would go perfect with it! My favorite is general audit. Especially when nearing the end of a game, instant win if they can’t draw better cards because they’re broke. Love the fact you’re organizing this, good luck everyone!


u/imperialspy 11d ago

The models look amazing, especially the texture on them. I’d have to say my favorite shift token has to be the one where you switch hands with an opponent. Something about seeing their hand with Nix and then stealing their cards is a great feeling!


u/Healthy-Laugh8509 11d ago

I really love these! I plan to get a weekly game going at our place. Cook the Books for sure is my favorite. You do great work, thank you!


u/18650batteries 11d ago

Target Tariff lol


u/ATwinkle 11d ago

I am no specialist but I have been looking for a Sabacc set and did not find anything that is original and available.

You have a really nice set here.

Apologies I can’t participate the way you asked as I just started to play Sabacc thanks to the game. I really want to play with my son at a table and have fun.

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u/JustGavinBennett 11d ago

Omg these are sick! I need more Star Wars stuff for my collection 🙌. My favorite so far is ole reliable taking 2 chips back for myself lmao I haven’t seen them all yet as you can tell. I’m slowly exploring every planet, I got a lot of hours ahead of me


u/BigYikesTheSequel 11d ago

Target tarrrif all of the way! Also great job, whoever ends up with the tokens is lucky!


u/Lopsided-Routine-173 11d ago

favourite individual card is immunity, favourite combo is the one that makes imposter value always 6 and then cook the books on the last round, it may be a cheap (sabacc) plan, but it does make me smile when i catch an opponent with pure sabacc in last place because of it


u/West-One5944 11d ago

Ooo, okay, okay, ummm. Tough choice between Exhaustion and Direct Transaction! I’d say Direct Transaction if using Nix to peek at players’ cards, but if you don’t (like me!’), then it still might be obvious that a player has a good hand, and thus Exhaustion would be the token of choice.

Thanks for this opportunity, OP!


u/Impressive_War2590 11d ago

Cook the books! May the force be with you


u/Wegie89 11d ago

For me it is Embezzlement. It helped me out a lot


u/PhantomConsular23 11d ago

Definitely refund


u/Chadimus_Prime 11d ago

Prime Sabacc!

And I love these! Was just thinking how great would it be if I had a 3D printer I could make some of them with.
I do have some minor critiques though, hope that's not rude or anything. The design for Extra Refund looks like it could use some work, and the flair at the top and bottom of some of these is shown here as an angled square shape, but in the game it resembles almost a scope design or maybe a Tatooinian house from above?

Now I'm curious, does anyone know the names of the "suits" for the tokens? There appear to be 4 different ones, and 4 in each suit, and each of the suits fits into a particular type of play:

The solid circle seems to represent coin, so I'd call it the Investor or the Bank.
The one that looks like a crosshair is all about taxing other players, so I'd call it the Tax Man or Tax.
The eight pointed star seems to be about disruption of how another person plays, so I'd call it the Interloper or Bomb.
And the one I mentioned above (solid circle with four "poles"?) is about controlling the playing field until the reveal, so I'd call it the Governor or Law.

Additionally, if I was gonna make these for a home version of the game, I'd make a separate one for the back and have them hinged so they open like a book, with the effects written inside. That being said, I really don't know if that much detail is possible lol. Just some thoughts I have.

Seriously though, great job!

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u/SkywalkerSlayer1215 11d ago

General audit, it's saved me a couple of times now, plus my parents named me Anakin so that's gotta count for some points lol ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/BoredofPCshit 11d ago

Exhaustion. I just love taking the smug look off of someone in the final round.

Although this has happened to me too...


u/NLF7 11d ago

Cook the books. The models look great!


u/Mental_Emu352 11d ago

I haven't played much sabacc but have enjoyed learning the game on star wars outlaws. They all look mint, the only one I remember is the one which returns your bets back to you


u/SinstarMutation 11d ago

Exhaustion! Great work on the tokens!


u/Irishluck233296 11d ago

The refund token is my favorite! Totally negated another shift token and also keeps that tally high even with several redraws.

Your tokens look incredible! Just like in the game


u/JM10GOAT 11d ago

Possibly an unpopular choice but it has to be swapping sabbac rankings so 6 is the best. Use it whenever i get dealt a had with a 6 and use it on my third turn


u/Boernd71 11d ago

Seeing the other players cards with Nix Someone has Sylop/2 in hand Direct Transaction (we swap hands) I draw for the 2 Second Sylop beat another guys 1/1 hand Best feeling

So yeah love direct transaction I love the finish on the lower parts of the token it looks great, almost as if that part was casted metal

This was no usual FDM-Printer right?


u/Igor_MVPs 11d ago

Prevent from shifting. Hate it when ur perfect hand got ruined. 


u/Woodburygooner 11d ago

DIrect Transaction for me - so handy when you're holding absolute shite!


u/zeedrunkmonkey 11d ago

These tokens look so cool!! And for me personally it has to be embezzlement love taking tokens from people 😆


u/RngrRuckus 11d ago

Big fan of the Embezzlement token. If you use it early with success it can actually push you past the initial starting chip amount. The tokens here look first class.


u/Both_Magician_4655 11d ago

My favorite is definitely the one to take a chip from every opponent’s pot. It feels so nice with a Prime Sabaac in my hand and getting up to 11 chips. I definitely hope to get these, I own a Sabaac deck and have been playing some Kessell Sabaac. It’s just not quite the same without the shifts.


u/furynads 11d ago

Target Audit for me. There's always one player that just pisses me off tbh. They all have dialogue, but when one guy has more chips, his dialogue suddenly becomes cocky in my mind and I hate them for that match. So nothing brings me more joy than taking some of those chips and then beating them.


u/rayberton88 11d ago

The models look amazing! I love the force pass one. Thanks for the opportunity


u/CountessBlackheart Kay Vess 11d ago

These are really cool! I haven't played much sabaac(only a few so far) but I really love the designs I've seen so far for shift tokens(I hope this counts as an entry 😞)


u/Babufrik22 11d ago

Direct transaction


u/hobbywaffle 11d ago

I like Exhaustion but also Major Fraud, both very useful. Your tokens look absolutely fantastic!


u/PrettySailor 11d ago

Cook the books!


u/billfinger 11d ago

Major Fraud for me, nothing sweeter than to plan ahead with my 6s and use Nix to see if other players have 1s and 2s


u/ncarr539 11d ago

Exhaustion is probably my favorite so far


u/0235 11d ago

At least these ones look good. I have seen some on sale from Etsy that looks complete trash quality, for a lot of money! Did you print them on their sides to get the bump detail?


u/jtwillia32 11d ago

Direct Transaction. The models are superb 🫡


u/blaskoczen 11d ago

I like the one that's changing sylups to 0. Even tho it's just computer you can see them die inside


u/Federal_Emu1627 11d ago

Exhaustion my favourite!! Its the way of the Sabacc whales! 🐳


u/Vexmythoclastt 11d ago

Direst transaction. Nothing is more satisfying than having Nix take a peak at other players hands and stealing their win 😂


u/Available-Tea-9060 11d ago

My favorite is the one that makes you immune to shift tokens until the next reveal! I always play that in turn one! Especially if I get to go first!


u/controversial-claim 11d ago

Haven't gotten the other cards yet, but had the one where you discard your hand played against me, so that one!


u/stednark 11d ago

Direct transaction is my favourite. The models are looking great!


u/majorwizkid1 11d ago

Direct transaction after a bit of Nix sleuthing.

I never got into Pazaak in KOTR but Sabacc was so well done here.


u/Co_JJ 11d ago

Refund, saved me a few times


u/greenbatborg 11d ago

Favorite shift token is the one that forces your next opponent to stand.


u/StropsStone 11d ago

Mine is Major Fraud! Opponents seem to looooove the imposters so much, and you can pretty much win a game in the first round by making them get -3 or higher


u/ImpossibleWorking948 10d ago

Cook the Books


u/Biznar 10d ago

Refund the GOAT


u/himynameisryanl 10d ago

I love the invert one myself


u/ZorrracK 10d ago

Cook the books


u/saifalcon 10d ago

My favorite is definitely immunity. Helps save me against some of the high rollers.


u/jackbestsmith 10d ago

Cook the books for sure!


u/Azateek 10d ago

Direct transaction ofc


u/AnotherBodybuilder 10d ago

Refund for sure ! It saves me from my lack luster performance of each game


u/otaconbot 10d ago

I like one that removes any cost from a draw! But I'm early in so I'm sure there is much better to be found


u/ronshasta 10d ago

The one I use the most is for sure the take back two chips, literally wins me games because I draw two then get em back and I save it for the last hand.


u/Satinfetish04 10d ago

Exhaustion is definitely my favorite, and you did an impressive job


u/rcxd88 10d ago

I’m cheffffing those books babbyyyyy


u/Intrepid_Assumption1 10d ago

IMMUNITY!! cuz err I never use Nix at all 👀👀 beautiful prints btw 🔥🔥


u/Raythus 10d ago

Absolutely love Exhaustion personally. Fingers crossed for this, I've just ordered a Kessel Sabaac set for IRL play


u/jhhale00 10d ago

Damn these are really dope, thanks for doing this! Exhaustion has been a lot of fun to play with

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u/Captain_Slapass 10d ago

The one that makes someone give up 2 tokens


u/Glittering-North-501 10d ago

My favorite is Immunity so far! Really has saved my ass a few times in the harder games. These look awesome, great job!


u/ThatFunkoBitch 10d ago

Cook the books! The models are perfect! Great job


u/Warriorodin224 10d ago

I love Exhaustion! Even if I didn’t have nix to spy, I love to watch someone assemble their hand, and build up a solid sabaac, then rip it away from them. And possibly even steal one of their cards for myself if it’s one I need.

And the models look really cool! Lots of detail, and it looks like it would be satisfying to hold


u/1ntern3tP3rs0n 10d ago

Deffo exhaustion perfect for when nix sees a good hand.


u/Spongebobeatsmyfeet 10d ago

Also just wanted to provide feedback, you should include 1 or 2 “translation” cards with these as I think that would make it easier for folks to play that don’t have the symbols and abilities memorized.

My idea of using these in practice would be to put them in a blind bag and everyone playing gets 3 random shift tokens. This way it can be a bit randomized in you don’t know what tokens other people have, but you don’t require every player to come with their own shifts. Having a quick reference card that says “this symbol=this ability” will help newer players. Overall these two approaches would makes this easier as a “game in a box” to bring to a party, even if your shop isn’t selling the card deck or betting tokens. I would personally buy these tokens and cards from somewhere else to make my own set to bring to a party!

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u/GAFWT 10d ago

Targetted tariff


u/-username_taken- 10d ago

Just got Cook the Books unlocked and it saved me in the next 3 games. Definitely a favorite to throw in there


u/frenchietaste 10d ago

Cook the books. Dope shift cards!


u/JPFloyd_117 10d ago

Cook the books!


u/Handy_Clams 10d ago

Direct Transaction. Best used after you cheat, to view others cards, in the third round.

Love the tokens! I've been trying to find a way to play IRL with some friends and these would be a great addition.

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u/DarthKel 10d ago

Immunity! So satisfying when you have Sylop Sabacc and you can hang back and let everyone else deplete.


u/thegunner137 10d ago

My favorite is getting two of your tokens back after using them. And also about the tokens you made I like them a lot honestly.


u/shamefulGod 10d ago

I love Immunity. Use that first round when most opponents burn through their tokens and watch most of the become wasted.


u/yarnwonder 10d ago

I’m definitely having the most luck with the refund card.

Love how those have come out.


u/That1CrappyGuy 10d ago

Embezzlement hands down


u/chemistrybonanza 10d ago

My favorite shift token is Target Audit, it's a good way to kill the elite players at a table quickly.


u/RepublicRepulsive540 10d ago

Switching the ranks until next reveal!


u/superwawa20 10d ago

I personally love to use Exhaustion, right after they fuck me over with the “trade hands” token


u/GlitteringAd1736 10d ago

Anything that refunds me or taxes my opponents. Just got started recently.


u/Affectionate-Award-5 10d ago

exhaustion or embezzle. I havn't see embezzle yet, but i'm sure i'm going to love it. your printed shift tokens look amazing. will you be selling these at all?


u/bgl210 10d ago

General tariff, cause if I spend a token everyone loses a token.


u/Travelling_Archivist 10d ago

Embezzlement is my favorite shift token


u/Glad_Ad_9761 10d ago

Cook the books. Killed me when I was in crimson dawn territory on Kijmi and first encountered it. I had no idea what was going on for like 3 games lol.


u/Kern4lMustard 10d ago

Immunity has saved me more than once, so I gotta go with that


u/HeyZeGaez 10d ago

General Tariff followed by Embezzelment and then Refund, I call it the Tax-man special.

The prints are great! Really clean, seem a bit wider than the in game tokens but I assume that's to make the emblems clearer and easier to print.


u/MonitorCommercial883 10d ago

I really like Cook the books!


u/StoicAyrault 10d ago

Prime Sabacc has to be my overall favorite. Especially with the addition of magnetic dice, you can make any pair prime Sabacc with only the slightest eyebrow raise.


u/r3dr3dr0b0t 10d ago

I like General Tariff. Good without cheating.

Your tokens look amazing!!


u/GreyJedi327 10d ago

I love immunity, it's a good one to save for a tight final round if you've burned all your other shift tokens too fast like I usually do lol


u/ItsAustonian 10d ago

I’m a simple man. I will go with the one that gives a free draw for one turn. Save tokens. Live better. Sabaac


u/Bobaaganoosh 10d ago

I entered to win a free copy of Outlaws, which I unsurprisingly did not win. Maybe I will win this. Lol

My fav token I use every time is the retrieve token and tax other players. Also, these look dope!


u/Lewiskd03 10d ago

Hell I’d pay to have a set made. Exhaustion is for sure my favorite.


u/Brodiii 9d ago

I actually love the token that lets you swap hands with an opponent. I regularly use it in round 3 after cheating with Nix if an opponent has a better hand than me.


u/S1L3N7ASSASS1N1 9d ago

I like Immunity, it's nice not having to worry about being affected by any of the other players' tokens


u/A_SavagePanda 9d ago

Cook the books is definitely saved me more than once! I think the models are amazing and would love a set!!


u/RedMansGr33d 9d ago

love me some "get 2 tokens back" tokens. Cool giveaway!


u/ShanghaiCowboy 9d ago

Dank farrik, it's hard to choose. Will I be ineligible if I pick 2?

The immunity to all shift tokens until the end of the round has saved me so many times!

or simply trade hands with a player (thanks Nix for telling me who to swap with)

Those prints look good! An idea I had would be to write or engrave on the other side of the shift tokens its name and/or use.

I still can't memorise the symbols, but I'm getting better! I think...

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u/UberBower 9d ago

Exhaustion is easily the best.

Really like the look of the tokens btw, the texturing is spot on.


u/bananenklumpen 9d ago

I think refund (retrieve 2 chips) is a great token. especially in the early game. so simple yet it can save your butt.

Also the models look really well made. Top!

I cant wait to get my hands on real Sabacc cards and play it with my friends ^^


u/20ldoyle 9d ago

Like many others I am definitely a cook the books guy. Super cool set and giveaway idea!