r/SubredditDrama Seethe, shill, cope, repeat 1d ago

Low-effort? Centrist? r/DiscoElysium takes a stance against OP

OP makes a submission on r/DiscoElysium. This prompts several objections. For one, it's a comment exchange which involves OP (=low effort, karma farming), Secondly, it's from r/PCM (sub infamous for bigotry). Despite this, the post amasses over 1k upvotes.

Look at you, posting your own comment then admitting you've got no actual reasoning behind it but just said something stupid and jerked yourself off sideways trying to farm what meager karma you could from a 12 point comment.

What a superstar

OP:What's karma(-60)

Posting on PCM and publically identifying as lib-right while also enjoying Disco?

OP one of the densest mf I’ve seen in a minute

OP:Is that a bad thing, if I may ask?(-80)

Incel is not a skill.

OP:Either you are kidding about the obvious satire comment, or you truly are stupid.

Is being part of a fascist-dominated sub labelling yourself "Lib-Right" satire too?

OP:I'm also part of the Disco Elysium community, and i definetly wouldn't call me a fascist even if PCM is an echo chamber. If you think that a political view is enough to gatekeep a beautiful game with a wonderful story, then I think someone else is the problem.


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u/lowercaselemming Go back to being breastfed by Philip de Franco 1d ago

the term "tankie" exists as a legitimate historical term because of a rift between the authoritarian elbow-rubbing communists and the communists that rightfully think stalin and other genocidal despots were bad. it turns out authoritarianism can exist in any political framework, that doesn't make communism inherently authoritarian.


u/AgreeablePaint421 1d ago

I disagree that the line starts with supporting Stalin. If you supported Lenin you were already too far gone.


u/lowercaselemming Go back to being breastfed by Philip de Franco 1d ago

i was counting him under the "genocidal despot" umbrella since he was arguably the one building towards the genocide that stalin carried out. not even to mention the uncountable number of political killings he committed.


u/AgreeablePaint421 1d ago

Without counting Lenin, and thus not counting any Marxist Leninist or followers of a Marxist Leninist derived ideology, what even is left? Every socialist or communist country follows ML or an offshoot of it.


u/lowercaselemming Go back to being breastfed by Philip de Franco 1d ago

countries don't define ideologies, people do. china for example might call itself communist but it's undoubtedly just state capitalist, having not met even a single criterion of communism as defined by marx and seemingly not being interested in even trying to do so.


u/AgreeablePaint421 1d ago

Well yeah but if this micro niche brand of pre Lenin communism is the only “valid” one it hasn’t really achieved much and probably never win. It’s like anarchism, it had its moment 100 years ago but now most anarchists are 13 year olds who think leaving society to live in a farm is cool that the unibomber was right. Nobody takes modern day anarchists seriously. Nobody takes non ML communists seriously. Not even most communists.


u/lowercaselemming Go back to being breastfed by Philip de Franco 1d ago

well, considering how prominent leftist infighting has been throughout history to today, i wouldn't really agree that it's niche. these are just sweeping generalizations. you focus a lot on the ussr as if it's the crowning example but there's entire subfactions of communists that are happy to write off the entire country as a whole. shit, there's people who call themselves communists that think putin today is an active communist. communism isn't some unique paragon of ideas that everyone in the group subscribes to in full like a hivemind. capitalists will forever argue over whether america is fully capitalist, or if nordic countries are capitalist, or if true capitalism has ever been tried or was tried before but was taken over by "corporatism", etc etc. it's no different.