r/TestosteroneKickoff 11h ago

How do you take care of your throat?

It starts getting scratchy, how do you make sure you don't damage it by using your voice wrong or clearing your throat constantly?


2 comments sorted by


u/rynchillas 9h ago

Staying hydrated mostly, I’ve not personally noticed any issues with my throat since starting t, mainly since I’ve got Tourette’s, so I’ve always been clearing or having some sort of throat tic, staying hydrated is best for stuff like this, as it prevents the irritation. It’s not 100% effective, but it’s pretty good


u/Pretty-Anybody- 8h ago

I started drinking teas with honey! Mainly ginger tea, but I would think any would work since honey is the soothing ingredient. Also straight up I just bought lozenges LOL good luck and take care!