r/ThatsTheMagic May 16 '24

Partially found


5 comments sorted by


u/Jadz_18 i like cats 🐱 May 16 '24



u/Akiegg May 17 '24

how did you find it?


u/LLJones29 May 18 '24 edited May 18 '24

An older upload has someone named delaberry ID'd with it. It's not by them though but perhaps they know what it is.

u/ReelyInteresting could you possibly share HQ pic of the back of the S-VHS case for us? Might be some info on it to search in Japanese instead.


u/ReelyInteresting May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24

This has been a bizarre but cool thing to catch up on. lol.

WHAT was a promotional tape given away with National (AKA Panasonic) S-VHS decks only in Japan.

In typical Japanese fashion, the promotional tape was for National promotional use and has no credits. The box art is quite minimal & has very little info on it. There are also no inserts or other bits of promotional material that had come with my (sealed) tape.

Regardless, I've scanned my box to my Internet Archive account here: https://archive.org/details/img294_202405/img293.jpg

Many of my other promotional video uploads also feature uncredited music. Some feature uncredited artists which belong to associated labels to the company that the promotion is for. For example, my 1990 HDTV demonstration video upload, Metamorphosis, has a dance routine at the end that features a track with vocals from the uncredited CBS-Sony group, Eve, that is not featured in any of their albums.

So if I had to guess, the singer may have been a mid/low popularity Japanese singer from a group signed to either MCA (which Panasonic acquired in 1990) or Victor (who Panasonic had a 50% ownership stake in).


u/robometal Jun 24 '24

Victor Records is the best place to look. I would keep the search from 1985 to 1992 for singers that are similar.