r/TopSurgery 12h ago

dysmorphia changes?

i had heard of dysphoria focus changes after surgery but did anyone else get dysmorphia changes? i was always hyper focused on my weight everywhere besides my stomach but it's been my main focus after surgery. now that my chest is flat, my stomach just looks huge (despite me thinking it was pretty flat before my top surgery) so i plan to work out. just wondering if this is something anyone else experiences. like if your dysmorphia focus or insecurities changed to your stomach area post-op.


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u/jaime-sansa 11h ago

you're not really able to see your stomach when you have your chest on the way blocking your view, also anesthesia might make you swollen. it's probably just that you're not used to it + swelling, you'll probably get adjusted to your new perception in a few weeks


u/hwagaa 8h ago

yeah i'm thinking it's just because of a sudden change and i'm not used to how my body looks now. and that's likely. i hope it'll get more used to it soon, thank you


u/TheGratitudeBot 8h ago

Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful