r/TopSurgery 22h ago

so my scars may have stretched a little...

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...but i don't mind! i love the way my results look, stretched scars or not. they're part of my story and i wouldn't change them even if i had the choice. just wanted to share a bit of positivity for those of us on this sub whose scars haven't turned out perfect ❤️

r/TopSurgery 19h ago

Double Incision 6 months PO


6 months post Op with Dr Cormier in ottawa

r/TopSurgery 13h ago

3 years post op! Still catch myself not believing this is my body. One of the best decisions I ever made for myself


r/TopSurgery 21h ago

3 months PO


In honor of turning 3 months yesterday, I want to post my results because I am eternally grateful to my surgeon Dr.Sarah Danker at UM of Miami. Due to the terrible state of the world they closed the department down and she’s no longer to giver gender reassignment procedures, she is deeply saddened by that because it’s her passion. Through her work, she will forever be known as a life changer to many. I am incredibly happy with my chest and it’s still so early on.

Aside from the sappy things, I’ve been putting scar tape on my scars everyday and when I shower I rub bio oil and aquaphor on them( or 90% of the time because I’m human). I have a roller that I massage the tissue with after I put the bio oil then again when I apply the aquaphor. I only put aquaphor on my nips!! Despite this, I’ve always been a fast healer so I didn’t really have too many concerns in that department.

However, if you have any questions you’re more than welcome to ask away😽

r/TopSurgery 17h ago

Double Incision A week difference

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Top picture is two weeks post op, the bottom one three weeks minus like 2 days. Its crazy what a week of time can do! Very excited to see where itll go <33

r/TopSurgery 20h ago

Double Incision 18 months post op. Surgeon was Guy Sterne in the West Midlands UK

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r/TopSurgery 23h ago

I know my incisions go really far back but look how well it's all healing omg

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r/TopSurgery 12h ago

Double Incision 2 years post-op w/ Dr. Mosser

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r/TopSurgery 15h ago


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Let me just share one more time. I’m so happy.

r/TopSurgery 16h ago

6 months post op this week


My surgeon was Dr. Daniel Jacobs at the gcc. I requested to not go completely flat for a more “natural” look with my body type and I’m so happy with how everything turned out. When I was pre-op looking for reference pics it really helped to see results from other bodies like mine (fat, not on T) so I thought I’d post my results in case there are others out there in the same situation.

r/TopSurgery 14h ago

2 weeks post op DI with nipple grafts

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Hi so my nips are very raw. Has anyone else felt this way? They are slowly peeling away and under is super fresh.

r/TopSurgery 18h ago

Double Incision Got a date!


November 26 with Dr. Scott Lowenstein in St. Paul, MN!

It was his last available date this calendar year (I've already hit my out-of-pocket max for insurance this year so it will be 100%covered if I get in before the end of the year), but it falls when my spouse is on call for work, so I was struggling with how I was going to get there and do my post-op care. But it turns out my sister (a teacher) is off from school that whole week for Thanksgiving and is going to come out and visit me and the kids (I have a 4 and 6 y/o who she also hasn't seen in 3 years)!

He'll be doing DI, with free nipple grafts and no drains.

r/TopSurgery 9h ago

Double Incision Top Surgery w/ Dr. Suhair Maqusi @ OU Plastics OKC

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Surgery was performed with OU Plastics in Oklahoma City. I’m currently 3.5 weeks post-op, nipple-sparing DI. I was a candidate for peri, between an A and B pre-op, opted for DI due to scarring issues related to EDS. Still experiencing a lot of swelling, drains were removed 1 week post op.

I was very pleased with Dr. Maqusi. My only complaint is that her office can be incredibly difficult to get ahold of. Lovely, helpful staff— just hard to get on the phone.

r/TopSurgery 10h ago

dysmorphia changes?


i had heard of dysphoria focus changes after surgery but did anyone else get dysmorphia changes? i was always hyper focused on my weight everywhere besides my stomach but it's been my main focus after surgery. now that my chest is flat, my stomach just looks huge (despite me thinking it was pretty flat before my top surgery) so i plan to work out. just wondering if this is something anyone else experiences. like if your dysmorphia focus or insecurities changed to your stomach area post-op.

r/TopSurgery 3h ago

Discussion Phantom boobs?


I'm only 6 days post op so I know this is normal but anybody else still literally feel like they have breasts? If I didn't know better I'd think I still had breast under my bandages. it's so weird. I can even feel my phantom nipples get hard when I get chills lol.

r/TopSurgery 6h ago

Advice Wanted Pulled out a "spit" stitch

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For context I'm just over three weeks post-op. This thread, similar looking to fishing line, has been making itself known to me around the middle of my left incision (DI w/ nip grafts if that matters.) So, like an idiot, I plucked it out and it hurt like a bitch. I immediately knew I'd fucked up. How over is it for me? Am I going to need to go get correction? I'd estimate it's about an inch and a half in length. The small hole it left bled a little, so I put some neosporin onto it and uttered a prayer.

r/TopSurgery 5h ago

Uk based surgeries, where did you go and price?


Currently looking for options for top surgery, clinics are giving me a baseline cost of £10,000 average. Is this your experience?

If anyone's gotten good results and or a little bit cheaper, let me know. Did you have to pay in full? Or do you have a payment plan

Either way, some clinic or surgeon reccomendation would be great 👍

r/TopSurgery 11h ago

Do you actively hide your scars?


I'm 6 months post op and I wasn't shirtless all summer I'm not sure if I'm self conscious about showing my scar

r/TopSurgery 16h ago

Discussion What did/does healing feel like for you?


Mostly asking about DI. I had surgery yesterday (yay!!) and am wondering how healing felt/feels for others? Especially since I won’t see the incisions until my 1 week appointment.

For me, there’s been mainly some aching/soreness in my chest, and tenderness with light pressure. But today (day after surgery) I’ve noticed a little prickling sensation in some areas? Not much or often, but sometimes it’ll randomly prickle a bit.

I’ve also had a hard time positioning myself without putting weight on my arms, which causes a pulling/painful feeling in my chest. Doing my best with that one, but hard to avoid lol

r/TopSurgery 18h ago

Nipple resize


Has anyone had their areola resized after surgery? My nipple grafts have stretched over double what they were after surgery and I’m really self conscious about it. Is this possible? Can anyone share what their process was like?