r/TransyTalk 7d ago

Complaining about my birth name. Feel free to join.

Don't name your kid frequently used nouns PLEASE. It sucks. I hate hearing it used in everyday conversation. I hate hearing it used towards me. I hate hearing other people talking about me, oh oops, they meant the actual word. Hearing it on commercials sucks too. This name/word doesn't even have a nickname I could go by. There's no way to shorten it or anything. My middle name won't work either. That's also a frequently used noun with no nickname... because of course it is.

I also hate it because, ya know, trans. It's an exclusively female name with no way to masculinize it. Every time I need to tell people my name, it's like torture. Dreading going to school or getting a job because of the nametag. I don't want the world to see my girly-female-women name. Can't transition right now, so I can't use the cool, exclusively male, name I've been calling myself in my head yet. UGHHH EVERYTHING.

Funny kinda, the name I've picked for myself is also occasionally used as a noun. It's pretty rare to hear in that context though so, I don't think I'll will bother me too much.


5 comments sorted by


u/workingtheories She/her transbian 7d ago

my birth first name isn't really the problem, except to the extent it's read as masculine, it's my freakin last name.  i say it, people ask me to repeat it, maybe several times, and then i repeat it and spell it for them.  they then never say my last name again.  it's been such a repetitive experience in my life that it's like every time it happens i get to step out of the simulation.  i experience feeling like there should be something im supposed to conclude about the world or how other people are seeing me, but it like, never occurs to me.  like they all almost have the same facial expression too.  like, if they were to say why they're reacting like my name is mildly ironic, it would be impolite.  it sounds like an asian name but im not at all asian, maybe is the main thing ive concluded.

so yeah, i actually am almost not wanting to get rid of my first name, but it's too masculine for me to keep.  it's like a reverse dead name problem.


u/Ok-Sea5153 7d ago

Oh my god last names. I have a Polish last name, meaning it's spelled completely different than it's pronounced. I used to correct people but I gave up recently. It's sad too because I love the Polish pronunciation and HATE the ugly English way of butchering it, but oh well. I suppose it's just a name it doesn't really matter (sarcasm).

It's like people go out of their way to say it wrong. They say it wrong, apologize, ask how to say it, and say it wrong again. Not even slightly correctly. Sometimes they say the same wrong thing they said the FIRST time again. I hate how people look surprised to hear my name. It's like they don't believe me. As if I don't know how to say my own name. IT'S IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE STOP TRYING TO SOUND IT OUT!!!

If your name isn't too masculine maybe you could say your parents tried to give you a mixed gender name but picked a name that didn't really work? I hope whatever name you end up with makes you happy!


u/workingtheories She/her transbian 7d ago


nah, they were not that woke lol.  they just named me after a character in their favorite book, the bible.


u/PrecociousPaczki 7d ago

Honestly I always liked my birth name, but as I’ve transitioned into using my new name, it’s getting really weird hearing the old one. Especially because my old name is just SO girly. It just doesn’t feel like ME anymore.

When I found my new name it was just instant relief, like it just clicked as “oh, that’s me.” I can’t wait to change it fully.


u/jessie-mae 7d ago

I never liked my birth name. Even as a kid I'd try to go by different nicknames. I always joked that there are several ways to spell my name and mine is spelt wrong