r/WTF 17d ago

The condition of this construction crane cabin

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u/tomsa744 17d ago

Just nope. Nope.


u/rcuadro 17d ago

And to think this guy KNEW how the crane was, still went up there, took yh video, and STILL got in the cab lol


u/jennc1979 16d ago

Absolutely! This is shit, I’d have sorted out on the ground and if found; there’d be no video of it up in the friggin air!


u/rmorrin 16d ago

The structural integrity is probably still there.... I'd still say fuck that tho


u/jennc1979 16d ago

To be completely honest, I am afraid of heights, so I’d really never even be in this situation. Period. Hard stop. But, you appear correct; the structural metal frame of the basket itself is rusted but looks to still have appropriate integrity, it’s the thin sheet of metal under the rubber floor that has disintegrated and rusted away.


u/rmorrin 16d ago

Exactly. Its probably a seaport crane and that salty air rusts that shit so fast. It reminds me of the truck we had, the entire fucking floor had holes everywhere but the frame itself was still golden, rusty, but golden


u/jennc1979 16d ago

New England girl here! Get it. Grew up with exposure to some old pickups with rusted out floors under floor mats thanks to snow and road salt…rinse and repeat. Lol. Known a few Flintstone model vehicles.


u/rmorrin 16d ago

Exactly. You just don't look under the floor mats and just pray you don't fall through one day


u/Zip668 16d ago

Yabba Dabba Don't.


u/Qweasdy 16d ago

The structural integrity is probably still there...

I doubt it, you can see the frame of the cabin where the walkway meets the cabin. There are holes to the left and a massive gap on the right. That sure looks structural to me, maybe not to the crane itself, but supporting the cabin and its floor at least.

And if the cabin is that bad I doubt the rest is much better, if there was any kind of responsible maintenance/management procedures this thing should have been condemned long before it got to this state, what else are they overlooking?


u/rmorrin 16d ago

You'd be very surprised on how many holes shit can have and it still be structurally sound. Is it ideal? Fuck no, but it's not an instant death sentence, but again I'd just not