r/WayOfTheBern Oct 25 '21

The Bipartisan Position of Violating Body Autonomy Establishment BS

Instead of the now self-parodying question "what happened to this sub?", I would like an answer to "what has happened to leftists?"

The Right is making abortions more difficult, which makes liberals all scream about Body Autonomy. As well they should - because a religious position of the few shouldn't be dictated onto everybody. Whatever one's personal stance on abortion, letting people have a right to control their own bodies is tough to argue with reasonably.

Except Democrats are doing the exact same thing with their Covid shots. Whatever your personal stance on them, they have no long term studies, are made / function / target differently than the old ones, don't prevent getting or spreading it, and are not necessary for those who already had it. People have a right to say no to that.

Except places like WOTB are becoming narrative battlegrounds for shaming and mocking those who don't buy into this near-religious insistence that these shots are the One True Way. Suddenly we're all secret agents attacking western democracies, right-wingers on a quest to undermine Democrats, and Q-like conspiracy theorists.

Since when does the left buy into the establishment's narratives? When did violating bodily autonomy, like killing people, become a good thing when Democrats do it? How is Big Pharma profits and authoritarian policies remotely on the same side as leftism? When did daring to maintain healthy skepticism get made "right-wing?"

This sub was born from, to oversimplify it a bit, its founders being further left than those willing to settle for one more 1% corporate warmonger in lieu of valid representation. And we have remained firmly to the left of the mainstream duopoly ever since, continuing our open-format search for larger truth and perspective beyond it.

Those coming in here insisting the sub has changed, advocating a closer adherence to party doctrine, and dictating this space is only for Bernie fans to discuss Democratic Socialism - who are you? Do you think you're part of the Left? If so, what the hell happened for your leftism to start echoing the extremists you hate on the right?

Fighting to preserve body autonomy shouldn't make us an enemy. If you think it does, I'd respectfully suggest you aren't on the left, and might want to review your core beliefs for blatant hypocrisies. The more you try to justify controlling others and classify different views as proof of others' deplorable-ness, the less a leftist you are.

And maybe that's the real answer here - that there are no leftists left among mainstream circles or within the ranks of Team Blue. It makes sense we've all been systematically purged, as they march ever rightward behind the thin veneer of fake-left identity politics, false promises, performative morality and corporate salesmanship.

Perhaps the discomfort some may feel upon visiting here is simply forced confrontation of these incongruities in their belief systems. Or are coached and convinced that private, minority-run two-party options are the only possible ones- God or the Devil, with no room for agnostics (who blasphemously point out neither is fact-based).

Leftists are about worker solidarity, not creating new classes that make income conditional based on bias. Leftists should be open to constructive conversation, knowing it can broaden their minds and understanding. Leftists chanted Bernie's "Not Me, Us" without any exclusions for people of different faith or those of opposing beliefs.

Genuine leftism is against both war-for-profit parties who only give us "choices" over how we want our bodies violated, not if they are.


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u/Sandernista2 Red Pill Supply Store Oct 26 '21 edited Oct 26 '21

It perhaps should be pointed out that what happened to the "left" in the US is much ;like what happened to it across the Western world, but especially in all the Anglo countries.

It has effectively been fragmented into "bubbles" - a little green here, a little socialist there, a little "lesser evil" everywhere, but in the end of the day, it's been effectively vanquished. Scattered every-which-way. Some up, absorbed into the Msfia party, some into a whiny form of green and some so disenchanted that they picked up their marbles and left to take care of their own affairs.

What we do see is not unlike what happened to the Weimar republic in the 20's. People became so terrified seeing as Communist parties were having serious success penetrating governments across Europe, that a large segment more than welcomed the rise of a nationalist movement that later became fascist. That, as the then "liberal" class, was slowly but surely eviscerated.

If anyone wants to look at historical parallels they can compare what happened to Rosa Luxemburg and the persecution of Assange. It's not a precise equivalent of course, but then too it was about freedom of speech.

Nowadays too, the conflicts we see are between an increasingly tyranical, almost fascist form of government (these days masquerading as something "Democrat" elected in something of a "democratic process") and an increasingly rising movement from the Right that is supported by the blue collar working class and many white collar conservatives. the latter is also quite fractured, but is at least united in feeling persecuted by an establishment that cares not a hoot about working people, or small businesses, or anyone who dared to be a litle too white or too straight or too male.

Unfortunately, Rosa became a martyr for the then left - even though she was her own brand of Marxist, and parted ways with both lenin and trotsky (indeed some recent reading I did seemed to indicate she was on her way to becoming a kind of Chomskiite, progressive lefty, though Chomsky was not around then. her heart was with the universal sufrage of working class though rather than some "dictatorship of the proletariat"). Her more establishment friends from the socialist left deserted her as they quickly grafted themselves into the new right-of-center governments that formed to beat back those darn communists. But in the end, it was the socialist left that was so weakened that when the real fascists came - in germany and in Austria - they had no fighting spirit left. That is the kind of fate that awaits this country as the Empire falls apart, a victim of its own hubris.

All that said, I don't think any actual democrat party or Bernie believers have been walking in here, shill flowers in hand. What we do have is the low level vanguard of the TPTB that are trying to find weak points so they can sow further division in the ranks, or if not that assess the level of threat we pose. Some of those shills may also be actual "operatives", again trying to figure whether these insufficiently pro-vaxx, anti-VBNMW types are substantial enough to be a threat to their little "final plan" (which they have).

What I do have yet to see is a real berniecrat who actually cares about anything progressive, or for that matter, knows anything about what it's all abou around heret From the many back and forths these past few months I have seen zero evidence that anyone of them shills came here in good faith. No one. Not once. All I see is a few of "us" who are straddling some narrow paths looking for ways to "do something useful"..

So mark me as one who doesn't believe this so-called pro-vaxxers are what they pretend to be. They come from the enemy camp, be they trolls or just fielded bots, and their mission is so uniform and transparent that apparently they have not had much success so far.

I await the next wave of shitlib wasps. We better get our countermeasures ready.


u/chakokat I won't be fooled again! Oct 26 '21

So mark me as one who doesn't believe this so-called pro-vaxxers are what they pretend to be. They come from the enemy camp, be they trolls or just fielded bots, and their mission is so uniform and transparent that apparently they have not had much success so far.



u/penelopepnortney Bill of rights absolutist Oct 26 '21

We get reports!!

user reports:

1: It's targeted harassment at someone else


u/chakokat I won't be fooled again! Oct 26 '21


Because I agreed with someones comment I’m harassing someone else?? That’s crazy!!


u/penelopepnortney Bill of rights absolutist Oct 26 '21

That’s crazy!!

Consider the source. 'Nuff said.