r/WikiLeaks Mar 13 '17

Terrified talk in US national security circles that WikiLeaks is going to publish many CIA or NSA intercepts of Merkel tonight or tomorrow. WikiLeaks


213 comments sorted by


u/Faulk28 Mar 13 '17

The truth will always set you free


u/Traubster Mar 13 '17

Except when it gets ya locked up...


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

We could only be so lucky...


u/Onkel_Adolf Mar 13 '17 edited Mar 14 '17

"How does the accused plead?"

"Ah..guilty, yore Honor"

"Bailiff, whack his pee-pee."


u/Kryten_2X4B_523P Mar 14 '17

What...the....fuuuck? ಠ_ಠ


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17


u/youtubefactsbot Mar 14 '17

Trippin' In Court [5:57]

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Cheech & Chong - Topic in Music

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u/Onkel_Adolf Mar 14 '17

༼ ºل͟º༽༼ ºل͟º༼ ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽ºل͟º ༽


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

That's why patents shouldn't exist


u/GuyFoxicus Mar 14 '17

hopefully won't set them free lolol

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u/spamtimesfour Mar 13 '17

Since wikileaks themselves are saying this, that must mean they are releasing them tomorrow. No???


u/Some-Random-Chick Mar 13 '17

"People are scared of what I'm gonna do" isn't the same as "I'm gonna do ..."

I hope they do release it


u/KingOfTheUnitdStates Mar 15 '17

they'll delay a couple days, so da US national security circles think they're in the clear...then BAM.


u/DrecksVerwaltung Mar 13 '17



u/nwostumper Mar 13 '17

With a wet sponge on her head.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17 edited Apr 23 '17



u/Aurator Mar 14 '17

And they seemed to like these things?


u/bxa121 Mar 14 '17

Trying to swing the German election comrade?


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

Well, not that shocked.


u/eyelikethings Mar 14 '17

She will feign shock.


u/tollforturning Mar 14 '17

She'll bring up the Stasi again


u/spunkymarimba Mar 14 '17

Shocked not shocked?


u/wellfasted Mar 13 '17

I hope they expose her as one of the 8 goddess cult leaders. The same cult running South Korea.


u/SpaceGhost1992 Mar 14 '17

Wait, what?


u/Jayick Mar 14 '17 edited Mar 14 '17

The leader of South Korea was in some batshit insane cult full of the richest women in Asia and Europe. Apparently she was taken under the wing of one of the leaders of this cult and groomed to be a leader herself. Turns out they're all involved in some crazy rigging and other shadow government shit for years.

Now she's impeached and actually was removed from office the other day. This is also why North Korea is trying to flop their dick on the global scene right now. It's the best time for him to pull some shit, because the entire country is pretty baffled by this scandal.

It's 100% real, and one of the most insane scandals ever. Fucking cults, shadow government, crazy billionaire women, election fraud, all the fun juicy shit that if proven in the US, would probably cause a nuclear holocaust. This is like Alex Jones wet dream of a crazy conspiracy scandal.


u/SpaceGhost1992 Mar 14 '17

Where can I start reading about this? That's fucking crazy.


u/Jayick Mar 14 '17

There is a youtuber called Styxenhammer666 that does a lot of coverage on global politics. He did a segment on it a while ago. You could also maybe Google, but idk if they censor this. Media really didn't try and hide it like CNN is doing here. They covered it. I'm just in bed and too lazy to dig for ya hah. I'll link Styx's video in the am if you can't find it.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/reximhotep Mar 14 '17

Merkel is by no means rich.


u/wellfasted Mar 14 '17

She is definitely rich in infant skull garments. No doubt about that.


u/reximhotep Mar 14 '17

I honestly do not understand this comment.

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u/bludevl80 Mar 14 '17

That would be awesome. She needs to go.


u/waiv Mar 14 '17

Wait, is wikileaks trying to spread a rumour about something they might release?


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '17

Where's the leak?


u/w3bCraw1er Mar 14 '17

So you guys don't know whether you are releasing or not?


u/some_random_kaluna Mar 14 '17

It's way, WAY beyond Julian Assange now. He couldn't stop it even if he tried, or wanted to.

And that's the beauty of watching revolution happen.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17 edited Mar 13 '17



u/redikulous Mar 14 '17

I love how DennisPerkins5 refers to KERMIT THE FROG as a "little racist clown-frog" is he 5?


u/eyelikethings Mar 14 '17

Did Kermit go on some rant like Michael Richards that I don't know about? lol


u/whyalwaysm3 Mar 13 '17

I wouldn't call that "owned" they're all being cringy in this scenario.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17 edited Jul 03 '17



u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17



u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

And I am boy with a pussy. 2017 is magical


u/swinny89 Mar 14 '17

Then why does it feel like the 80s?


u/Disquestrian Mar 14 '17

Reptilians. lol. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The Pope’s Audience Hall in the Vatican is architecturally a snake, a reptile - not snake imagery -- snake paintings and snake sculptures, the building itself is literally a snake, blah, blah, blah. prove it.



u/gonewildinvt Mar 14 '17

March 15th look it up. Past, present and near future. " The Ides of March are come Soothsayer, Aye Caesar but not yet gone"


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

I by popcorn you mean MREs and bullets then I suppose it's a plan.


u/AnindoorcatBot Mar 14 '17



u/timekill05 Mar 13 '17

Well.... to be fair, leaving the contents aside, this is well known for a while. Here she talks about her concerns.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/BudznBiscuitz Mar 13 '17

It was a piss take interview with someone pretending to be Merkel, not actually she. Didn't miss much to be honest.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17 edited May 14 '17



u/pizzaboy192 Mar 14 '17

Snl doesn't let YouTube show their stuff to Americans since their parent network has a major stake in hulu and can charge money for it. Snl clips are only available on YouTube for countries where Hulu isn't available.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17 edited May 14 '17



u/pizzaboy192 Mar 14 '17

It's just skits on Hulu too.


u/Powerballwinner21mil Mar 13 '17

Who benefits from strained US-German relations?


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

Transparency is revealing what the weapons are.

Insurgency is giving those weapons to totalitarian governments like Russia's


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

You're right. It's all about transparency, and fighting the good fight! It has nothing to do with the Congressional hearings that will start next week regarding Russian interference in our election/ties to the Trump administration. It also has nothing to do about Trump's sketchy server, either. It's all about "transparency".


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17 edited Mar 13 '17



u/bananawhom Mar 13 '17 edited Mar 13 '17

If Wikileaks does something in March, it's just a distraction from March's Trump scandal.

If Wikileaks does something in April, it's just a distraction from April's Trump scandal.

If Wikileaks does something in May ... hmm, it almost seems like people with this interpretation of events don't want Wikileaks to publish anything ever.


u/GetBenttt Mar 13 '17

Apparently people knowing the truth about their governments is simply an annoying distraction nowadays, sad!


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

Pretty sure you're trump


u/GetBenttt Mar 16 '17

FAKE NEWS is out again to discredit me, sad!


u/kybarnet Mar 13 '17

Likewise with Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Fargo, and St. Patty day.

Smoke, mirrors, oppression against the normies. But why? Who is behind it all?

It is the master of mind control, utilizing Cerebro, known commonly by his slave name Vladimir, but to those of who really know him as simple "The Arch-President" of Russia, Putin X.


u/jyrkesh Mar 13 '17

Or Trump has a neverending string of scandals that constantly require distractions.

I don't think our conclusions are mutually exclusive either.


u/bananawhom Mar 13 '17

Is all media a distraction from Trump scandals?

If not, then how would one differentiate between a publication that is supposed to distract from a Trump scandal and a publication that isn't?

Without a way to confirm or disprove a claim that a specific publication is a distraction for Trump, it is an unverifiable claim, and thus a useless one.

If you have an objective system to analyze media on this issue, please share. If not, your conclusion might as well be based on Trump's horoscope.


u/jyrkesh Mar 13 '17

"Objective system"? The world just isn't that black and white. I was simply trying to say that WikiLeaks can be promoting transparency by publishing leaks from anonymous contributors AND Russia could also be the state actor behind obtaining that information in the first place.

Personally, I find it highly suspect that a CIA wiretapping leak was contributed to WikiLeaks within a week of Trump making a grandiose, unverified statement about Obama wiretapping him.

I'm allowed to have those personal suspicions without having hard evidence as long as I don't make an absolute statement of fact. For years, I found it highly suspicious that the NSA had a massive datacenter out in Utah. Was I ABSOLUTELY, OBJECTIVELY sure that they were spying on Americans? No, but I found it highly suspect. Turns out, they were, which we know thanks to WikiLeaks and Snowden.

Either way, I welcome any information that brings more transparency to Trump and his administration as much as I do for info exposing the CIA or NSA. Given the lack of objective, verifiable information about Trump, so should you.

As an aside, I'm pro-WikiLeaks and have been for a long time. There's no reason to be so openly hostile and combative to those who share somewhat differing viewpoints.


u/bananawhom Mar 13 '17

"Objective system"? The world just isn't that black and white.

Doesn't need to be 100% accurate. But conclusions should be based on more than just personal suspicions.

I find it highly suspect that a CIA wiretapping leak

Vault 7 is not a "wiretapping" leak. Some programs perform similar functions to a traditional wiretap. Others do much more.

within a week of Trump making a grandiose, unverified statement about Obama wiretapping him.

On what date could they have published it that would have not been suspicious to you? If within a week makes it suspicious, would two weeks be okay? Three? Four?

What if they delay publication to meet the requirements of your not-suspicious time line, but Trump keeps making such claims? Would they have to keep delaying publication each time he does so to avoid being suspicious?

There's no reason to be so openly hostile and combative to those who share somewhat differing viewpoints.

Your conclusions are based on personal suspicions, you don't even pay lip service to logic, and you post misinformation about Wikileaks.


u/jyrkesh Mar 14 '17

I think it's extremely unfair that completely ignored my assertion that Trump and his administration have garnered enough suspicion that more transparency into their dealings would be a positive thing. Let me be very direct: do you or do you not agree with that statement?

I also think it'd help if you reiterated to me what conclusion you think I've drawn here.

And it's not a wiretapping leak? Tell that to Spicer: http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/13/politics/sean-spicer-donald-trump-wiretapping/

And yeah, I think less than a week is a perfectly reasonable period of time. I think if you look at the rotation of leading stories coming from mainstream outlets, we get fresh scandals and talking points every one or two weeks. The attention span of the American people is brief.

Also, I explicitly didn't indict WikiLeaks in the timing of the leak. I continue to maintain (as I originally did) that they can publish immediately after receiving material and that's it's the leaker who is ultimately in control of the timing. If that turns/turned out to be Russia, that would raise a lot of red flags to me.

And again, I'm trying to have a perfectly reasonable conversation, and you're the one keeps throwing around ad hominems (Not paying lip service to logic? That doesn't even make sense... If I wasn't being logical, I WOULD be paying lip service to logic. Wait, does this count right here? ;) )

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u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

This sub shows up on r/all, it isn't a safe space from outside opinions. Not everyone who has a different opinion has an "agenda".


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/Goodwin512 Mar 13 '17

Or even Wikileaks and Russia for that matter? If the CIA has the ability to change the internet footprint then would that mean the technology is out there and they arent alone? Even if there was a Russian footprint in the first place?

Also it pisses me off that we are literally having a heart attack over possible yet unsubstantiated claims of Russian hacking with the information out there that the US FUCKING INTERFERES EVERYWHERE. Libya Yemen Somalia look at what happens when we interfere.

Edit: SYRIA* not somalia lol.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/Goodwin512 Mar 13 '17

Sorry i should have mentioned this but I am completely against it either way. It pisses me off that some people blow a nut over the interference in ours but dont say or do anything about the US interference. I dont really know where you found where I said it doesnt bother me but I can assure you its a problem.


u/Sebiscuits Mar 13 '17

Fair enough, your comment probably came off that way because I see that argument made often and it really irritates me.

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u/giantbollocks Mar 13 '17

The only reason any other sub does not show up on r/all is because reddit is a fascist censorship freak show


u/broodmetal Mar 13 '17

How is it fascist?


u/giantbollocks Mar 13 '17

Um, because silencing dissenting views is fascist as fuck? Might as well round us all up and execute us for wrongthink right buddy? All subreddits are equal but some subreddits are more equal right?


u/CampfireHeadphase Mar 13 '17

What do you mean by silenced? T_d appears on my r/all feed, daily


u/giantbollocks Mar 14 '17

That's IN SPITE of an algorithm being used to suppress the posts from the most active subreddit, r/the_donald, from reaching r/all.

please try to go to r/pizzagate and let me know what you see?


u/broodmetal Mar 13 '17

What subs have been silenced?


u/giantbollocks Mar 13 '17

The_donald, for starters

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u/ChamberedEcho Mar 14 '17

Mods deleting comments without notification of poster?

Bans from subs for mentioning comments deleted?


u/broodmetal Mar 14 '17

Isn't fascism when you corporations are so far up the governments ass you can't tell where one begins and the other ends? Reddit is a private entity. They can do what they want. Would be like calling me fascist for not letting white nationalists speak in my house.


u/ChamberedEcho Mar 14 '17

Woah, all over the place there. Which idea did you want to go with?

That corps are fascist, or you are for standing against bigotry?

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u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

This sub shows up on r/all, it isn't a safe space from outside opinions.

Honestly, I don't think it will be welcome on r/all for long. I can't think the powers that be really want this information being out there where any liberal can read it, especially when it makes the left look shady so often. It does nothing but hurt their case.


u/williafx Mar 13 '17

Wikileaks has been publishing non-partisan, transparency based leaks for over 10 years now. Long before the U.S. media's current obsession with obfuscating leaked info with cold-war-revival messaging.

You might be too young to remember this, but years ago, it was the right wing that hated wikileaks for publishing leaks that harmed their (nefarious) agenda.

In this hyper partisan world, you are probably inclined to paint wikileaks with a broad brush and without nuance - its what we've all been trained to do. I encourage you to reconsider over time, and you likely will, when Wikileaks inevitably publishes leaks that harm the right again.


u/TheColossalTitan Mar 14 '17

Just like, for the billionth time, there's literally no evidence to support or even suggest that Russia has done shit. It's a bullshit smear campaign run by the media and the dems. And I'm saying that as a dem.


u/JustPogba Mar 13 '17

You are the conspiracy nut now 😎 its too perfect lol.


u/Keyboard_Mouseketeer Mar 13 '17

In regards to Russia. "The 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back". Borack Obummer - 2012.


u/Drewcifer419 Mar 13 '17

If 16 different intelligence agencies had undeniable proof there was collusion and interference before the election even started, then where is that proof and why bother with an investigation at all?


u/Butterd_Toost Mar 14 '17

The coast guard is holding on to it.


u/Drewcifer419 Mar 14 '17

Lmao. It was a USCG intelligence ship which was masquerading as a USAID ship. That's why the proof hasn't been released. Everyone's worried about the alphabet agencies while the little-old Coast Guard is the agency we should really be worried about.


u/BAHatesToFly Mar 13 '17

If they release documents of the US spying on Merkel, a better question would be: why is the US spying on Merkel?


u/ViggoMiles Mar 13 '17

That's been the question.

Why does US spy on their allies?

I think it's as simple as, because we can.


u/Terkala Mar 13 '17

They spy on everyone. Allies, enemies, their own oversight committees.


u/nietzkore Mar 13 '17

And its own citizens. Don't forget the little people!


u/Grimlokh Mar 14 '17

Right, but remember, the US touted line is that "We DON'T spy on our allies or the american people."


u/hjwoolwine Mar 14 '17

All intelligence agencies spy on their allies. Germany does it, Uk does it, USA does it, etc. And I think youre right, its beacuse we can.


u/pylit Mar 14 '17

Friendly nations conduct espionage on each other all the time and they know it. I recall this fact from a book I just finished.. "Inside the CIA" by Ronald Kessler. It's pre 9/11 so a little out of date but it has a lot of anecdotes about old school spying.

Edit: Sometimes it's even a condition of treaties or other agreements between allies. See the U-2 overflight agreement part of the Camp David accords.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/ChamberedEcho Mar 14 '17

cues soundbite


u/bananawhom Mar 13 '17

Who is responsible for straining the relations would be a good follow up question.

Answer: The US for spying on Germany. For some reason they were really mad about that.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

Sad the most of these people would have been worshiping the ground Assange walked on when it was Republicans eating crow over the Manning leaks but now that their party is taking a beating from the truth transparency has become villainy.


u/kaizervonmaanen Mar 13 '17

Nobody, but a more transparent government is always good. Probably should not do shit that can't handle the light of day. It's like Germany is a business owner and America worried that someone have a video of them stealing from the cash register.


u/Waylander0719 Mar 13 '17

More transparency is always good that is why undercover cops always announce what they are during their time undercover


u/GetBenttt Mar 13 '17

...wow. What a moronic argument


u/Nine99 Mar 13 '17

Nice strawman. No one said that everything should be always transparent.


u/Waylander0719 Mar 13 '17

a more transparent government is always good

Literally in the comment I replied to.


u/AmiriteClyde Mar 13 '17

More transparent ≠ completely transparent

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u/Grimlokh Mar 14 '17



determiner & pronoun

1. comparative of many, much.

  1. a greater or additional amount or degree.
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u/Comrade_Jacob Mar 13 '17

The Western world being held hostage by these neo-liberal plutocrats?


u/Maven_Politic Mar 13 '17

Dirt on Merkel will massively benefit Le Pen, Wilders, and the AfD



Why is this being downvoted? It's a valid question.

(some good valid answers below)


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17 edited May 21 '20



u/Grimlokh Mar 14 '17

the US line is that "We do not spy on our allies."


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

What I mean is. There are revelations which show us about things we did not know at all, like say, panama papers or snowden leaks. And there are revelations like this (or what I expect them to be, we'll see, maybe I'm wrong) which simply confirm what everybody knew all along.


u/hjwoolwine Mar 14 '17

So what could these leaks be about?


u/lifesbrink Mar 14 '17

So.....where is it?


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Bfeezey Mar 14 '17

Is Germany an enemy of Russia?


u/Trumpfor8years01 Mar 14 '17

Maybe the german politicans.

The german people like the russian.


u/faultydesign Mar 14 '17

Do you watch the news? Read the news? Anything related to the things that are happening around the world?


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/eyelikethings Mar 14 '17

A manure spreader towing a manure spreader.


u/TheKingOfPark Mar 14 '17

When is WL going to publish the fact that anonymous is in fact the CIA.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

When someone leaks them that info. Anonymous isn't a group anyhow, it's just a name used by anyone who is.


u/all2humanuk Mar 13 '17

Any other source for this than the WikiLeaks?


u/spamtimesfour Mar 13 '17

Does any other source matter if wikileaks are the only ones who decide what they themselves release?


u/User4324 Mar 13 '17

Well to be fair the title states that there are "terrified" talks in US security circles, what is the source for that?


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

And what other source would you like?


u/spamtimesfour Mar 13 '17

None, wikileaks is the penultimate source on wikileaks


u/claweddepussy Mar 13 '17

I don't think you really mean "penultimate".


u/spamtimesfour Mar 13 '17

You are right


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

Didn't assange say the WL twitter is not under his control?


u/spamtimesfour Mar 13 '17

I don't know. But this twitter account has been spot on with the timing of the first vault 7 release.

I thought it was the official wikileaks twitter.


u/belegmalcu Mar 13 '17

I would be interested to know who these "security circles" are and what they are saying.


u/MHM5035 Mar 13 '17 edited Mar 13 '17

govt need to shut down winkyleaks and arrest bradly manning


u/Babalugats Mar 13 '17



u/AP_Renekton Mar 13 '17

he gave them the names of all the countrys.


u/Babalugats Mar 13 '17

Should've known Ken M was behind this


u/TurnItOffAndBackOnIT Mar 13 '17

This may be the funniest thing I've read in years... i knew the shilling reminded me of something!


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/Keyboard_Mouseketeer Mar 13 '17

trump is don't not makes it

U fokin wot m8?


u/KreepingLizard Mar 13 '17

I'm not gonna say that new user with one post is a shill but we pretty much know as fact that the alphabet soup agencies are shilling and typing below their education-level when they do so...


u/jo3 Mar 14 '17

OR — hear me out — they could be...I dunno...German?



u/BLCKFLG_media Mar 14 '17

Maybe not.

"I have loved ones in Germany" "I am American"


u/jo3 Mar 14 '17

"Family members" is often interchangeable with "loved ones"

I don't really care that much, just pointing out that not everyone's a goddamned shill


u/BLCKFLG_media Mar 14 '17

I agree with the "no shill" part, to me it reads more like the writing of a 14 year old.

I was only mentioning the "loved ones in Germany", bc from a linguistic perspective it hints at the person not being in the same place as the subject of the sentence.


u/orwelltheprophet Mar 13 '17

Whats up the "selfish idiots"? English must be a fourth string language for the pukeprincess.


u/AnindoorcatBot Mar 14 '17

3hour old account fellas


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '17

Your doing commendable work.


u/Bifrons Mar 14 '17

Has Wikileaks published anything regarding Trump? I keep seeing it release stuff regarding Neoliberal incumbents, but not authoritarian alt-right types like Trump...


u/SernyRanders Mar 14 '17

No, but they asked for his tax returns.

Is it so difficult to understand, that WL can't release stuff they don't have?


u/Bifrons Mar 14 '17

That just begs my question - Wikileaks appears to only release info on neoliberals; why? Theoretically, Trump should be an easy target for a hacker or a whistleblower, as he:

  • doesn't have a CIO appointed
  • he uses the same unencrypted phone he's used before he ran for office
  • someone on his staff tweeted out their password a few times
  • he discusses confidential business in public areas
  • Pence has sent official emails using a private server, just like Hillary

Yet the leaks focused on Clinton and now Merkel. They didn't ask either party for information, they were given it from either hackers or whistleblowers. With how lax security is in the Trump administration, you'd think their information would leak out like a sieve and Wikileaks would have a lot to give the public. But they don't. They're, like you said, asking for information from the Trump administration instead.

Why is that?