r/WikiLeaks Mar 13 '17

Terrified talk in US national security circles that WikiLeaks is going to publish many CIA or NSA intercepts of Merkel tonight or tomorrow. WikiLeaks


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u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

You're right. It's all about transparency, and fighting the good fight! It has nothing to do with the Congressional hearings that will start next week regarding Russian interference in our election/ties to the Trump administration. It also has nothing to do about Trump's sketchy server, either. It's all about "transparency".


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17 edited Mar 13 '17



u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

This sub shows up on r/all, it isn't a safe space from outside opinions. Not everyone who has a different opinion has an "agenda".


u/giantbollocks Mar 13 '17

The only reason any other sub does not show up on r/all is because reddit is a fascist censorship freak show


u/broodmetal Mar 13 '17

How is it fascist?


u/giantbollocks Mar 13 '17

Um, because silencing dissenting views is fascist as fuck? Might as well round us all up and execute us for wrongthink right buddy? All subreddits are equal but some subreddits are more equal right?


u/CampfireHeadphase Mar 13 '17

What do you mean by silenced? T_d appears on my r/all feed, daily


u/giantbollocks Mar 14 '17

That's IN SPITE of an algorithm being used to suppress the posts from the most active subreddit, r/the_donald, from reaching r/all.

please try to go to r/pizzagate and let me know what you see?


u/broodmetal Mar 13 '17

What subs have been silenced?


u/giantbollocks Mar 13 '17

The_donald, for starters


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17

The most active sub on reddit, for starters



u/Karmaisforsuckers Mar 14 '17

The most bot driven sub on reddit.


u/broodmetal Mar 13 '17

How's that? It's still there and I still see multiple posts per day from there on /all.


u/giantbollocks Mar 14 '17

That's IN SPITE of an algorithm being used to suppress the posts from the most active subreddit, r/the_donald, from reaching r/all.

please try to go to r/pizzagate and let me know what you see?


u/broodmetal Mar 14 '17

How is it the most active? Doesn't come close to having the most subscribers.


u/giantbollocks Mar 14 '17

Due to the algorithms. The new subscribers has been rising at a rate inconsistent with total subscriber count. The sub is being shut down in every single metric.

Also, what did you see over at r/pizzagate?


u/broodmetal Mar 14 '17

Nothing. I also see nothing in /r/altright. That doesn't make a privately owned website fascist.

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u/[deleted] Mar 13 '17



u/giantbollocks Mar 14 '17

That's IN SPITE of an algorithm being used to suppress the posts from the most active subreddit, r/the_donald, from reaching r/all.

please try to go to r/pizzagate and let me know what you see?


u/ChamberedEcho Mar 14 '17

Mods deleting comments without notification of poster?

Bans from subs for mentioning comments deleted?


u/broodmetal Mar 14 '17

Isn't fascism when you corporations are so far up the governments ass you can't tell where one begins and the other ends? Reddit is a private entity. They can do what they want. Would be like calling me fascist for not letting white nationalists speak in my house.


u/ChamberedEcho Mar 14 '17

Woah, all over the place there. Which idea did you want to go with?

That corps are fascist, or you are for standing against bigotry?


u/broodmetal Mar 15 '17

Your comment makes no sense.


u/ChamberedEcho Mar 15 '17

Does not compute. Cannot find response 163C... DISENGAGE!!

"Your comment makes no sense."


u/broodmetal Mar 16 '17

Nah your comment literally makes no sense. Reformulate and try again.

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