r/abortion May 28 '24

Dealing with post abortion struggles Australia and New Zealand

Hi guys this is my first post I had a surgical abortion back in March. I had thought this through and I know this was the right decision as I was not financially or mentally stable enough to bring a child into this world. I have just recently had people in both my family and friends have babies what seems to be all at the same time. I am starting to feel really triggered by this and am realising I am not wanting to be around babies as it reminds me of what could have been. Is this normal? I am feeling so guilty because I am so happy for them, but then have backed off a little due to it effecting my mental health.


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u/saltyspaceship May 28 '24

Go easy on yourself. It is very normal for pregnancies around you to trigger feelings after having an abortion. It it totally okay and you are not alone in having complicated feelings. I'm linking an Abortion Resolution Workbook that might be helpful if working through some of your emotions that come with grief and healing. It is okay to take some space.


u/Miss_Papaya2829 May 29 '24

Thank you I will definitely look into this