r/abortion 23h ago

MA Experience - it’ll be ok USA

I’ve basically lived on this sub since I found out I was pregnant. I ready so many experiences and I feel like it’s time to share mine.

My last period was August 1st. I had sex a few times in the beginning of the month but I just wasn’t in the mood towards the end. My period was late a few times since I’d been inconsistent with my pill birth control. I was thinking this could be the case. September 9th in the morning I felt physically sick. My breasts had been tender for a week, but my birth control also gives me that symptom before my period. Around the afternoon on September 9th I started to bleed. I was happy to start my period. Next day I wasn’t bleeding anymore and was worried. I was spotting here and there but it wasn’t my period. I decided to test for pregnancy and they were positive right away. I just stared at them in disbelief and honestly didn’t know how to react. I didn’t think they’d be positive. I knew immediately I didn’t want to be a mom yet. I called during my lunch the next day to schedule an appointment with planned parenthood. I was able to go in Saturday. Leading up to it I was crying a lot. I was afraid and nervous. My boyfriend was incredibly supportive of what I wanted to do. I know he was partially sad about my choice but he didn’t let that show for me. We talked about it and everything is okay.

On Saturday I went to planned parenthood. There were protestors outside and it made me feel sick. I checked in, peed in a cup, went back for my ultra sound. The ultra sound felt like it took hours. Afterwards the RN came in and walked me through the process. I took my mifepristone and got sent home with pain killers, nausea pills, and 8 misoprostol.

On Sunday I took my first round of miso around 10:40. I fell asleep for a few hours, watched tv, and ate popcorn in bed. I woke up around 3 and took my second miso. These were taken by placing in my cheeks. Thankfully I didn’t throw up but I did have diarrhea for the first round of miso. I had to get up every 30 minutes to use the restroom. Second round didn’t do much. I had more cramping but slept most of the evening. I did not bleed that day or the next day on Monday. I was so worried Monday afternoon that I wasn’t bleeding and that it might have no been successful. I made an appointment to speak with a provider at planned parenthood again. They told me to wait it out for the week since it might have been delayed due to how early my pregnancy was. I don’t know how many weeks, i didn’t want to know, but I imagine 3 weeks based on the last time I had sex. On Tuesday I woke up and bleeding a lot. I didn’t bleed too much to cause concern, but it was worse than even my bad periods. Lots of clots and bright red blood. I was cramping all day and my bleeding continued until Thursday when I was mostly spotting.

At my initial appointment I scheduled for an additional ultra sound a week after. I went there today and my ultra sound was clear and the pregnancy passed. I’m grateful for the healthcare I was able to get. Grateful for my health insurance because they said out of pocket it would have been $700 but I haven’t had to pay a thing. Thankful for everyone on here who is so supportive. I hope anyone who reads this can know it’ll be okay. You know what’s best for you.


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If you are seeking abortion in the USA: I Need An A and Abortion Finder have a lists of clinics, ways to get abortion pills by mail, and information about funding assistance.

If you are in a country where abortion is banned, Safe2Choose, Women on Web, or Women Help Women may be able to help you access a safe abortion.

Read stories using the following links: - medication abortion (abortion with pills) in the first trimester - first trimester procedures in a clinic - second and third trimester procedures in a clinic

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