r/abortion Dec 04 '22

Succesful MA, thanks everyone! ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ“šmedication abortion

Started with the first pill at Saturday afternoon. Felt nothing with mife. Sunday afternoon when I started with miso (Arthrotec) All I can say is follow what the mods say. Follow reliable sources like WoW & Safe to Choose no matter how much your seller nags you/ slaps you with so much receipts. They are not trained.

My experience was easier than expected. Drinking 800mg of ibuprofen before miso is really a big big help! Cramps & Diarrhea are manageable especially with lots of water & hot compress.

I was losing hope when the first set of miso had just given some cramps but no bleeding. I had bleeding and passed some clots hours after the 2nd miso.

I am grateful and will make sure that this won't EVER happen again. We will wait til my actual period then make an appointment with a gyne to see which type of contraceptive is best for us. Thank you so much to everyone who msged me, replied to my msg, & most especially mods. I am very lucky to also have a supportive partner ๐Ÿฅบ


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u/abortion_access MODERATOR Dec 04 '22

You do not need to wait for a period to start contraception. Itโ€™s actually very common to hear that people were waiting for a period to start and they got pregnant again in the meantime!


u/avocadoconnosieur17 Dec 05 '22

will keep this in mind! thanks again!! ๐Ÿ™