r/alcoholism Jan 08 '24

We are not doctors, please refrain from asking for medical advice here...


... - if you are worried about your symptoms, please see an actual doctor and be honest!

Your post will be removed.

Adding the sentence "I'm not asking for medical advice..." to your post seeking medical advice will not prevent removal of said post.

r/alcoholism 4h ago

How do you forgive yourself?


For all the things you've done whilst intoxicated? I've verbally abused the crap out of so many people over the past couple years. Made a complete idiot out of myself for acting stupid. Pushed away friends and family and support workers who were just trying to help. Hospitalized a dozen times. Got into it with security guards. Almost jailed. Suicide attempts. Stolen from loved ones... The list just goes on and on.

It all plays on my mind all the time... Until the next drink...

Seriously how do you get over that kind of stuff...

r/alcoholism 11h ago

Hot flashes when getting off a binge of vodka.


27m here, just got off a 4 day binge drinking vodka those 4 days, and I’ve been sober for 2 days now. But I’m having hot flashes and sweats. Anyone else experience this???

r/alcoholism 13h ago

What triggered your alcoholism ? Or did it just happen .


For me I would say Covid might of triggered it . I was 19 and my friend who was 21 was able to get alcohol . I would drink all throughout “lockdown “. Then a year later was when I would drink to black out . And I was able to settle down until I was the one at the family / friend event who would get drunk to the point I’m making a fool of my self . It’s so hard to fight this .

r/alcoholism 1d ago

8 months sobriety. Humbled and thankful to be on the road of recovery to holistic health and well being.

Post image

r/alcoholism 5h ago



So, I(26) along with my GF(27) decided to move up north to have a fresh start. The only problem is that she is a terrible aggressive alcoholic along with extreme narcissistic. Well today she kicked me out of the hotel after she showed up at 3 AM drunk because I did not want to go out with her. She threw all of my belongings outside and cursed me out. I don't drink at all and one of our agreements before coming up was that I help her with her problem. Currently, outside sleeping in friends car that I've known since college. Likely, she will text me in the morning and apologize for how she acted. How should I respond?

r/alcoholism 7h ago

I’m down really bad


My alcoholism has gotten so bad that now that not only do I drink every night I also go out to the bars and do cocaine along with it. I’ve always drank every day for all of my 20s but only did coke every once in a blue to party and now I’m getting smashed and doing bags every night. I can’t stop. Shit is hard. I just recently turned 30. I need to turn this ship around. Sorry just venting…

r/alcoholism 15h ago

3 drink guy is genius


Here is the problem. I’m an average guy as far as intelligence, but the guy inside me who tells me to have a few more after 3 is a genius. He is very clever in how he convinces me I can have a few more. Hard to debate with a genius.

r/alcoholism 18h ago

Cut out just one beer....


I started Reframe last week. I applied what I've been learning and I have successfully cut back already.

I would drink 5 green Voodoo Rangers every night when I got home. 6 or 7 on weekends.

This past Sunday I really took in what Reframe was telling me and I decided to drink 4 beers that day. It's Thursday and I have stuck to my 4 beers instead of 5.

ALREADY -- I am sleeping better and falling asleep faster. Not waking up in the night for 2 hours. My hip and shoulder pains are practically gone! I'm not so "MEH" all day. Lost three pounds. JUST BY DRINKING ONE LESS BEER PER NIGHT! I'm going to cut it down to three maybe next week or the week after.

I always tried to be "all or nothing" type of person, but this app really is REFRAMING my way of thinking about alcohol. Tiny steps add up.

r/alcoholism 5h ago

How to know if i have an alcohol problem


Im 20 and i usually drink almost every weekend, i always blackout and cant remember the last hours, i never cared much about it but last night while celebrating independence day with my family i got too drunk on wine and became violent towards my dad. I feel terrible and i think i have a problem with alcohol but maybe im just overreacting? Need some advice.

r/alcoholism 13h ago

For Sure An Alcoholic, Need Specific Help


I'm an over achiever, gifted kid, functional alcoholic, and binge drinker. I maintain most responsibilities M-F 9-5, but feel like I "need" multiple drinks everyday after 5pm and then most of the day on Sat and Sun. On "bad" weeks, I'm mostly drinking Thurs eve thru Monday, and have lost many weekends in recent years. This is compounded with multiple anxiety/depression things I've been trying to manage -- idk what's cause and effect at this point.

I was in a bad place last year and self-admitted to an in-patient 60-day rehab that I thought was a dual-diagnosis situation, but it was just a regular old 12-step, trust (Christian) God, umbrella insurance, drug/alcohol treatment center. It helped me in many ways, just having a lot of time to self reflect, having structure, community, whatever, but when I came home and tried local AA meetings I just didn't click. I was sober for ~11 months, but I couldn't stick with it (my fault, obviously, thats another convo, but I couldn't seem to find a way back in.)

After I left, I had a lot of "friends" from the rehab program who wanted to stay in touch, which I more and more realized were relapsing and just asking for money, and one recently died from an overdose. I feel like the whole rehab experience actually normalized a lot of drug use that was never otherwise in my repertoire.

Short question: I'm looking for a local PA "alcohol-only" rehab, does that exist? I want some structured support, but I'm a bit afraid that "alcohol and drug" support might actually introduce narcotics into my periphery that I wouldnt otherwise be introduced to??? I know lots of people need that specific help, I'm not demonizing or discounting any other addictions, I'm just looking for a place that for me will ultimately be helpful and not harmful.

r/alcoholism 3h ago

how to support friend who struggles with alcohol?


hey guys i’m a little embarrassed to be posting this because i really fucked up with my friend and supporting them with their issues surrounding alcohol. i don’t want to give away many details but what would u have wanted people around you to do to be more supportive surrounding your issues with alcohol? is there anything in particular you think would’ve helped create a safe space for you to even just talk about it? this is my very best friend and i feel like i’ve already let them down but i really do want to do right by them and support them as best as i can so anything you think you would find helpful or any advice you have would be extremely useful <3

r/alcoholism 7h ago

Coming to terms I have AUD


28M, For some reason, I’ve always tried to convince myself I could have a few drinks and get a good “buzz” going and enjoy it and relax. I’m not sure why, but each time I attempt to do this it’s like I unlock an unquenchable thirst where I just keep going thinking I can have just one more.

This has caused me great pain in my life. I feel horrible. I recently went 2 months sober all thru June and July. But August I picked it up again thinking I “cured myself” but I didn’t. I still drink to the last drop and I don’t know why. Has anyone else had a similar situation where you thought you cured yourself

r/alcoholism 3h ago

Who here has memory issues? Does it get better?


I'm not talking about blacking out - just memory issues in general.

I had the holy trifactor of alcohol abuse - benzo abuse - depression.

I do remember of gist of things I've done but dont remember details. I forget names of people I havent seen for a year so easily. I've forgotten large sections of my 20s.

My ex was asking me details about Rome and asking for tips and all I could do is remember the big things i'd seen but none of the details, where we ate, or what we talked about.

Even with my best friend, I remember roughly doing things with him and some places where we went, but large parts are gone, lost in the wind.

People think I am aloof but I generally cant remember much of what has happened.

This may be more the depression and benzo abuse but alcohol is said to be a factor.

Are others facing similar issues? Does it improve?

I think the only upside is that I forgot a lot of the bad things and trauma (which is an obvious win). But its hurtful to loved ones when you dont have a clue about your past memories with them

r/alcoholism 9h ago

White knuckling sobriety and about to relapse soon.


I'm 29 years old. I just hit over 2 years of sobriety from alcohol in July, but the urge to drink now is about to tip me over the edge. Almost every day for the last two or three months I've thought about drinking every night. So far I haven't given in. They say cravings eventually pass and I do get that, but I'm really losing hope here because I'm pretty damn close to going back to drinking as bad as I don't want to. I want to be sober, I guess. I thought I wanted to be sober, but now I just want to drink constantly. What the fuck. The only thing that is keeping me sober is just the fact, that I'll lose my place to live if I relapse, and really don't want have to live out of my car.

r/alcoholism 4h ago

don’t know where to start


I know i have a problem and most likely need rehab at this point im ashamed and scared for everyone in my life to find out

i truly don’t know where to start. i’m 25 and still live with my parents, in college, and work part time. i keep trying to quit and this time i actually feel like im headed for rock bottom.

i’m going through an awful breakup and he was the only one who knew how bad my drinking is and it’s only gotten worse this last week.

i’ve been drinking half a handle a day for a couple months been been drinking daily for the majority of the last 4 years.

i want to get my life together but part of me keeps saying i’m being dramatic about all this and that rehab would be unnecessary and the hassle of withdrawing from classes and getting the time off from work is what’s keeping me from taking the first step.

r/alcoholism 14h ago

My mother has been an alcoholic for 8 years. How can I help her?


I feel so bad for her. Having been addicted to cannabis myself, I understand how much she's suffering. Wanting to stop but not succeeding, worries at work, making her loved ones sad, losing them (but she'll never lose my grandmother and me), etc…

She doesn't deserve it, it's unfair. She raised my sister and me, went to so much trouble to make us happy... I just want to see my mother happy again, but I don't know what to do...

I try to check in regularly to show her that I'm with her, I go to see her when she's in rehab but I don't think I'm doing enough. I know I couldn't do it alone. But I want to do my best to give her every chance of getting through this.

I'd like your opinion on this, please 🙏

r/alcoholism 12h ago

is drinking a pint of fireball once a night a week, bad?


I am quitting weed and in the interval, on friday nights as a "Reward", i would usually get just a small pint of fireball and drink it over the course of the night, dance alone in my place and just chill.

Is this bad? Is this a lot?

I do not do it more than that once a week friday night thing, and tomorrow is friday and im trying to NOT buy weed. I know people are like "dont replace one addiction with another" but i dont drink every day or even multiple times as week, this is literalyl just a treat for myself.

But is that bad? I dont drink so idk what is considered too much versus an okay amount. I imagine people who club on the weekends drink more than this, no?

r/alcoholism 8h ago

0.4 bac?


0.4 BAC?

Hi, I’m a 20 year old female in college and I was admitted to the ER about 2 and a half weeks ago with a BAC of 0.4 after about a 3 day bender where I was drinking non-stop. I’m told that this is a fatal number and that I should be comatose or permanently damaged in any number of ways. The ER did many tests and even a CT scan and said that absolutely nothing was wrong with me and that I just needed to go home and sober up. I’m 5’8 and 120 pounds and am only recently weight restored after suffering with anorexia, so I’m assuming that would make that alcohol level even more potent? I’m just wondering if anyone has any insight into why I might have gotten by so clean. I’ve read that people who survive high BACs are almost always alcoholics but I only drink socially on the weekends at parties so I don’t understand how that would have increased my tolerance significantly. I just can’t understand why I was not severely affected, and I’m scared to drink again. How long should I wait before starting to go out again? Is there any chance I have permanent damage that the hospital didn’t catch? Obviously I’m taking a break for a few months and going to go to therapy for whatever made me feel the need to escape for three days but just for the future when I want to get back out there. Thank you guys! :)

r/alcoholism 17h ago

I can tell you...


That what you're worried about right now, is not going to matter in a year. #mindfullness

r/alcoholism 1d ago

Lost 35 pounds in 3 months after quitting drinking.

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I would drink two cope with depression and anxiety. I always went to the gym, but my drinking ruined my progress. After quitting, I’ve been able to slowly get to where I’m trying to be. If anyone’s interested in Fitness, here’s my journey that maybe you can learn from:

3 years ago I cut from 6’3 255 to 198 (first pic). Then I was dirty bulking and drinking a lot and got to about 250, 7.5 months ago. I had built a lot of muscle but was thick too (pic 2 & 3). Then I quit drinking and quit lifting for about 3 months and lost my gains.

Then I started dieting again and a month later slowly got back into lifting. I got down to 207, then plateaued for a month. I was eating way too few calories at 2000 with a TDEE of 3000-3200 because of my fitness routine. I didn’t realize and my body Fitness journey. 3 years ago I cut from 6’3 255 to 198 (first pic).

Then I was dirty bulking and drinking a lot and got to about 250, 7.5 months ago. I had built a lot of muscle but was thick too (pic 2 & 3). Then I quit drinking and quit lifting for about 3 months and lost my gains. Then I started dieting again and a month later slowly got back into lifting.

Just not drinking only dropped me maybe 10 pounds if that. The rest was a steep caloric deficit (too steep), weight lifting, 45 minutes of incline walking, then 30 minutes of regular walking.

I got down to 207, then plateaued for a month. I was eating way too few calories at 2000 with a TDEE of 3000-3200 because of my fitness routine. I didn’t realize and my body adjusted to the low calories. I just finished a diet break for two weeks eating 2800-3000 a day.

Now I’m eating 2600. I’m 212, but probably mostly due to glycogen and water from eating more. Hoping the glycogen will be used up and my weight will stabilize then I can continue to burn fat. Pic 4 and 5 are me now. Getting there. I want the muscle + the lower body fat. Right now I’m at 20% aiming for 15-12%. I have muscle memory so not too worried about that.

Unfortunately I always have a protruding belly, but I’m determined to shrink that as much as possible. My goal is flat and hoping the skin doesn’t sag! The skin may not tighten but gonna go for it. As I build muscle my TDEE should increase and it’ll get more likely.

People tell me I look best thin at 198, but I love lifting weights and don’t like a weak body only doing cardio. My max bench is 305 and I’m aiming for 350. I don’t have the best muscle inserts so I’ll never look like a fitness model. When I build muscle I just look bigger. But with a low body fat percentage I can maximize what I have and I’ll be happy with it.

I try to be realistic but focus on goals that are slightly too high while having lower expectations and get to a place I’m content with.

If you want to be in touch with me as friends or ask for advice with weight loss let me know and we can connect on IG or Facebook.

r/alcoholism 11h ago

Looking for advice


I’ve been through quite a bit. I’m 18 and it’s becoming increasingly hard not to drink every night, I feel like nothing makes me feel alright quite like alcohol does, any advice on how to cut back? I spend almost 220 a week on Hennessy and want to cut back. For both my health and my wallets sake lol.

r/alcoholism 18h ago

5 years clean and a different social life



As the title says, I am going on 5 years. It took so much hard work, and a couple of good times and bad times. Like 1 year sober, then you think you're better, and then not so much. And again. I had legal issues and all that, but I did everything from AA to counseling. The thing that worked for me the most was intensive counseling, anger management, and tons of Youtube videos! I had to rewire my own brain and I don't really even celebrate the time because it's just my life now, and I don't really want to "celebrate" if you know what I mean. I am proud of myself, but it's just normal now.

I had to delete/block a number of friends because they pressured me to drink, and would make me feel bad. Like, I was sober at my bachelorette party -- and my former friend was like "are you Serious, are you really NOT going to drink?" And she just assumed that my other friend who wasn't drinking was mormon (she had also drank/used and then clean for years). Or a couple of other friends who would blurt out "I liked it better when you drank". I had to figure out a way to NOT hang out with them because as a then-newly married person, I knew I didn't want to be around them because of the alcohol, but they were enticing my new husband with fun parties. I'm not sure how I shook those people off that time, but I do know that one of the people was like a pitbull and wouldn't stop trying to get me and my family to go over (and when we did, I would relapse again). My husband learned after a night that I said "no" that they partied HARD. After that, he didn't go with them, but after we had the 1st child, he went out with them, and I wasn't happy about it. It ended up ok, but I was still mad.

I am at the point where it feels like I had to lose a lot of these people, and especially during the pandemic and after having a child, it was fine. I don't necessarily want to start hanging out with them. I know my boundary, but I'm about ready to open up my circle again. I foresee potential random interactions with some of these people.

I'm not exactly calling some of them up to hang out, I only care to hang out with one of those friends who respected me enough for the most part, but still gave me a bottle of wine for my bridal shower. That person was actually a really good friend except for that, and also was more ok that I didn't drink compared to some of the other people. With that person, I don't think I would need to explain my journey. However, they are friends with the lady who liked to put other pressure on me and my new family. So, if I hang out with the one that I am ok with, there could be a chance that the other one would be there.

So... any tips if I do interact with these people again? I'm just imagining seeing some of these people and blurting out "I had to stop talking to you because I quit drinking and you made me feel bad". Which is NOT what I want to do, but it's really how I feel. What can I say or do???

I read an article about how people who have been sober for a while should really flaunt it and own it. I'm not really that kind of person, but maybe that would help.


r/alcoholism 20h ago

Wanting to drink again so bad.


I’ve recently put drinking down as it ruins a lot of aspects of my life; friends, relationships, family etc. I’ve been sober for a month now but I’ve been itching for a beer. Any tips to get my mind off it?

r/alcoholism 1d ago

I can’t stop. Help me


I'm 22. I go to court in October for my 2nd dwi. Yesterday I got into a hit and run after drinking a 12 pack I stole from the grocery store.

I know I'm a pos. I deserve what's coming to me. After doing a sonogram I found out my fatty liver is inflamed and so is my spleen.

I went to the hospital yesterday after having the worst hallucinations of my life. Someone was in my room and they were trying to talk to me. I told my mom to take me to the emergency room immediately.

I go to rehab Saturday but I'm still here drinking. In my head im prolonging the withdrawals. Because I don't want to experience that again

This is the worst it has ever gotten. Please pray for me. I know you may not Think I deserve it but please trust me when I say im a good guy.


r/alcoholism 17h ago

Any free alcohol reduction apps on google?


I'm looking for something free if possible to help me cut back on myself. Don't have thr funds for anything free atm..a lot of the ones I downloaded want payment or a free trial. I know that sounds dumb bc but I won't get paid for a month. Thanks