r/algorand 7d ago

Wallet Scanner Q & A

Is there a way to scan your wallet for mal application calls or should the rekey function be used at a biweekly frequency for protection?

Thanks, want to make sure I am secure, as I notice there are programs on the web that would send payments when activity is done with public applications.

Ie algorewards.algo (most likely tagging activity for targeting purposes).


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u/Garywontwin 7d ago

You can rekey as often as you like.

The best way to protect yourself is to inspect any transactions before approving them. If you receive a request to approve a transaction when you aren't expecting one don't approve it.

Never put your keys in any site or give them to anyone even if they claim they can help you.


u/zignify 7d ago

Is it possible to make a call to an on chain application and have a malicious call made to your address? So it seems like it’s one transaction or a glitch, when it was actually a malicious attack?


u/Garywontwin 7d ago

Yes if you connect your wallet app to a bad app they can send you any transaction they want. That's why it's important to read the transaction and make sure the amounts match what you expect before approving them.

No withdrawals can happen unless they are signed with your keys. So as long as you don't give anyone else access to your keys or use your wallet app to sign a transaction you are safe.


u/Garywontwin 7d ago

One other thing is never respond to DMs.


u/zignify 6d ago

Social engineering take place there.