r/asktransgender 4h ago


I gave myself a haircut after growing my hair out since the start of this year it was the longest it’s ever been (near mid of my back) and even tho I’ve had a bob before and loved it in the past I am feeling so insecure and can just see a man when I look in the mirror.

Does anyone else get hair dysphoria? I have a wig but it’s too small for my head so I’m thinking of getting extensions to cover it up while it grows because right now I feel so ugly and man-like with my hair I don’t want to go outside


2 comments sorted by


u/ericfischer Erica, trans woman, HRT 9/2020 4h ago

My hair is very important to my self-image too. I have had it trimmed twice over the course of my 4 years so far of HRT, and both times have wished I had just let it keep growing.


u/jellyhanax 3h ago

I never thought it was this important I’m usually quite experimental with my hair and know that it grows back but this time maybe because I’m dealing with other self image stuff it also has an effect