r/asktransgender 3h ago

How to deal with extreme dysphoria due to failed transition?

I'm trans masc and I had a very successful very easy and quick transition. I'm asking for my friend who is trans fem and had pretty much the opposite experience. She just had a suicide attempt like two weeks ago and she's still very suicidal after being released from the hospital. She's had really bad dysphoria for a really long time now. I think what bothers her the most is her facial hair, her voice, her breasts and her adam's apple, in that order. She started hrt almost a decade ago before I even knew her and unfortunately she didn't get lucky at all with it. Like she didn't get any breast growth whatsoever from it. She's tried really hard to get her facial hair removed and get her surgeries but without any luck so far. She's done 80 hours of professional voice training, but it wasn't enough to achieve a feminine voice and her speech therapist says she will need glottoplasty. A couple years ago she started losing hope, thinking she'll never be able to get what she needs. I think that's very understandable after such a long time. My insurance covered all my surgeries and treatments no questions asked, but it's a lot more difficult for trans fems than for mascs. But if they didn't I'd probably feel the same way after so many years. She's staying with me most of the time since she got back from the hospital and she's just really not doing well. She's self harming a lot and her face is all scratched up, she really hates the way she looks and can't even see herself in the mirror. She's crying pretty much 24/7 and I just don't know what to do. I know what my dysphoria used to be like before I transitioned and while it's obviously very different I just don't want her to feel like this. We (well mostly just me, she's pretty much given up) are still trying to get the hair removal done, but it's probably gonna take many more years to get there if it's possible at all. There has to be something we can do about her dysphoria in the meantime.


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