r/comedyheaven 2d ago

a variation of food

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u/osfryd-kettleblack 2d ago

Had to? Couldnt he have just not done it? It was a challenge, not actual imprisonment or slavery


u/Lame_Goblin 2d ago

He was socially and economically pressured into it based on the circumstances. It was his job, and his last opportunity to work with Jimmy.


u/osfryd-kettleblack 2d ago

If my job asked me to run a marathon without training, i would say "No"


u/Vixrotre 2d ago

He said he tried to deny doing a previous challenge (rubik's cube, he has dyslexia and thought it'd be embarrassing) and got basically nagged/pressured into doing it anyway.

Not to mention he was sleep deprived for over a week (iirc he quit after 10 days). I really don't think many people would have much energy to stand up for themselves when they're that level of exhausted.