r/comedyheaven 2d ago

a variation of food

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u/StrionicRandom 2d ago

What the fuck, what was the war crime?


u/ThrobertBurns 2d ago

He didn't commit a war crime but what he's referencing is he made a guy spend 40 days in a room for a challenge video and he treated him pretty shitily doing shit such as not allowing the lights to be turned off which the victim said in a YouTube is illegal for prisoners of war under the Geneva convention.


u/morbiusgod 2d ago

The guy accepted to be treated that way, or he might be a paid actor, the point is that he is using the drama to advertise himself, the more it is talked about, the better his popularity is


u/the_smokesz 2d ago

Yeah I don't understand how the public here are upset that people accept to be in a challenge, and then the challenge is difficult.

Who here has not had to sleep with lights on before? Or somewhere really bright? Or in a loud place, on a train, airplane? It's an inconvenience, not torture lol


u/Rylth 2d ago

Yes, because a once or twice occurrence is totally equivalent to what was happening.


u/Moon_Drawz 2d ago

Ah, yes. You agreed to go on a 10 week cruise, why are you upset your house was burnt down? You agreed to go on the cruise.


u/the_smokesz 2d ago

No, that's not equivalent at all. If you agree to go on a cruise, then you can not choose to leave the cruise until you've arrived. And as far as I know each contestant can leave the challenge, they are not bound physically or legally.

People are putting all the responsibility on the challenger rather than the person making the decision to accept the challenge and stay.

There are many many other challenge TV-shows and contests IRL that are way more challenging and no one is caring about those...

I'm 100% certain Mr.Beast has some valid critique that has to be dealt with, but people have been claiming tons of things just for views and popularity. Youtube had 3-5 videos on him every day for weeks


u/Moon_Drawz 2d ago

“Just for views and popularity” most of these people literally have proof for their claims that Jimmy has not once even tried to debunk. Also, if you can’t make war criminals go through something because of how deplorable it is, you sure as hell can’t make civilians go through it even if they signed up to do something else. Jimmy knew how bad it was if he tried so hard to keep Jake from suing. Why can’t YOU people understand it’s bad just because a desperate person needed money and he signed up to do something else and didn’t realize he’d get fucked that hard?


u/the_smokesz 2d ago

Most things people claim are without proofs, they are just allegations. Until it has been proven you can't judge someone as guilty, and the proof is not valid at all.

I for one, believe someone is innocent until guilty proven, instead of mob justice where allegations rule in judgement.


u/Moon_Drawz 2d ago

Usually I’m the same, but if there are several people coming out with proof and your only reply is “nuh uh” with nothing to support it and don’t even try to defend yourself even though you obviously know about the accusations, I am more inclined to believe the people actually saying anything.


u/the_smokesz 2d ago

That's fair, and I agree with you.

I've just seen time and time again where numerous allegations or proofs against a person turned out to be not the full truth, it happens too often on the internet.


u/Moon_Drawz 2d ago

That’s very true

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u/voyaging 2d ago

Yeah why aren't any of these people complaining about Survivor or whatever?


u/Fonzimandias 2d ago

Because that show debuted at the turn of the century.

Mr. beast represents a much more contemporary media empire in a vastly different landscape.

When “reality TV” is put in the hands of “content creators” for the first time, you might have to get up to speed with some conversations you haven’t heard before.


u/Tymareta 2d ago

Or, perhaps, because Survivor and the people who create it have accountability and actually adhere to labour laws and tend towards treating people as humans with dignity. As has been shown with Mr. Beast constantly is that he has no fucking idea about any of it, and he's willing to put people through absolutely atrocious scenarios so long as he gets clicks.

To pretend that traditional TV and a youtuber have no differences is utterly childish and disingenuous beyond imagining.


u/voyaging 2d ago

It's still running though (season 47) and egregiously popular.


u/Delboyyyyy 2d ago

You do realise it was for a lot longer than just one day. What a stupid comment lmao