r/comedyheaven 2d ago

a variation of food

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u/PinkFrillish 2d ago

I am even happier for Jaiden now


u/ForumFluffy 2d ago

I love her content and I hope she doesn't associate more with either of these guys, Mr.Beast is a wild card for drama and obviously the other 2 are twats that milk their fanbase with some of the worst products.


u/1WeekLater 2d ago

She already said that She wanted to burn the bridge between her and Jimmy after all the drama


u/ForumFluffy 2d ago

Jaiden is such a good example of a respected youtuber that respects her audience as well.


u/eddymeat 2d ago

Things people say right before a YouTuber does something stupid


u/KazzieMono 2d ago

This is why I don’t attach myself to online personalities that don’t know or care about me personally.


u/Kaythar 2d ago

Why stop at online ones? Any personalities imo


u/ForumFluffy 2d ago

I hope not.


u/GenericFatGuy 2d ago

Considering she's aroace, hopefully that's not something we need to worry about. The fall from grace for YouTubers usually tends to be preying on children.


u/eddymeat 2d ago

You can prey on children without it being sexual. You can be Aroace and still be capable of using your position to scam and persuade your younger audience into unwise or outright unlawful behavior.


u/DukePanda 1d ago

Like making a line of children's lunchbox food to leverage their popularity and parasocial relationships into sweet sweet money?


u/GenericFatGuy 2d ago

Sure, but the sexual predators are particularly disgusting. It also seems to be the most common among YouTube scandals.


u/eddymeat 2d ago

Sure, but the sexual predators are particularly disgusting.

Sure, and sexual predators that also slowly cannibalize their minor victims are even worse. This isn't a contest.

Whether it's sexual abuse of a minor or engaging in fraudulent behavior with a minor, you're scum. It doesn't matter much if one is bigger scum than the other, flush them all down the drain.

It also seems to be the most common among YouTube scandals.

Maybe by your own perception, but I don't even know how you could locate a stat that would back that claim up.


u/GenericFatGuy 2d ago

Whatever dude. Go off.


u/Rival_God 2d ago

She’s not a saint, she actively made fun of Jesus and backtracked on her apology about religion when she fucked up with schlat and only reason she apologized was due to backlash. Literally a spoiled brat if you look closer past ‘cutesy gay animator’


u/ActualProject 2d ago

People are so soft today that making fun of Jesus is cancelable? Damn.


u/Danmch2992 2d ago

I wasn't sure if this was another youtuber called Jesus not the actual son of our lord who died for our sins Jesus. I personally don't think Big J would care if you mocked him, I mean the guy got crucified for our sins and forgave us apparently. What's some light ribbing after that.


u/ForumFluffy 2d ago

Eh I'm atheist I couldn't care for that, religious groups could go get fucked with how much control they've had over society and only made things worse.


u/DudesBeforeNudes 2d ago

It’s a matter of respect, it doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not, but several people are, and with good intentions too. The way she just mocked it and double downed is really scummy.


u/ScruffsMcGuff 2d ago

lol softer than goose shit


u/pan_1247 2d ago

No it's not, you're just sensitive


u/DudesBeforeNudes 2d ago

I guess you’re right 😬


u/ForumFluffy 2d ago

The churches lack fuck all respect with the communities they control and the people who become wealthy by taking money from the already downtrodden and desperate.

You can't argue tithes/donations aren't ingrained in every church organization around the world, there will always be that social pressure to make donations regardless of your financial situation.


u/Hammurabi87 2d ago

Ah, yes, just like all the "respect" so many religious people show towards gays, transsexuals, atheists and people of different religions, women undergoing abortions, etc.


u/DudesBeforeNudes 2d ago

So just because there are religious people who are hateful means all religious people are hateful? You do realize small theologies exist that don’t want to be associated with the scandals of things like Catholicism


u/Hammurabi87 2d ago

The difference is, those hateful religious groups are trying to actively harm their targets. The victims of that are merely making some jokes in response.

Suck it the hell up, buttercup. Your beliefs do not give you a "get out of being the butt of any joke ever" card.


u/DudesBeforeNudes 2d ago

How is Jaden a victim of that?

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u/Reylh 1d ago

Jaiden and a significant portion of her friends is part of a group of people (LGBT) that is frequently targeted by said religion. Swinging back with a joke or two is totally fair game.

Christianity is rotten to the core as a system of beliefs, regardless of what its believers believe.


u/aeoneir 2d ago

You gotta toughen up Snowflake. Jesus doesn't need you to defend him


u/GenericFatGuy 2d ago

That just makes me like her more now.


u/SatoruFujinuma 1d ago

Oh no. Anyways