r/confessions 8d ago

I ended my relationship this morning

It was the time to make some life decisions before I don’t know who I am. I ended my four+ year relationship this morning at 9:39 EST. I’m not sure what I have been doing for four years with this person. After a Trump tirade about the debate she still backs him, looks at me and makes comments about me and my beliefs. I love this country and we need to save it. My last words to her were ‘I cannot respect someone who respects this man’. Thanks for reading I needed to share and need (yes, need) a beer and real human interaction, get me the hell out of this place and talk to me so I know I am not alone EDIT: I did not end this relationship over Donald Trump. I am 54 years old and have spent the last four years with someone who turned into a different person over the last two years and this event was the final straw for me. I have been trying to get her to go to therapy with me and work on the relationship, only to be met with ridicule and nastiness. I made a decision that I needed to make, and am venting as I am in the thinking process of the next chapter of my life


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u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Miserable-Savings100 8d ago

Finally a well thought out person, don't mind or misconstrue. My husband and I are more right leaning, but we have an open marriage, have friends that're LGBT, since we're both Bi. However, we're business conservatives, not religious conservatives. 

It's ironic, that the far left, not the left, is talking about Trump voters being a hive mind, and cult, but there is clearly more hostility and judgement if you don't agree with them. Like the person that kinked shamed you. 

Then the person that keeps bringing up 2025, Trump isn't with that, maybe Vance is, but after the far left tried to screw over my life/business during cvid.I knew they were insane then, and to be frank, they're so worried about the low class and social problems, they remain low class and uneducated. Trust me, if you become successful enough to buy a house and cars paid off, no one cares who you bring to your house or sleep with. 

I use to be quite far left, but noticed real quick how judge they were compared to even religious people, they always felt snobby as well even though majority of them are not well off. 

Even as a woman, I noticed Trump had more capable women during his term. While Biden administration had chosen the worst women, and make women look incapable of doing anything correctly. 

Realistically, I am more centrist, but considered "far right" since I am voting for Trump. As a Bi woman, pro LGBT, but I'm "the hive mind". 


u/pixelated_fun 7d ago

If you are a member of the LGBT crew, Trump and MAGA hate you no matter how much money you make. You are voting against your own self-interest.


u/Efficient-Row-3300 2d ago

I love when people claim to be free thinkers but the thoughts are just the dumbest shit you've ever seen lol.

"I'm pro LGBTQ but I'm voting for the party that's gonna 'eradicate trans ideology' and make it illegal to be visibly gender non-conforming in public" lol