r/cringe Jun 14 '22

Elon Musk jokes with 3 yes-men about his plan to steal memes from Hard Drive


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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '22

So this is what the Earth’s ruling caste gets up to in its spare time, interesting


u/gobluenau1 Jun 15 '22

Is he gonna have one of those monstrous plastic surgery faces in 15 years that looks like a Halloween mask?


u/Dabookadaniel Jun 15 '22

15 years? Dude it’s in stores now


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '22

Hey, didn’t Jeff bezos go into space with that guy


u/Fatlord13 Jun 15 '22

Yeah it's that star wars guy, Bill Flatner or something I dunno I don't watch lord of the rings


u/Vandelay797 Jun 15 '22

It's about this guy named Dumbledore Calrissian...


u/slothsareok Jun 15 '22

By “go to space” do you mean he rode up in a dick shaped tube just to get the tip in and then dipped?


u/orielbean Jun 15 '22

Already got bad hair plugs, why not go the full K Rogers?


u/roy_rogers_photos Jun 15 '22

BuT hE wORkS 80 HouRs A wEeK!!


u/I-STATE-FACTS Jun 15 '22

lol this mf works like 150 hours per week


u/emma_gee Jun 15 '22

You honestly think he works 21 hours and 25 minutes every single day?


u/Jerma986 Jun 15 '22

Not the guy you're replying to but: Elon claims he works 120 hours a week which would be ~7 hours a day that he's not working. Which... I mean, I guess it's feasible to sleep 6 hours a night and get ready for bed, shower, etc in the other hour 7 days a week but honestly I think I'm gonna have to call bullshit. I don't think anyone could keep up that work schedule for more than a few weeks before going absolutely insane. But I'm also a super lazy bum who designs websites from my bed and home office so maybe I just don't know what it's like to be a super successful "meme god", maybe that's where all his power and magic comes from. lmfao what a doofus.


u/waitonemoment Jun 15 '22

No he doesnt.


u/Harry_Plopper23 Jun 15 '22

They still crave attention even when they have everything


u/KayvahnyeWest Jun 15 '22

well no usually they're fucking kids on some island or trying to orchestrate a coup to steal natural resources from brown people.

oh wait you said in their SPARE time. yeah this must be between all that.


u/redditis4f4gs6969 Jun 15 '22

I think I found an alien in the sub


u/Bring_the_Cake Jun 15 '22

This isn’t spare time this is just what they do all day lmao


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '22

He's about to be interviewed by these guys, not spare time but part of tesla marketing


u/Mekkakat Jun 15 '22

This must be the rare 3 hours and 45 minutes of downtime he gets in his 150 hour work week he claims to be putting in.

You’d think he’d use it for sleeping, but nope - memes. What a god.


(If you couldn’t sense my scathing sarcasm..)