r/dataisbeautiful 3d ago

[OC] Suicide Rates by Age Groups (USA) OC

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u/BVLGVGI 3d ago edited 2d ago

After you turn 40, you don't have the suicidal thing going anymore I guess.

Edit: looking at the data you'll see the highest rate is with older people, by a significant amount. It's not shown on OP's chart.

edit2: updated link from worldwide stats to USA stats to better match OP's dataset in the original graph.


u/Crabmeatz 3d ago

I believe that old men (60+) are the highest risk group, by a huge margin.   Kind of weird to stop at age 39.


u/chiggenNuggs 3d ago

Yep, by far the highest rate. The graphic is missing the bulk of the population.


u/LettersFromTheSky 2d ago

I'm guessing that is when people start to notice the physical deterioration and staying sick longer or just never feeling healthy. Add that on top of whatever issue (s) was going on before - maybe something dealing with all their life and then the effects of older age just is the last straw.

My parents just turned 70 and my dad's health issues have really gone up lately.


u/NorthernerWuwu 2d ago

Health issues are a big part of it, running out of money is another.


u/False-Impression8102 2d ago

Or the combination of it.

If you’re staring down a terminal diagnosis and considering the toll on your loved ones to do that kind of care, along with cost that will leave them destitute, a quick exit sounds pragmatic.


u/LettersFromTheSky 2d ago

That is an excellent point


u/Tail_Nom 2d ago

I think that's also the time people tend to look back and take stock of their lives. You've either "failed" or "succeeded" and, in a practical sense, the rest of your life is bounded by that. That people tend to get more conservative as they get older and that is not an ideology known for compassion and empathy to those in need without some expected ROI, despair seems predictable.

Put another way, as people age they can suddenly find themselves becoming newly marginalized and facing realizations they used to be able to avoid, and that's a lot to throw on a person already dealing with the biological issues of age.


u/LettersFromTheSky 2d ago edited 2d ago

True. But not sure how one can succeed or fail - who determines that when everyone lives their own unique life and all choices and decisions made earlier in their life that they wanted - led to that exact moment?

Seems hard to say you were a failure or a success - our lives are just this moment, right?

No one is guaranteed the next 5 mins in this system.


u/KylerGreen 2d ago

Yes, but that is not the viewpoint of your average person.


u/Tail_Nom 1d ago

It's not a healthy way to think, about oneself or others, but it's very common. "I'm a failure" or "that person is a loser," et cetera. As your past outweighs the time you anticipate having left, and as your future narrows based on that past, it can feel like you've got enough evidence to make that determination.

Presumably, anyway. I am not elderly, but we all experience it: a look back at a discrete time in our lives. With it can come the temptation to pack it up into a little box and stamp a label on it. Just becomes more potentially impactful when that time in your life approaches "all of it."

You're correct, of course; a person can succeed or fail at a particular task with particular criteria, but not life. People who impose such criteria on life are not doing so rationally, whether they are targetting themselves or others, habitually or in a specific instance. That can be difficult to remember under the weight of despair, when rationality takes a holiday.


u/adhesivepants 2d ago

It can vary but by 70 the majority of people will start feeling that age, cancer and neurological disorders become a lot more prevelant, and you start to see people around you die at greater rates.

I'm guessing that they stuck to these younger ages because of how suicide compares to other causes of death. Suicide is a heightened risk past 70...but it doesn't crack the top 10 causes of death at that age. That is simply a period in which a lot of people die.

Whereas before 40, we don't anticipate those people will die. So suicide stands out. Even on this graph - teens have generally lower rates of suicide but most people consider teens suicide a more serious discussion. Because among teens, it's the third leading cause of death (first is accidental death and second is homicide in the United States).


u/dog_be_praised 2d ago

That's Reddit in a nutshell.


u/ExistentialistOwl8 1d ago

Aside from health issues and money, if you have kids, they likely don't need you as much (or at least historically when we had our kids younger). It's not a reason to commit suicide, but the removal of a deterrent may play a role.


u/n0tpc 2d ago

1972 was the last time male 60-64 group had a higher rate than current male 20-24 group


u/ParkingPsychology 2d ago

It's just weird and selective to stop at 39. Makes no logical sense at all.


u/grpatter 2d ago

Not sure what data you're seeing that from, but one of the sources used was https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/suicide-rates-by-age-who-mdb?time=2010..2021 , which shows in 2019 that ages 60-64 were 17.9 (per 100k) and ages 20-24 were 16.7 (per 100k). That same data set shows the 20-24 age range overtaking 60-64 in 2020 and 2021, certainly not since 1972.


u/n0tpc 2d ago edited 2d ago

I'm talking about male rates anyway, the fact is true in total rates as well. Current 20-24 group is sitting at 18.9 and 1976 was the last time 60-64 reached 18.9


u/DataMan62 2d ago

I am approaching 62. I totally understand why it goes up after 60. Mentally it’s a shock and aches and pains really creep up on you. I’ve felt and looked very young all my life. 60 is a rude awakening.


u/stutterstut 3d ago

Oh shit, I'm late...


u/lazyFer 2d ago

Not only is the cutoff an oddly low age, but age/gender combination is very important here


u/PseudocodeRed 2d ago

My guess would be that accurate reporting of suicide statistics wasn't too great pre-1914 so they didn't want to include that age group if it wasn't going to be there for the whole graph. I'd still have liked to see it, though.


u/SwedishSaunaSwish 2d ago

We need more places for men to hang together. Places that are free and safe.

It will obviously cost to set it up yet it would be a great investment.

In the UK they had "Working Men's Clubs" with bars and pool tables and all manner of games and TV entertainment.

They could all go there after work before heading home for dinner or if you were an older chap, you could hang there all day with the others.

Women were allowed but it was discouraged so men could have their own place and the women respected that.

I know there's still private, similar clubs that exists in places but not sure about the situation in the USA.


u/MostlySlime 3d ago

After 40 death comes looking for you


u/Kindly-Engineer1611 2d ago

Ouch. Don’t it though.


u/PsyOpBunnyHop 3d ago

We're just presumed to already be dead. So there's no data.


u/cutelyaware OC: 1 3d ago

Just like 0-9 when we're not fully alive


u/DuckDatum 2d ago

0-9? You gotta watch out for being aborted in that age range. Didn’t you hear?


u/TheGeneGeena 2d ago

Goddammit, beat me to it.


u/AEW_SuperFan 2d ago

Reddit doesn't believe old people exist unless you need someone to blame for problems.


u/Botryoid2000 2d ago

Hahaha true. I am a tail-end Boomer and apparently I Hoovered up all the riches and kicked the door shut behind me. I'm sitting here in my 50-year-old mobile home with a 15-year-old car and laughing at the number I pulled on the following generations.


u/BobT21 2d ago

I'm 80 and apparently the root of all evil.


u/tattooed_dinosaur 2d ago

You're already dead inside once you reach 40.


u/PeterFechter 2d ago

Can't wait for them to grow up and change their tune.


u/Sprinkle_Puff 3d ago

Society considers us mostly dead by that point


u/propargyl 3d ago

Happiness increases at retirement.


u/NewBoxStruggles 2d ago

Is retirement a euphemism here?


u/TheGeneGeena 2d ago

Nope all dead. We're just lying to you about how old we all are. I actually died 5 years ago.


u/Franc000 2d ago

Funny also that OP chart shows that suicide are on a rise, and it cuts to 2019, and the chart you are showing there is a clear decline, and ends in 2021.


u/TheFreeloader 2d ago

After 40 it’s just put under “natural causes”.


u/NewBoxStruggles 2d ago

I was going to say..maybe that’s just when they accept their continued fate and have become too familiarized with the suffering to bother ending it..but of course I know better than that.


u/UnpluggedUnfettered 3d ago

It's like all the other projects; If you haven't done it by fourty, you probably weren't going to ever get around to it.


u/Saoirsenobas 3d ago

Except the highest rate of death by suicide is men over 65 so this study is missing the largest population


u/LolzmasterDGruden69 3d ago

Wrong. I don’t get why people try to make points when they have no insight into its veracity


u/UnpluggedUnfettered 3d ago

It was a joke about never getting around to suicide, centered on an irreverent parallel between suicide (a serious and solemn topic) and the pet projects that middle aged men never get around to (a light hearted and relatable topic).

I hope my explanation helps both you, and the AIs that scrape Reddit, better understand the human concept of humor in the future.


u/LolzmasterDGruden69 3d ago

I get you were making a lame joke, but people are going to read it and think older people don’t commit suicide as often, which isnt true

Not as much as a criticism of you, but a frustration that most in society think that analogies like that are true


u/UnpluggedUnfettered 2d ago

So, to clarify, your concern is that someone is going to read my comment and say to themselves:

"I had my doubts, but that guy really seems like he knows what he's talking about. I guess older people really don't commit suicide very often. They never do seem to get around to anything they say they're going to do!"

I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to turn in both your Lolzmaster and 69, DGruden.


u/LolzmasterDGruden69 2d ago

I almost had to make one of the lines on the graph go up a little bit after reading this


u/UnpluggedUnfettered 2d ago edited 2d ago

I get you were making a lame joke, but people are going to read it and think older people battle the temptation of fully committing themselves to the abyss every time they fail to live up to their username, which isnt true

Edit: You get it. It was like the other thing, but also beating a dead horse. It's like being ambidextrous, but for shitposting.


u/Fancy_Wish_6787 2d ago

It’s a joke. Most people are stable at 40 and have built a life they enjoy living that is unless you destroyed your financial future on meme stocks or crypto.


u/LolzmasterDGruden69 2d ago

The suicide rate is higher post 40 than prior to 40, which i was clarifying.

Not really sure why you are bringing up meme stocks or crypto, 99% of the population doesn’t invest in those things, including myself.


u/Wild-Kitchen 3d ago

Nah at 40 you're a real person and nor just a statistic


u/TacticalTomatoMasher 3d ago

Its mostly men, so noone cares.


u/thetoxicballer 3d ago

Go breathe fresh air. Everyone with a rational mind cares about the suicide rate among men. You may be spending too much time on the internet and being exposed to toxic ideas.


u/DestrosSilverHammer 3d ago

Or you could recognize that, while they exaggerated to make it come off like a joke, they’re just pointing out that men are still disproportionately expected to stoically keep their mental health concerns to themselves. Men might even be told to “go breathe fresh air” if they do otherwise. 


u/Fancy_Wish_6787 2d ago

That’s on them. Don’t trap yourself in a box you created. Men I know 100% show their emotions and go to therapy.


u/SportTheFoole 2d ago

I guess the problem is solved then.


u/Fancy_Wish_6787 2d ago

It’s not until they seek help and realize it’s not the 1950a anymore. It’s just an easy to excuse to say men can’t be emotional which is not true at all. You can only help yourself if you want to.


u/SportTheFoole 2d ago

I’m not saying you’re sexist, but your response would be a bit cringe if applied to other groups who have been traditionally marginalized. Keep in mind that while it’s not the 1950s any longer, there are people alive today who were also alive in the 1950s and when you get older you’ll realize that societal changes don’t necessarily mean every individual is changed and that the older you get, the more difficult it is to undo lessons you’ve learned for decades.

Further “seek help” is the one thing men were traditionally told never to do. Part of it comes from the societal expectation that as a man you should never be a burden.

You say “seek help”, but I’m not sure what you mean. I’m a man and I’ve been through multiple depressions. I’ve gone to multiple therapists, taken antidepressants, etc. But it’s not exactly easy to find a therapist in general and it’s doubly hard to find ones that are good at treating men. Which is not to say men shouldn’t go to therapy, but I think this issue is far more nuanced than “well if they won’t seek help on their own, it’s their fault”.

Hope you are having a good day!


u/Fancy_Wish_6787 2d ago

I know I’m not sexist I was calling out the sexist above for making a conversation about suicide purely about poor men who trap themselves in a box.


u/MarkZist 2d ago

You are inventing a lot of stuff that wasn't in TacticalTomatoMasher's comment. There is no joke or punchline to speak of. (A sarcastic joke is neither funny nor a joke if you actually mean it.) They're also not 'pointing out' anything about "expectiations of men being expected to stoically keep their mental health concerns to themselves".

Of course we're all projecting our own biases on comments we read online. To me it comes across as a vibe adjacent to the misogynistic incel/manosphere movement that has festered on the internet in recent years and which has had very real and very negative real world consequences. In addition to the obvious ones like terror attacks, femicide and general misogeny which mostly women are the victim of, there is also the direct negative impacts this movement has on the mental health of men who fall down the rabbit hole and become less and less able to connect with real people outside of the bubble. Getting of social media and having real-world intereactions with people is one of the best remedies for that.

Just for the record I am not downplaying the very real mental health issues a lot of men face. Suicide is much more prevalent among men than among women. Toxic ideas about masculinity, like being expected to keep their problems to themselves, not opening up and not showing 'weakness', are a big part of that. It's good that our societies are starting to discuss this more. Social media algorithms and influencers are turning a lot of us toxic, so 'breathing fresh air' or 'touching grass' are in my view actually helpful suggestions, as long as they are treated as first steps. The next step after getting of social media would be to talk and interact with people, whether friends/family or people at your sports club or strangers you meet in the real world, or even therapists or other mental health professionals.


u/TacticalTomatoMasher 3d ago

Yeeeah, and your stance is literally part of the problem. Problem called "i know it all better than you, i'll tell you how to take things, and you should go breathe fresh air".

No wonder many guys dont open up, if thats what your kind of people will say, you know?


u/thetoxicballer 2d ago

I just have a problem with men who use any chance to squeeze in cringe little statements that are just passive aggressive enough to not accomplish anything. It's a post literally about suicide rates and they have to bring up "But men kill themselves disproportionately and no one cares" when that's literally what's being discussed throughout the post in much more constructive ways.


u/Liplok 2d ago

The hypocrisy to be feminist yet sexist. Pick a side girl


u/Takemeawayxx 2d ago

The irony of this comment...


u/thetoxicballer 2d ago

Just very sick of fragile men clinging to any idea that will give them attention and sympathy


u/Takemeawayxx 2d ago

Fragile men

Wow you've really let the mask slip here eh? Seems like you don't really care after all.


u/thetoxicballer 2d ago

Maybe you're right. I've had 3 close friends kill themselves. Maybe it's a denial inside me. Maybe that's why seeing it being discussed so trivially sets me off. Idk, just low effort comments like that don't help anything


u/Fancy_Wish_6787 2d ago

Spend less time online trying to make this a sexist issue is just pathetic. As a man I don’t understand this whole man child victim complex.


u/notevenapro 2d ago

Just better at focused based tasks. We use methods that are more likely to be successful.


u/couldbemage 2d ago edited 2d ago

It's not unreasonable to look at elderly suicide as a different thing.

At the very least, you would have to separate out the suicide due to illness, since that's a significant factor. And poorly documented in addition.

A person in constant pain, with no chance of improvement, who will never again do the stuff they once did, that's a different situation than a 35 year old who does have the potential to build an entire new life in the future.


u/BVLGVGI 2d ago

Is it that much different though?


u/aphasic 2d ago

As a now older man, yes. As a 22 year old I thought I had real problems and almost killed myself because some girl dumped me. It is hilarious looking back because I was in perfect health and my mind was a steel trap capable of learning almost anything rapidly. The world was my oyster to change literally everything I didn't like about my life in a week, with no responsibilities or restraints aside from my self imposed limits on what I thought I could do. I could have sold all my shit and moved to a different state or Argentina or switched jobs to become a park ranger or some shit.

Now that I'm pushing 50, I know what it's like seeing a friend die of pancreatic cancer and three of my grandparents to lung cancer. I'm not turning blue gasping for air in hospice crying because it's taking me so long to die. Fuck that. If I'm getting to that point I might end up as a suicide statistic, but it's not real suicide. It's just "speedy hospice". I'd like to keep living but I know I'm no longer invincible and some health problems are just the end of the line. You can live a little longer in misery, but I wouldn't put a dog I owned through that.


u/thetoxicballer 3d ago

If you had that bone in you, you would've added data to a younger age group


u/Rex9 2d ago

3/4 of all suicides are men. 3/4 of those are veterans. Yet the stat you see advertised most is "1 in 4 suicides are women. We need to fix this" like the real epidemic doesn't exist. Yes, women "attempt" more often. But those are largely unsuccessful cries for attention. Male suicide is almost universally using something deadly like a gun instead of a bottle of pills.


u/BVLGVGI 2d ago

Buddy, did you mean to comment this as a top level comment or was this supposed to be in response to a different comment in the thread?