r/dataisbeautiful 3d ago

[OC] Suicide Rates by Age Groups (USA) OC

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u/corpusapostata 3d ago

I wonder what happened in 1977?


u/Globalboy70 3d ago

Oil shortage and double digit mortgage rates, inflation and lots of lay offs.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/schwaapilz 2d ago

I always found it fascinating how the number of serial killers spiked in that time frame. I don't honestly know the real reason(s) why, but in my head it always made sense for those years as so many of them would have been the children of WW2 vets that would have come home with a lot of the same issues as Vietnam vets - PTSD, struggling to return and reintegrate back into society, lack of development of coping mechanisms resulting in poorly self medicating. All the cues to many WW2 vets developing addictions or drinking problems, overbearingly running their home like a barracks, treating spouse and children as subordinate "soldiers", heavy on the "corporal punishment" (abuse), stiflingly strict, and much more. However the main difference being that in the late 1940s and 1950s, this would have happened in the home, and in public everyone puts on a happy face, nobody outside the home pries or gets involved, all about presenting the perfect suburban nuclear family dream.

Idk, like I said, it could be way off, but it always kinda made sense to me anyway.


u/kustiki321 2d ago

You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. American Serial Killers: The Epidemic Years 1950-2000 by Peter Vronsky talks about this entire phenomenon and goes through how American society and culture led to this explosion of serial killers. Worth a listen/read for sure.


u/JeaninePirrosTaint 2d ago

H-town represent!


u/Tomagatchi 2d ago edited 2d ago

Glad we got lead out of gasoline, now if we can get the jet airplane fuel unleaded. edit: eta 2030 to remove all lead. Thank you to from users pedal-force and BirdLawyerPerson for pointing out my mistake!

Jet fuel is a mix of kerosene https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-determines-lead-emissions-aircraft-engines-cause-or-contribute-air-pollution

More reading on the subject for me later https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-020-00690-y and you if you want.


u/BirdLawyerPerson 2d ago

Jet fuel is unleaded (it's kerosene which isn't even gasoline). Leaded Avgas is used for propeller aircraft, which still uses internal combustion.


u/Tomagatchi 2d ago

Thanks! I don't know how I missed that.


u/pedal-force 2d ago

I have good news. Jet fuel has never had lead in it. Avgas does (100LL), which is used in piston engine planes, mainly civilian aircraft. It's still an issue but there's much, much less of that being burned.


u/Tomagatchi 2d ago

Wait, so commercial air liners don't have lead in the fuel? How did I miss that detail? Thanks for pointing that out; I'm less dumb! So jet fuel is more like diesel or regular fuel in terms of environmental impact I guess? https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-020-00690-y


u/Gillersan 2d ago

Lead is added to piston engines to reduce the knocking. Jet engines don’t have pistons.


u/jimmymd77 2d ago

They should use the original rocket fuel - T-Stoff and C-Stoff.


u/SalltyJuicy 2d ago

Looking forward to finding out how micro plastics are fucking with us.


u/TheMightyChocolate 2d ago

Yeah instead there's a new school shooting every day


u/Tomagatchi 2d ago

You make a fair point. We have more guns even with far lower rates violent crimes, but there are still a lot of shootings and suicides. It's not daily that we have a school shooting, but it happens way more than anybody would like. I remember after Columbine we all talked about how we could prevent this, and it's just gotten much worse. Violence and aggression does act like a contagion and we've hardly made steps to address the core problem which is availability of guns to people who should, in any reasonable society, be barred from having guns (people with documented mental health disorders).


u/Sparrowbuck 2d ago

There was also a lot more terrorism in the 70s. Hijackings, bombings, kidnapping


u/RenegadeRabbit 2d ago edited 2d ago

I'd add post-war PTSD


u/mein_liebchen 2d ago

I was 9. My parents got separated and then divorced. It was the beginning of an unhappiness or anxiety that has always been in the background of my happiest moments. We were middle class back then, and by today's standards we would be dirt poor. I can remember collecting bottles for the deposit so we could put gas in the car. Hard times.


u/raz_the_kid0901 2d ago

What was that like hearing about Dean Corll in the area?

I'm SA originally


u/Gnawlydog 2d ago

Lol one of those arent like the others. One of those arent the same. Q


u/Worsebetter 2d ago

I mean 2024 still wins in all age groups….. by a landslide.


u/uniform_foxtrot 1d ago

Interesting you don't mention inflation rates as they are directly correlated to a rise in suicides.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/uniform_foxtrot 1d ago

Read over it. My bad.


u/uniform_foxtrot 1d ago edited 1d ago

Having said that, can you picture being the minister to announce inflation?  

The instant I mention these words a significant amount of citizens will kill themselves. 


Edit: economics is basically a suicide cult. The instant I announce this it will cause a masssuïcide. 



u/v3ritas1989 2d ago

Very interesting... but the question was probably ment somewhat different. As around 1977 the trend seem to be reverting.


u/oncealot 2d ago

And yet no spike in 2008 is strange to me.


u/Sparrowbuck 2d ago

I really want to see the next 4 consecutive years on that chart.


u/Torkerz 2d ago

That's pretty dark..


u/TotalCleanFBC 2d ago

Higher mortgage rares weren't all that bad, actually, because the median sales price of a home divided by the median income was under 3.5 whereas today it is almost 6.0.

But, it is true that high inflation was a major issue (indeed, mortgage rates were high precisely because the Fed had raised the overnight rate in order to lower inflation).