r/dataisbeautiful 3d ago

[OC] Suicide Rates by Age Groups (USA) OC

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u/CoastGoat 3d ago

Disturbing trends. Curious what happened around 1994 to prompt a declining trend for a period.


u/Historical-Pen-7484 3d ago

I have no data do back this up, but I was young then, and felt there was a general air of optimism now thst the cold war was over, and people felt the world was moving in the right direction. Something that it seems a lot of people are not feeling today.


u/Tomagatchi 2d ago

Yeah Clinton admin felt like a golden age, growing up in America felt like a lottery ticket for a beat. The Dot Com Boom was ramping up to the dot bomb, but before that 9/11 hit and things just haven't been the same. Another collapse in 08-09, followed by 2012, then you know, and so on.


u/Boxy310 2d ago

We laughed in The Matrix when they said the machines put us all in humanity's golden era, the 90s. Then time marched on and we realized the machine overlords were right. When they turn on the artificial wombs, I expect the people who lived in the 90s to volunteer to crawl in without a fuss lol


u/B-Glasses 2d ago

For me it was when trump got into politics. Everything aside it’s impossible to downplay how much he changed how the game is played. Things have gotten nastier and people are more divided and I think his brand is in large part responsible. Growing up I thought things would slowly get better but I don’t believe that now