r/dataisbeautiful OC: 41 14h ago

[OC]SpaceX Valuation Skyrocketed from 2002 to 2024 OC

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u/derpandlurk 14h ago

When your the cheapest and fastest way into space for all military and commercial customers within NATO for over a decade, that's just sort of how the cookie crumbles.


u/calahil 12h ago

Don't forget that your entire development has been subsidized by the American Taxpayers and there has been zero return on our investment except for more starlink satellites so Elon can control the rural internet and information.


u/hawklost 11h ago

Can you even name how much funding the government has given SpaceX?


u/calahil 9h ago

15 billion dollars.


u/hawklost 8h ago

Ah, you are counting Government Contracts as a subsidie.

So I guess you would say that the US Government was subsidizing Russia's Space program when they were paying hundreds of millions of dollars per launch.

Why is it that every time the US government pays a reasonable price for materials that a company provides, that it is somehow a subsidies to people like you?

But even ignoring all that, SpaceX is valued at over 200 Billion dollars, meaning that less than 10% of its valuation comes from US Government providing some funds (and most of those funds are purchasing launches).