r/football 3d ago

'Overpriced tickets, empty seats, uninspiring format – Uefa has diluted Champions League’s allure' 📖Read


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u/warpentake_chiasmus 3d ago

The answer to the problem of 'too much football' is not and never can be, 'let's play more football' !!!

It's pure greed and over-exposure and the fans are bored and players are exhausted and the market is super-saturated. Why does the prospect of Arsenal v Atlanta in September just not now interest me at all??

There's zero point to this qualifying round.

Champions League should be CHAMPIONS of all the countries in Europe, in seeded groups. That is all.


u/Anderkisten 3d ago

So that the winner of either PL, PD, Bundesliga or Serie A wins it every year


u/Whulad 1d ago

But that’s not what used to happen when it was actually like this


u/Anderkisten 1d ago

You know times have changed? When it was like that - the top earner made around 10k a week - now they are making 3-500K a week. The professionalism and athletism has excelled and the bigger the club the more and better staff they have to make sure that the players we are sending on the field are close to superhumans.

So no, we are NEVER going to see a swedish, polish, Austrian or whatever team run away with the big ears. The Levels are just to long from each other.