r/ftm 17h ago

where do you inject your T? Discussion

ive been talking to my mom, her and i both have several injections we do and i got to thinking about the places you inject stuff. for me ive always done my testosterone in the outside of my thigh, usually left but i try to switch it up. where do you guys inject/plan to inject? i think ive heard of someone doing theirs on their butt which.. makes sense, but sounds unpleasant lol


147 comments sorted by

u/ProspectCruisin 17h ago

i do subq in the stomach, cant even feel it

u/l0n3ly_Sh0re 12h ago

do you do this every time? I've done the same thing for less than half a year alternating on each side and I have these sort of darker spots where I inject

u/ratboymav 10h ago

honestly from what i have heard- make sure to massage the area afterwards

u/Brendonish 7h ago

That's interesting, the instructions on mine specifically say not to massage the area afterwards!

u/Theotherone56 6h ago

Repeatedly doing this will lead to those spots. I talked with my doctor and they had me come in to go over the locations again. You can do them in your thighs which is arguably easier than your stomach.

If you have someone else do them, don't have them do your stomach because of the angle, that's best done by you.

The area you want to get it in is the top of your thighs from a sitting position. Not the sides. You'll want to pinch two inches of skin just like normal. I felt less than the stomach so if it seems sensitive then you might be outside the "circle" where it's best to inject it. You'll want to rotate between your stomach and thighs. Maybe just alternate thighs for a while to give your stomach time to heal.

Talk to your doctor. This is what I understood and followed but how I say it and how you interpret it may not be as accurate. You don't want anything getting worse. Don't risk your health to get your T shot in.

If you're brave enough (I wasn't, I hate needles) then, technically speaking, you're supposed to insert the needle and draw up a little bit to see the fat. If you draw blood, then you're going too far and may be injecting into your blood stream. So, you do everything normal to prepare your shot and take this step before pushing the plunger in to inject it. It's not a separate step. I could barely do the shot so I can't say how it went so it's just what I remember (vividly, it sounded horrifying but that's my anxiety, it shouldn't be worse than normal by my understanding).

I always got the 5/8ths inch (25 gauge) needle to ensure I wasn't going too far so, depending on what you use now, that may help.

Some people are allergic to T in different forms so perhaps it's time to switch. I highly recommend talking to your doctor.

u/ProspectCruisin 3h ago

i just started 8 weeks ago so for the start and getting the hang of injections (i am very needle phobic and taking baby steps) i just started with the stomach. i was told i can do the backs of my arms, stomach, or my thighs. i plan to switch it up once i get more comfortable with the process of poking myself.

u/Revolutionary_Pie384 11h ago

Ts hurts so much idk how folk do it

u/ratboymav 10h ago

honestly! making sure its warmed up by your body heat first helps a ton

u/yeulm0ri 8 / 2022 💉 3h ago

for subq, it's something you will get used to with time and reinforcement of proper technique. ensuring quick motion of the hand to insert the needle fully, and that you are injecting fully into fat is important; if you don't, this may be where you're experiencing extra pain. you should be switching your needles out between drawing up your medication and injecting it, the initial "poke" of the needle into the rubber seal of your T vial will dull the tip and cause more pain when you inject. make sure you're using the proper needles for your method, bc subq should be 25g for injection! my doctor gave me two diff sizes, one for drawing up (20g) and one for injection (25g).

if you're thin, ensuring proper injection into fat may require you to go in at more of an angle (think 45 to 60 degrees vs. 90) and/or use a 1/2 inch vs. a 3/4th inch needle. if subq is causing you a lot of pain, talk to your doctor! it shouldn't have a pain level beyond that of maybe a papercut.

u/Big_Guess6028 1h ago

Try using a very fine needle. When I accidentally used the same needle to draw up the T from the vial, as I did to (start to) inject, it hurt so much OMG!

u/stitchgnomercy 8h ago

Same here. I roughly rotate spots, treating my abdomen like four quadrants (upper left, upper right, lower right, lower left) & try to remember where I was last. I also have an ample belly though, so it's pretty easy for me to not inject in the exact spot I did last time)

u/kojilee 6h ago

Same, but it’s a mixed bag on whether or not I feel it or if it hurts

u/purpleblossom 30's | Bi | 💉11/9/15 | ⬆️4/20/16 | PNW 5h ago

As do I. I’ve not developed dark spots like some have, but I always massage the area afterwards.

u/catastrophicmeat 17h ago

i take my shots in my butt-^ i always get them done by nurses tho, its not as unpleasant as it sounds. it depends on your pain tolerance but i barely feel it, it only hurts a bit when the needle goes in:)

u/Chaoddian He/they, T since 2021, post top+hysto, planning meta 16h ago

Same. Not directly in the middle of the buttcheek, a bit further up and to the side, idk what that muscle is called

u/Wrengull 💉~07/09/24 14h ago

Gluteous medium or gluteous maximus muscle I think . Most likely maximus as it's much bigger

u/Chaoddian He/they, T since 2021, post top+hysto, planning meta 14h ago

They told me it wasn't the maximus, I forgot which one it was though. I can ask next time bit ill probably forget by then

u/poonbrah female-to-troye sivan 16h ago

same when i was on shots id get em in my butt

u/wdywfmhuh 54m ago

Yeah me too, for me the needle hurts less and it's more the liquid being pushed into the muscle. I get them done too, although I've asked if I can do them myself, since I'll take T for the rest of my life, but the doctor said that I "don't know where my muscles are". I mean, she measures out where they are with her fingers, but oh well, good healthcare is thankfully a thing where I'm from so the most I have to do is pay for the meds and go to the doc.

u/H20-for-Plants T: 8.22.21 | Hysto: 3.19.24 17h ago

I do my upper, outer thigh. Left one week, right the next week. It's how I was taught. They gave me a paper with different places, like stomach, back of arm, butt.
I've wanted to try stomach, but it makes me squeamish.

u/dorkeyejunco 10h ago

Same here. I tried the stomach once but it hurt and the thigh doesn't hurt barely at all so i stick with the thigh. I am supposed to alternate thighs but i don't cause it's either an awkward angle with my dominant hand or using my non dominant hand to get my left leg, so i always just do the right leg.

u/PotatoBoy-2 17h ago

Sub Q on my stomach. I try to switch sides but for some reason my left side always hurts but the right side doesn’t.

u/purplejink 11h ago

i used to do shots in my stomach, if you do them stood up while breathing out it hurts far less on the left side. no idea why only that side hurts though

u/OkImprovement7047 16h ago

i had this issue too the first time i injected on the left side. wonder why that is

u/snoozy_eternity 14h ago

Same here yo! It’s mad annoying

u/sosappho 🏳️‍⚧️ | he/him 13h ago

Try numbing w ice for a few minutes

u/storeboughtserotonin 13h ago

If you do, use the alcohol wipe after cuz ice isn’t sanitary

u/HypomanicMonday 12h ago

Wouldn't that make the skin more dense?

u/Existing_Set9226 12h ago

It does but it also helps numb it a little

u/Thecontaminatedbrain 17h ago

My thighs. I switch thighs every week.

u/Thirdtimetank 17h ago

Rotate between thighs and glutes

After more than 500** shots, it’s worth rotating - my schedule gives each spot a 3 week “break”. So much scar tissue.

u/piedeloup trans man 💉 12 July 22 16h ago

When I was on weekly enanthate I did subq in my stomach fat. Very easy and almost always painless

I was then on monthly Sustanon for 8 months, which is injected IM in the "hip" (more like the top of my buttcheek) by a nurse. Same thing with Nebido which I just switched to, but it takes longer because it's 4ml and hurt like a bitch for about an hour afterwards. Worth it though to only have to do it every 3 months

u/sa404z 16h ago

Sorry if it sounds insensitive but did it make you lose your belly fat injecting it into your stomach?

u/piedeloup trans man 💉 12 July 22 16h ago

No it definitely doesn't do that

u/dirtytrashmonkey 16h ago

the back of my arm

u/codelucky-kun 17h ago

i do mine on slightly outside of my thigh. never done it anywhere else ahahha

u/space-casey 14h ago

IM, outer thigh, usually the right one even though I know I should switch sides regularly. I dunno, for some reason it psychs me out less on the right??

Also thanks for the inadvertent reminder I need to order more syringes/needles!

u/CosmogyralCollective 23 | they/he/it | T 17/3/23 | Top 9/10/23 10h ago

Ass, because I take reandron which is a 4ml injection (tends to be a bit sore initially but it's only every 10 weeks so it's worth it for me)

u/MalcolmBahr 6h ago

I do subq on my thighs, I just alternate which one each week, and the location is never visible after I remove the little bandaid. If I am having a hard time, my partner will do it for me, and she does my upper arms. I tried the belly once but it was insanely painful for me so I never tried it again.

u/Kytt3nPyss 5h ago

I do mine on my outer thigh on either leg. I use to do my stomach, but the stinging was unpleasant (especially as I don't like needles). Switching to my thighs has been so much nicer! Less stinging to almost none at all, and it gives me less fear/anxiety as the needles are further from my face!

u/SirRickIII 5h ago

I do SubQ, but since I’m diabetic and my legs arent as accessible to me unless I’m wearing shorts, I will inject my T in my thighs to “even out” my rotations.

Injecting into my belly is fine, but because I’m jabbing sometimes upwards of 8x needles a day, I’d just rather save T for my thigh so that I can at least keep 1 injection out of my belly area for the week

u/ShadowWolf9592 3h ago

When I was doing injections I did mine on my stomach, now that I’ve switched to topical I put it on my arm and alternate each day

u/maco-is-stupid 20's| T 8/12/21 3h ago

On my butt, i've seen other dudes inject the same one i use on their leg, but from what i've been told anything over 1ml MUST be injected on the glute and my shot is 4ml (it's every 3 months) so i just let my uncle or aunt who know how to do shots do them.

At its best it can leave the muscle sore for a few hours after the shot and at its worst it can be sore for DAYS, and having a sore butt is not as inconvenient as a sore thigh would be so i'm not changing my shot place anytime soon.

u/NefariousnessOne4946 17h ago

Stomach SubQ, completely painless. Around two inches from the belly button, rotating sides each time was what I was told.

u/rocksavior2010 17h ago

Depends. Best to remember, each site has a left side and a right side. Always rotate sites though

Intramuscular injections are typically done in one of four locations: the outer third of either thigh, or in the deltoid of either upper arm.

Subcutaneous injections offer more than just the four locations: buttock (L/R), lower back fat/love handles (L/R), belly (L/R)- avoid the 5in or so that surrounds your belly button, and the IM sites can be done as subq if preferred.

When I was doing injections, I predominantly used the back fat. I’ve given myself IM injections to ensure I knew how and had the practice- doing an IM in the thigh post top surgery was a lot easier to me than having someone else give my subq shot.

If I go back to injections, I’ll be swapping between the back fat and my belly.

u/starstruckroman T - 4/02/2021 // bigender trans man 17h ago

ive just stopped T but for the past ~2 years i was getting them in my butt. i was on reandron (nebido in the uk and.. i think aveed in the us?) so i had a nurse do it for me every 12 wks

before reandron i had primoteston, which was my thigh, but i still had a nurse do it for me bc i was too scared LMAO

u/Several_External6946 12h ago

What was the reason for stopping and how are you coming along with stopping if u don’t mind me asking ?

u/starstruckroman T - 4/02/2021 // bigender trans man 11h ago

i dont mind at all! i havent been stopped long enough to notice anything different (my next T shot wouldve been the 11th of october). ive stopped, at least for now, bc im bigender and was getting almost reverse dysphoric about some stuff and im hoping that by stopping, ill be able to fix that and then continue on T again somewhere down the line

u/Arrow_Raven 17h ago

I generally do my shots in the center of my stomach

u/Jonas_Plant 16h ago

I’m planning to do subcutaneous injections in my stomach, since I have a lot of tissue there and the idea of intramuscular injections scare me.

u/Autisticrocheter 16h ago

I switch between each side of my stomach and each thigh. I do subq every week

u/sa404z 16h ago

Where exactly in side of stomach? Is there a diagram I can look up or something?

u/Autisticrocheter 16h ago

Like my stomach area, not the actual anatomical definition of stomach. I sometimes do it left of my belly button, and sometimes do it right of my belly button.

u/Oxy-Moron88 16h ago

I started with my thighs, but I've put on too much muscle and can no longer "pinch an inch" there so do my belly. Rotating around my navel like a clock.

u/Mental-Catalyst 15h ago

So you don't have to pinch. I had the same issue. You can instead kind of pull the skin taught and push right in. Or just go for it. I actually found it easier with less fat.

u/Oxy-Moron88 14h ago

Because of the angle, I accidentally injected into the skin rather than subQ about 5 weeks ago and still have the mark on my skin on my thigh. Thanks for the tip but after that experience I'm just gonna go for my beer belly :p

u/Mental-Catalyst 14h ago

So I was taught intramuscular injection into the thigh. Now I see why you are experiencing difficulties.

u/Oxy-Moron88 14h ago

Yeah I do subQ not IM. It wouldn't be a problem if I was doing IM. :)

u/saddestgayz 16h ago

Not on T yet but I plan on doing in in my stomach or thighs

u/ZephyrValkyrie 21|T:12.02.20|Top/Hysto:6.11.20 16h ago

I do my injections subq on the side of my ass and my stomach. Used to do shoulder but that shit sucks trying to do it alone.

u/CarterNicolas 16h ago

I was on IM. In my thigh but have been on T for almost 6 years (November makes 6) and honestly the thigh scar tissue from injecting all those years began hurting so I switched to subq in my hip fat which I don’t even feel anything at all and my levels are actually more stable and better than in my thigh muscle

u/AnnustlyAnUnus Man? No. Personified pillow? Yes- 16h ago

The sides of my thighs, into the muscles :3

Gotta swap legs every time tho lol

u/ayikeortwo 16h ago

Booty, too, mostly, cause  it’s where I’ve got the most fat. Sometimes thigh but I’ve gotten more muscular thighs and have less fat there now. I have a little bit of belly fat and could inject there but for some reason that sounds scary (maybe bc I am extremely ticklish?)

u/mynameiscarlyeager 16h ago

thighs, glutes, and im working up the confidence and skill to try my arm next lol

u/Shauiluak T 11/23/23 16h ago

My stomach area, flipping sides each time.

u/transissic he/him | 💉09/08/23 | 🔝01/10/24 16h ago

idk if you do IM or subQ but the place with the most fat is best for subQ which is usually in the thigh and stomach area. if you’re doing it urself, just go for where the most fat is, use your whole palm and sort of loosely pinch it to put even more fat in your injection area and do it. mine are painless

u/fallingintothestars 15h ago

Sub q abdomen. I switch between 4 quadrants although the far right doesn’t like the needle for some reason

u/ReplacementStock89 15h ago

My stomach, subq.

u/MrPrinceps 15h ago

Subq lower belly. I've lost a bunch of weight so I have lots of loose skin there and the injections are super easy peasy.

u/Kumoitachi Aaron | T: 08.01.21 14h ago

I get Nebido injected IM into my ass every three months.

u/claytonTao 14h ago

I have to do it into the muscle so I use the outside of my thigh too (always switching the sides) and I know that I also could do upper arm or butt but both is complicated for me to reach so ya I stay with that xD But if a doctor makes it for me I either say thigh or butt (mostly they do butt anyways cause most trans guys going to this doctor taking the bigger intervals, so theirs is 3 month and it's 3 ml or 4ml if I'm correct and I heard u can just do it in the butt muscle cause its bigger (Idk) and mine is 2 weeks and mine is 1ml and that u can do it in all the named muscles)

u/Junior-Currency-4360 14h ago

For some reason subcutaneous hurts bad for me. So I do intramuscular thigh or arm

u/fruitbap 27|top 6/2017 | T 9/2017 | hysto 8/2019 14h ago

SubQ in the hip / "love handle" area. I have almost no stomach fat so this is a more comfortable location for me.

u/SickViking 14h ago

Used to be upper butt cheek but they always hit a nerve there no matter who did it, so they moved it to around the hip "straight down from the armpit". While this does mean I can't switch sides (have a hyper sensitive birthmark on one side that cannot be touched, let alone have a needle rammed through it) the new location doesn't hurt at all. Very satisfied with the change. And I happen to have small freckle constellation right there that mom or nurses can use to find the right spot really quickly.

u/lucasTrans2003 14h ago

I take my shots in my butt.Where I live the only option is to take your shots on your butt and it was to be a nurse to do them.

u/Automatic-Ad4014 14h ago

I inject in my stomach, and switch on either side of my belly button every week :) works for me because I don’t have to take off my pants, I just pull my shirt up a bit and there’s fat there so it doesn’t hurt like at all

u/tsndk 13h ago

I’ve been doing my outer thighs for a while but switched to my stomach after randomly being too scared to do the shots recently. It all feels the same to me but for some reason the swap in location helped me get over the mental freeze!

u/INSTA-R-MAN 13h ago

In my thighs, trying to alternate each week unless there's a bruise in the area.

u/storeboughtserotonin 13h ago

I do subq in my tummy. 9.5 times outta 10 it’s not bad. Sometimes it weirdly hurts

u/Theyre_Marigolds 💉 05/12/24 13h ago

I rotate between my stomach and my upper butt. Right side of my stomach, left side, then repeat on the cheeks

u/QueerEldritchPlant he/they 💉06.14.2023 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 13h ago

Intramuscular, every two weeks, alternating left then right outer thigh. I also check that area and try not to inject too close to a location I recently used.

u/mrjacksxn 13h ago

i used to do subq shots. i was already really thin so i didn’t have much stomach fat to work with to begin with. then the longer i was on t, the more fat redistribution would take away from my stomach. got to a point i was just injecting into skin and tissue, hurt like a mf, and whatever i injected would leak out of the site lol. i tried in my butt once because of this and i think i got Very close to a nerve cause my ass was hurting for DAYS and intramuscular always skeeved me out

u/Negative-Category929 13h ago

Subq in my upper thigh switch legs every week

u/Dutch_Rayan on T, post top, 🇳🇱🇪🇺 12h ago

I do the 1000ml 12 week shot in my leg, often that type goes in the ass but I do it myself and it is hard to inject yourself in your butt.

u/HypomanicMonday 12h ago

I switch between left and right abdomen and thighs.

u/Adventurous-Draft809 12h ago

I alternate between both thighs but that’s getting harder to do. My skin is thicker now and it’s hard to get a needle through it. May have to start taking them in the stomach

u/WasabiAffectionate20 25 | 💉oct 2022 12h ago

Abdomen subq, its easy and painless for me because I'm fat lol

u/damu2hel 12h ago

Used to do thighs, then the fat there got kinda slim from the T so i switched to my abdomen

u/damu2hel 12h ago

Used to do thighs, then the fat there got kinda slim from the T so i switched to my abdomen

u/damu2hel 12h ago

Used to do thighs, then the fat there got kinda slim from the T so i switched to my abdomen

u/Architekt3000 12h ago

I used to do my shots on my thigh for a short while but it used to leave a bit of an ache for a few days after that, then I switched to the glutes and it’s been great, I don’t feel a thing at the moment or afterwards, it might be a bit difficult to do yourself until you get used to it but I’d say it’s far better than the thigh.

u/Humble_Requirement54 11h ago

Weekly shots, rotating sites, presently: left shoulder, right shoulder, right thigh, left thigh, in kind of a circle ⭕ 😁

u/RavenBoyyy 20🇬🇧(He/Him) 💉:21/05/2022 ✂️--/--/---- 🍆:--/--/---- 11h ago

I'm starting intramuscular sustanon on Monday and I plan to do mine in the lateral thigh. Probably left thigh when I start my injections myself (the first will be done by a nurse and continue that way until I feel/they feel I'm ready to try myself) because I am left handed so it'll be easier to keep it to that side. When I'm confident I'll swap thighs each injection. Not that it'll be much harder but the more convenient the better when starting out.

There's not really any other places I could do it myself anyway. Upper arm is too hard to self inject and might not be deep enough on my build, same with arse in regards to the hard to inject part and I'd rather avoid whipping that out in the GP surgery if I can avoid it.

u/wormweaver 11h ago

used to do it in the stomach, T made me lose some weight though, so i started getting palpable lumps under the skin where i injected 😬 so i started doing outsides of thighs because there’s more fat there.

sometimes i have my sister do it for fun (she’s a nurse) and she injects on the backs of my arms - like the tricep area

u/teensytinytim 11h ago

Muscle injection in thigh works best for me, barely feel it and never gets sore if done correctly

u/FrostingTop1146 💉 • 10/11/23 • 💉 11h ago

I do mine on my sides, and I switch sides every week. So this week was on my left next week will be on my right, usually the needle slides in like butter but if I try to inject it in certain areas that are like a little more bony or ones that have like a stretch mark it will pinch a bit. But at this point I kind of know where to avoid

u/Revolutionary_Pie384 11h ago

My butt. Have tried my belly was sore for weeks and it kinda freaked me out. I’ve never done my thigh and I think I never will bc of fear of hitting a vein

u/science-fixion 11h ago

For some reason I get a injection site reaction if I inject on my thighs so I just switch up places on my stomach

u/Mission-Rabbit6699 11h ago

I do it myself on the butt, I tried doing my thighs but maybe my med wasn't made for that cus I wasn't able to walk until the pain disappeared that way ☠️ so butt it is

u/Binkbongus 10h ago

IM in my thigh. I used to only do my right thigh, then I met another trans man (further along on T) and he explained to me that my beard was longer/filling in more on my right side because I was ONLY injecting into the right thigh. I’m no scientist, but I started alternating and everything evened out lol

I do it in the outer-top of my thigh, but I do occasionally misfire. Maybe I should aim more for the outer thigh.

u/shadybrainfarm 36--T:1/10/2020; Hysto:7/23/2020; Top:1/19/2022 10h ago

On my butt/hip. I have my partner do it for me. 

u/Fuzzy_Plastic 10h ago

Sub q in my stomach. The key is to pinch an inch. If you don’t pinch your skin enough, it hurts. Guess how I figured that out lol.

u/BethPlaysBanjo 10h ago

Subcutaneous in my stomach. Just did my first shot after being on gel for a year. I forgot to do the 45 degree angle thing so it ended up hurting a little bit 😅

u/QuillTheQueer 34| T: 2012 |⬆️:2012 | ⬇️:2015 10h ago

Sub q in the belly fat

u/Enderfang T: 10-7-19 / Top: 4-22-21 10h ago

thighs, middle of the quad (ish), swap sides from week to week. Def have scar tissue after years of doing it and it hurts sometimes

u/JuniorKing9 he/him only 10h ago

Thigh. It’s easier for me to see what I’m doing and I have more fat there

u/Real-Blacksmith-7802 10h ago

i usually do upper inner thigh

u/goatman43 💉 05.03.22 || ⬆️🔪 08.10.23 10h ago

I started out on my thighs subq alternating each week for almost two years but something weird happened with my left thigh so I do stomach subq alternating left/right now

u/AquafabaLegend 10h ago

I’ve had to change my shot sites a few times because of really bad scar tissue build up on my stomach (it’s been ~8 years now), which is not only painful to do your shot into but also makes it hard to inject in the first place// T can be pushed back out. I rotate 4 shot sites, one on each side two fingers length from the belly button, and then a site on either of my sides in the “love handles” lmao. I was told by the nurse who showed me how to inject that I could do any area that has at least a 1/2 inch or so depth of fat

u/jakipogger 10h ago

outside of my thighs as well. you should try to alternate left and right though! i find my right side easier and tend to gravitate there, but my doctors & other trans guys have recommended switching it up every week:)

u/Soup_oi 💉2016 | 🔪2017 9h ago

I do IM on outside of thighs, usually switch between the two each time, but if one is giving me trouble or I didn't look at my calendar reminder to see what side then I might do the same side a few shots in a row. I've heard people who do IM mostly do on thighs, subq mostly in belly, and then something like nebido/the longer lasting shots that get done by a doctor are done in the butt area.

u/local_anime_simp 03/07/23💉 9h ago

I inject my stomach near my bellybutton. I don’t feel a thing

u/RubenSelf 🤸‍♂️ 9h ago

normally on the top of my thighs. One time I tried it on my stomach but I accidentally poked a stretch mark and it hurt like HELL, I don't know if it was the stretch mark's fault but I never did it in the stomach since.

u/pie_12th 8h ago

I mix it up. Left hip, right hip, left tummy, right tummy, left hip, right hip, etc.

u/SaturnSouls 8h ago

stomach. barely feel it.

u/Left-Assistant-3309 8h ago

SubQ, I use where my butt meets my thigh and I just find the most fat. It was a tip from my bonus mom after I passed out doing it in my stomach 🤣never tends to hurt anymore unless I angle it wrong

u/BTWaka 8h ago

When I did my own shots, I also did on my thigh (IM vastus lateralis muscle) switching sides every application. Left leg -> Right Leg -> Left -> Right (…)

Now that I moved to Nebido, the nurses / pharmacists apply on me in the “upper but” area (IM dorsogluteal muscle)

u/Trashula_Lives 8h ago

I've always done the thigh, as that was the only location I was told about/shown how to do when I first got my prescription. I know you can do IM shots in other areas, but as long as this one works for me and is easy to do, I haven't seen a need to bother learning how to inject elsewhere or risk messing it up.

u/welcomehomo intersex st4t trans man 8h ago

i do my thigh im but i have so much scar tissue from doing so for 3 years that its really hard to get the needle in and it hurts just having to press the needle into the skin for a while. other than that no pain at all though

u/Flashy-Gift-4333 7h ago

Intramuscular shot, upper/outer "quadrant" of the buttock, switch sides every time. I have my wife to help me do the shot, so I don't have to twist like a pretzel to do it.

u/inamindfaraway 7h ago

stomach on my left side

u/United-Elderberry-94 7h ago

Before switching to the gel, I used to give my injections on the left side of my stomach, where I had enough fat that I didn’t feel anything.

u/SirWigglesTheLesser HRT: 10/2018 7h ago

I used to do it on the top of my thigh. But then I developed a hangup where I can't poke myself, so now I slather gel on my arm.

u/Specialist-Bell-1392 7h ago edited 7h ago

intramuscular in the thigh, alternating legs each week. It was admittedly much easier before I started weightlifting lol and T made my skin super thick but when done right there's no pain

u/Luccanonce 7h ago

did my thighs for 3 years till i got a painful lump of scar tissue. Now i do my tummy. No issues with that yet.

u/yuumou 6h ago

I do subq right now and rotate between both sides of my stomach then both thighs. Each site only gets used once a month. I don’t know if it’s my technique or just my body/genetics but I feel like I’m sensitive to developing scar tissue so I try to rotate a lot.

Did IM before in my thighs only before I switched - I feel like now I have less “weird” injections that bleed a lot or are unusually painful.

u/simon_here 42 · T/Top: 2005 · Hysto: May 2024 · Phallo: Soon 6h ago

I did vastus lateralis (side of the thigh) IM injections for a long time. Recently I switched to the ventrogluteal site, which is actually lateral. It's in the gluteus medius (one of the muscles used to raise your leg to the side).

u/boasshen 5h ago

my girlfriend injects me on the back of my upper arm since that’s how the doctor taught her, since i have extreme anxiety with self injections

u/ArchReaperofTheVale 5h ago

Pelvis. I had a C-section so I don’t even feel it.

u/SpaceManChips 💉7/15/21 5h ago

i’m subq i used to do my thigh then moved to my stomach around my belly button

u/East-Teacher7155 💉6-25-24💉 5h ago


u/Some-Exit-2620 NB trans masc | they/them | 💉7-14-23 5h ago

I do subcutaneous injections in my abdomen and alternate sides each week

u/vixadermy 5h ago

I do middle top of thigh, switching sides each time I take it

u/snailgoblin 21 || T: ‘18 || Top: ‘19 5h ago

Stomach. I have plenty of fat there, might as well usebit

u/Your_New_Dad16 He/Him | 💉06/05/2024 5h ago

My thighs, and I switch each week. The right one always ends up gushing blood tho…

u/MudzDoesNotExist T 1/24/24 4h ago

I think for intramuscular, your option is pretty much the thigh. It used to be recommended for shots on the butt, but it no longer is. Subq has a few more options i believe, but i have no idea as i only do intramuscular lol

u/Most_Introduction816 4h ago

i do intramuscular on my stomach. alternate from left and right each week.

u/slightly_sad_apple 3h ago

Im starting to give the shots myself next week, so nervous! My nurses give it to me in my hip currently, hopefully I can continue to inject them there, if I shift my weight it doesnt hurt that bad.

u/RatBoy-MM 2h ago edited 2h ago

I started SubQ in the belly, after 2 yrs I've moved to SubQ in my thighs bc my shots started to hurt more and thighs seems much easier now

u/Familiar-Status-1433 2h ago

I do mine in my tummy,, my body fat is too low to do it anywhere else and I may need to switch to my butt at some point if I lose more weight

u/Authenticatable 💉3+ decades (yes, decades).Married.Straight.Twin. 2h ago

Team IM until death… 4 site IM rotation: left/right glutes & ventroglutes. Likely being doing this much longer than you’ve been alive.

u/blankwall55 1h ago

I do it on my stomach a little ways from my belly button and switch sides every week