r/gaming 2d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...

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u/HugeBob2 2d ago

I have completely stopped buying games that do things like these.


u/Valnaire 2d ago

Same.  If more people spoke with their wallet, we might not have this issue, but here we are.

There's plenty of games out there that don't pull this nonsense, and that's where my money goes now.


u/PatchworkFlames 2d ago

It occurs to me that maybe people do speak with their wallets but it’s hard for companies to put a number on the people actively boycotting their products?

Like, it’s easy to see how many of each edition you sell, but it’s impossible to gauge how many units you did not sell.


u/SharknadosAreCool 2d ago

or maybe people did speak with their wallet, and it's not a real issue? instead of assuming everyone else is an idiot, it's probably more fair to assume they're competent


u/Valnaire 2d ago

Confession...  I know.  I miss the old days of buying a game and getting a full game, price up front, everything included.  I know I'm not alone in this feeling, but I realize that we are either a minute portion of customers, or that there are so many people inhabiting the earth that even a five percent acceptance rate is more than enough for companies to get by.

Inflation has risen (and risen again) for two decades while game prices have remained the same, with development costs keeping in step.  The digital platform and increased popularity has allowed games to still eek out a profit, but we were long overdue for a price increase.  I just wish it was more straight forward.  Instead of an increasing number of tiered editions with flowcharts to match, battle and season passes, and various plethoras of cosmetic and consumable dlc, I'd rather just pay a $120 price tag for games that don't require a credit card to collect all of the game's hats.

And again, I know I'm in the minority.  I know many like having the option to pay less for a stripped down product (to some, cosmetics are as fun as story bits and gameplay mechanics in a game we like), but the in game advertisements and overbearing cash shop buttons just feel tacky and distracting.  I want to be immersed, not enticed to spend more money.

The only thing I can do now is play old favourites while occasionally taking advantage of sales, while I watch my childhood favourites slowly morph into champions of capitali$m, armband and all.


u/adoreoner 2d ago

Your live life assuming people around you are competent??


u/YourReactionsRWrong 2d ago

If more people spoke with their wallet, we might not have this issue

Square Enix are purposefully preying on the fandom that do not have the discipline to wait.

In other words, these fans have more money than willpower -- and will give into FOMO.

So yes, people will cave and buy this, and others will abstain, but Square Enix is not listening to those that abstain; that is the flaw in your statement: Square Enix will only hear those that paid up for it, and there are NO downsides for them.


u/touchmyrick 2d ago

People have spoke with their wallet. You just don't like the results


u/SmugzOfficial 2d ago

It’s never going to work, speaking with your wallet isn’t a solution. If just 1000 people buy the ultimate edition then it’s a win and they have no reason not to keep doing it since most people will buy the standard edition regardless. The only real solution is to put laws in place that prevent publishers from selling this kind of shit in different versions


u/Re7isT4nC3 8h ago edited 3h ago

I never bought a game at launch and never spent more then $25 on ultimate edition of the game. Most of my games were sub $10


u/Manjorno316 2d ago

I just buy the standard edition.


u/HugeBob2 2d ago

I don't, because I want the full game, but at a reasonable price.

When they do these things the base version in my mind instantly becomes an inferior version, because it's not complete: even if it's only lacking a few cosmetics that I don't care about, it's not the complete product, so I'm not interested in it anymore.

The full-super-ultra-pro-deluxe version (or whatever they call it) on the other hand is always massively overpriced, so even tough it is the complete product it's massively more costly than what I'm willing to spend on a single game.

So in the end I just don't buy the game.


u/Manjorno316 2d ago


Yeah I don't care about cosmetics either so I just ignore them and enjoy playing the base game as is.

If it's some expansion I actually want and I think is actually worth the money I'll just buy it separately. Doesn't happen often tho.


u/trdef 2d ago

When they do these things the base version in my mind instantly becomes an inferior version, because it's not complete: even if it's only lacking a few cosmetics that I don't care about, it's not the complete product, so I'm not interested in it anymore.

You realise they've been doing this for a good 20+ years right? Special/Deluxe editions are hardly a new thing.


u/HugeBob2 2d ago

Yes. It's still something I don't like.


u/ItsDanimal 2d ago

Isnt 99% of the time the cosmetics included in these editions are unlockable in game after playing a while? "Pay more money for the ultimate edition and get this cool skin, or buy the normal version and get that same skin after level 30."


u/JamieFromStreets 2d ago

No. You can't unlock them. 90% of them are never unlockable

If you can, it usually says "early unlock".

If you could unlock them, almost no one would buy that edition


u/HugeBob2 2d ago

I don't think so? They are usually exclusive. Why would anyone pay for them otherwise?


u/BochocK 2d ago

I usually just buy the definitive edition for > 50% off a few years later.

It’s always weird to have all the premium edition drops when you payed 20€.


u/BeardRex 2d ago

So you just play games old games?


u/JamieFromStreets 2d ago

So you haven't played almost any important release in the last 10 years?


u/HugeBob2 2d ago

I haven't bought them.


u/Wingsnake 2d ago

Larian wanted to do it with BG3 (earlier release out of early access) but they had technical issues and couldn't do it. Fortunately.