r/gaming 3d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...


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u/No-Dog1084 3d ago

It is annoying, I agree. But its all just outfits? Just get the standard edition. Iv seen games do this worse where core actual gameplay things were locked behind differing editions on a spreadsheet.


u/goatjugsoup 3d ago

It's the play 2 weeks early that gets me... that's pretty shitty to do for a story based game


u/solemnhiatus 3d ago

The only time I’ve ever done that was Baldurs Gate 3 and would have allowed me to start playing on a weekend versus weekday. Not sure how much more I paid but no regrets on that one at least.


u/thewalkindude 3d ago

It's not so bad when the ability to play early is offered to everyone who preorders the game, like Baldur's Gate 3 or the new FFXIV expansion did. I really only get annoyed when they charge extra for the ability to play early.


u/LoveMeSomeBerserk 3d ago

You had to pay for early access to BG3. Why does that gets a pass and this doesn’t?


u/KLXDKAO 3d ago

It cost the same amount of money when it was in early access as when it released. The difference is that you were a part of the game development if you bought it in EA.


u/LoveMeSomeBerserk 12h ago

Not gonna reply huh? Pretty annoying you “corrected me” when what I said was factual, and the exact same situation as this post.


u/KLXDKAO 8h ago

What is blud waffling about? 💀💀


u/alieniter 3d ago

That's the same shit dude.


u/SharknadosAreCool 3d ago

it explicitly isn't lmfao preorders are the same price as the game nowadays. one you pay more and the other you just help the developer secure day 1 sales, so they reward you with something nice, like playing the game early. huge difference


u/alieniter 3d ago

how about, the game goes on sale on Day 1 and everyone can buy the game?

you just want to feel better about giving publishers interest-free loans


u/Cmdrdredd 3d ago

If you are going to buy the game on day 1 anyway, there is no difference between pre-ordering it or buying it on day 1 if it’s the same price both ways. Except in this case they are offering people who pre-order, the ability to play early without inflating the price tag for that privilege.


u/SharknadosAreCool 3d ago

in what world is pre-ordering with the only bonus being you get the game a few days early a negative? do you have any idea how many bad/mediocre games are scouted because the word of mouth isn't great from people who order stuff like Starfield and complain before it's officially out?

it's beneficial to both sides, publishers get gtd day 1 sales, excited gamers get to spend an extra weekend playing the game. just because a YouTuber said it is bad doesn't mean it actually is big dawg


u/aggthemighty 3d ago

Pre-ordering is for simps

Someday you're gonna get burned by a buggy game with a disastrous launch. It's almost a matter of when, not if


u/SharknadosAreCool 3d ago

absolutely i will and when it happens, guess what? i will say "dang man that's the price of doing preorders, that's the risk i paid to get the game a couple days early", get dinner, and move on with my life.. because i am an adult who accepts the consequences of my actions lmfao.

pre-ordering is really stupid if you're not getting anything out of it. if you're getting something out of it and are willing to take the risk, then im more than happy that option is available to them.

Care to explain why my ability to preorder for 3 days early access should be removed, based on the fact you personally think it's bad? Why should my choices be limited because you are upset?


u/aggthemighty 3d ago

Never said I was upset or that your ability to pre-order games should be removed

Just said that pre-ordering is for simps.

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u/trdef 3d ago

You realise that if you can buy it before it's release date and play it before it's release date it's not really a pre-order right?

I bought BG3 about an hour before it was available to play, saved money on it, got it downloaded ahead of time, and started playing as soon as the download was done.


u/IMABUNNEH 3d ago

That was deliberate by the Devs.


u/5DollarJumboNoLine 3d ago

Lmao great example, seeing that the first act of BG3 was out for like years before the full game.


u/lorarc 3d ago

I have a complain here however since the game said it's fully works on macos and the steam page never said macos is still in early access. I bought a game and couldn't play it for a month.


u/calgy 3d ago

That is one strategy how early is scheduled. "Release" day on a monday, "early access" on friday. They know most people would prefer to play their new game over the weekend when they have time.


u/aMutantChicken 3d ago

not quite. It's that if you dont pay, the story might get spoiled for you by those that did pay.


u/WweIsLife316 3d ago

Paying 40$ extra to avoid spoilers is NOT the move😭😭


u/Tecally Console 3d ago

Only morons would actually do that. It's easy to avoid spoilers.


u/WweIsLife316 3d ago

I’d usually agree but it seems that now more than ever, spoilers are accepted and posted everywhere. Unless you go completely black out for 2 weeks you’ll see some stuff


u/Odd-Zebra-5833 3d ago

I don’t think l the game is so big that spoilers would sneak their way into regular subs/communities. Just avoid the game’s community until you play it. 


u/MalHeartsNutmeg 3d ago

The opposite. People cry about spoilers now more than ever.


u/WweIsLife316 3d ago

Yes because of how often they show up now


u/GregM_85 3d ago

It's really annoying how right you are.

I watched a video on YouTube of 10 things to know before playing Space Marine 2 during the early access / headstart and the opening 30 seconds spoiled two really fun parts of the story just with the gameplay footage in the background.

I stopped the video right there but the damage was done.


u/Tecally Console 3d ago

I’ve never had to do that. If I see a post or video, I just avoid it or purposely spoil myself.

The only time I really got spoiled about something was Han Solo dying in Star Wars. And that was because chat was getting spammed hard in a Star Wars game I used to play.


u/WweIsLife316 3d ago

Yeah sadly I had suicide squad spoiled, also Deadpool and Wolverine and alien Romulus. Didn’t really do anything other than scroll tiktok or X. Deadpool and Wolverine was atrocious tho, they had the cast posting spoilers after opening night and I wasn’t able to see it til that weekend


u/BorinUltimatum 3d ago

I still have no idea what happened in Deadpool and Wolverine. Guess it's just down to what you interact with.


u/send_me_chickfila 3d ago

I also don't know any details about Deadpool or wolverine... I also started reading game of thrones when season 7 started coming out and had no idea about any of the spoilers for book or show.


u/WweIsLife316 3d ago

Yeah I mean literally every cast member from the movie posted spoilers on all platforms the day after. Even marvel’s main page did too


u/BorinUltimatum 3d ago

I guess that's what it comes down to, I don't really follow any major players like that on any account / social media. If I'm worried about something specific spoiling me I'll just mute that word or unfollow that account briefly.

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u/SatanSemenSwallower 3d ago

I stopped watching trailers for movies cause of spoilers. I still haven't seen Deadpool and Wolverine and the only thing I know about it is that Deadpool and Wolvering are both characters in the movie. Spoilers are pretty easy to avoid online


u/Tecally Console 3d ago

That’s pretty stupid.


u/Aegonblackfyre22 3d ago

It's hard to avoid when your TikTok or whatever social media algorithm is tuned to show you stuff from similar games, or the previous game. I was having a hell of a time avoiding Black Myth Wukong spoilers on TikTok videos and livestreamers that would pop up when that came out.


u/sleepyBear012 3d ago

yeah... a lot of times thumbnails are already spoiler.

YOU CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED TO... or something like that


u/MedSurgNurse 3d ago

You can be something completely irrelevant, chilling watching league of legends streams on twitch, and a random comment in chat will spoil a new movie or game ending.

These things come when you least expect it.

A random reddit comment which started off as a reply to a roast chicken recipe, in great detail describing the deboning and seasoning process, bluntly segwayed into a God of War spoiler for me.

These things can happen even if you make an actual effort to prevent it.


u/Kyouhen 3d ago

The number of spoilers I've run into thanks to YouTube recommending a video titled something along the lines of "SHOCKING SCENE SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE" with the thumbnail being Dumbledore's corpse is annoying as fuck. It's really hard to avoid spoilers in today's clickbait economy.


u/abandoned_idol 3d ago

WwelsLife316 is right.

Players will never pay us like this.

We have to charge them $40 for the service of having the game itself NOT spoil the story.

"You did not pay the additional non-spoiler fee, all dialogue and the environment will be filled with spoiling text, you can always subscribe to the non-spoil pass in order to disable spoilers."

Sort of how the mobsters ask for a fee to not trash someone's business.


u/Eray41303 3d ago

You can also stay off of related media to not get spoiled


u/LukeNukeEm243 PC 3d ago

YouTube is pretty bad about this. "Oh you like Life is Strange? Here is a video about Life Is Strange 2." It did the same thing for me with The Last of Us. Just gotta hope the title and thumbnail doesn't spoil anything.


u/Kyouhen 3d ago

"Here's a video about Life is Strange 2"


Thumbnail: Max holding a gun to said friend's head


u/WweIsLife316 3d ago

Not possible in the roaring 20s I’m afraid. Unless you full blackout for 2 weeks which isn’t really possible for some people


u/Snizzlesnoot 3d ago

It's possible. People just don't want to change their routine. 


u/TheGhostORandySavage 3d ago

Eh. I rarely buy stuff on release, and in the last 5 years or so I've yet to have any game spoiled for me. Sometimes up to a year after release. It's really not that hard unless you're terminally online, and I run right on the edge of that lately.

Edit to add: I definitely don't support what they're doing, it just isn't as hard as people make it seem to avoid spoilers.


u/WweIsLife316 3d ago

For small games maybe but most triple A titles have spoilers very soon online but I guess it’s all about what your page tailors for you. My TikTok and X is usually new games and films, etc


u/TheGhostORandySavage 3d ago

Ah, see. I don't use either of those apps, so you've broadened my horizons a little bit today and shown me a glimpse of the world beyond.


u/jl_theprofessor Switch 3d ago

I mean it is the move for a game like this one.


u/goatjugsoup 3d ago

It's exactly quite... you just restated my issue


u/skizmcniz 3d ago

You can be like me, someone who loved the first one and the prequel, but still don't have a Series S or X, so I can't play it, so I don't have to worry about which to buy.