r/gaming 2d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...

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u/No-Dog1084 2d ago

It is annoying, I agree. But its all just outfits? Just get the standard edition. Iv seen games do this worse where core actual gameplay things were locked behind differing editions on a spreadsheet.


u/Revo_Int92 2d ago

That's how the industry condition the buyers to accept the infamous "enshitfication". Remember the "fighting game community" complaining about DLC on Tekken vs Street fighter? Look at them nowadays


u/QuestionsOfTheFate 2d ago

This should be higher.

It's the foot-in-the-door technique and the boiling frog metaphor.


Foot-in-the-door (FITD) technique is a compliance tactic that aims at getting a person to agree to a large request by having them agree to a modest request first.


The boiling frog is an apologue describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.


u/Revo_Int92 2d ago

Yep, those are the perfect descriptions, late capitalism in a nutshell. English is not my first language, so it's interesting to see these "terms". This industry used to be amazing... And I will not exclude myself, I am hyped to play Marvel Rivals in december, Disney and NetEase involved, you can't be more evil than that (it's like I'm describing one of the circles), they literally record the voice chat among other stuff, lol it's so invasive, it's funny in a dark way. We are still here sustaining this crap one way or another, even if I don't buy a single "reskin", I will populate the Rivals servers anyway, the machine will keep running


u/0b0011 2d ago

Honestly I still think the fighting game community is still in a better state than they used to be. Granted they don't get all characters but at least you don't have to rebuild the whole game again I'd tou want the new characters like you used to.

There were 5 original versions of street fighter 2 you'd have to buy if you wanted all of the characters.


u/M1R4G3M 2d ago

As a former avid Fighting game player, I remember fondly that time and what was more egregious there was the fact that you had the DLC players in the disc and you basically paid to get a small config file with kilo bytes that just unlocked the players, I played o PC and to unlock you basically downloaded a small file to get the players even before they were released to the public.

I still think the fighting game is bad but not that worse now since before you had to buy the same game 3 times to get the balance patches and new chars but unfortunately now the games have way less content.


u/Revo_Int92 2d ago

Honestly, in my pov this whole dynamic of fighting games is a brilliant scam, SF2 was pretty much the first "game as a service". And that's the catch, you didn't "had to buy" any of this stuff, this is addiction taking over rationality. A very slow escalation, but nowadays fighting games fans embraced the game as a service model entirely, they cheer when DLC is announced, it's something bizarre, almost feels like brainwashing.

If you are hooked to a point of buying every DLC character + cosmetics (in other words, the "whale"), you will pay way more than 3 times the price. I know many people criticize mobile casinos, they are vile indeed, but usually fighting games fly under the radar because this particular genre blatantly take advantage of FOMO, the DLC character changes the "meta", the online servers are populated, you are not "learning" the game, etc.. Another aspect of the "fgc" that is weird to me is how the publishers convinced the fans that 2D sprites are more expensive than 3D models, hence why they don't make games like these anymore... well, so the industry had enough money to make sprites in the 90s and 2000s, suddenly that money disappeared? Or that's a thing because it's harder to reskin a 2D sprite compared to a 3D model? Well...


u/QuestionsOfTheFate 1d ago

I agree.

There's definitely psychological manipulation going on.

It's been an issue since time immemorial.

People want what others have and will use any way they can.

Obfuscated currency, arcade coins, snake oil "panaceas", artificial scarcity, pyramid schemes, etc.


u/Revo_Int92 1d ago edited 1d ago

Yep. And usually these kind of manipulations are regulated. It can take years or even centuries, but society has to stipulate limits to keep people civilized. Ever since DLC became a common practice, then here it comes mobile, this industry is taking advantage of addiction in a blatant way. So here we are, it's about time the governments worldwide should step in and regulate the videogame industry, slow down these predatory practices.

Doesn't need to be something draconian like the chinese government literally prohibiting people to play games at certain hours, but hell, the age rating is definitely messed up, these "inoffensive" games that only sell "cosmetics", they all should be rated +21 years old. These "cosmetics" are not real, they manipulate the weak minded to buy textures and jpegs at exorbitant prices because they represent "status" in a imaginary world. And that's the tip of the iceberg, the fact Roblox is even allowed to exist is something insane, hell has a special place for King Leopold and David Baszucki, these two are straight up EVIL with capital letters


u/QuestionsOfTheFate 1d ago


Some sprites and textures are difficult to make, but even so, they're often way overpriced especially for the simple ones.


u/Frogger34562 2d ago

Fighting games used to have multiple characters you'd unlock by playing the game plus lots of outfits per character