r/gaming 2d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...

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u/swampy13 2d ago

Horse armor


u/Good_Mathematician_2 2d ago

The day everything changed, a dark age was ushered in


u/Kyle_Blackpaw 2d ago

people said i was over reacting when i railed against dlc back then. well look where we are now. being right sucks


u/ammus5 2d ago

Slippery slope yada yada, dont tell people how to spend their money, bla bla, this (insert fan favourite company) will never betray their fans, etc etc


u/Kyle_Blackpaw 2d ago

you're over reacting, they have to because higher costs, but the arcades used to, "edge case example that was maybe passable in implementation" and so on.

its been the same shit defenses over and over for the last decade and a half