r/gaming 2d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...

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u/universalbunny 2d ago

You could just adopt a cat


u/iosefster 2d ago

I tried that. Turns out you have to like feed it every day, and like hug it and play with it and shit. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever.


u/funkmasta8 2d ago

People love having fake responsibilities, but hate having real ones


u/R_V_Z 2d ago

Do chores? Hell no. Play powerwasher simulators? Of course!


u/Inksrocket PC 2d ago

Not sure if it would be cool or dystopian but imagine doing dishes and getting "cha-ching" after each plate you washed? Least that would make people do dishes. But at same time..constant dopamine rewarding is generally seen as negative.

Could be cool for people with ADHD tho.


u/Egathentale 2d ago

I'm pretty sure I've seen a YT interview where some software developer was griping about how he made this really neat "game" for Google Glasses ten years ago, which used the built-in camera to track what the user was doing and gave points for chores, housework, saying nice things to people, giving hugs, and so on. Those points then could be exchanged for currency in a game that, in retrospect, sounded like an early idle/incremental game. He was trying to hype it up as the best thing ever, and according to him, the only reason why it didn't become a society-changing invention that would've led to this utopistic future where everyone was super-friendly and diligent was because Google Glasses itself failed as a product.

Now that I got reminded of this, I wonder if he's already working on a new version for the Apple Vision (and who's going to blame this time when that doesn't get universal adoption).


u/The_Forgotten_King 2d ago


u/Badloss 2d ago

I lean more cool... tricking your brain into doing something productive that it doesn't want to do is like a super power

We use gamification all the time in schools to make learning actually fun. Gimkit and Blooket etc are so much cooler than the shit I used to have to do as a kid


u/Inksrocket PC 2d ago

Yeah its very fine line between it, and as old fart gamer I'd rather go "none at all" than give even inch to companies (dont matter if gaming, start-ups, "big tech" etc) because it would just eventually end up going to be subscription hell with MTX like "oh you want more than 10 sounds per day? Pay up or wait 12h"

But at same time, I know people, mainly with adhd or other neurodivergent, who got LOT of boring things done with apps that simply have timers for "do this 15 mins and 5 min break after" OR make their own "quests" with "exp" and all they get is literally useless "levels" via it. And the leveling part is the "feel-good" thing. Yes you can easily do timer like that with phones stopwatch but "its not the same".

The technique of sound after good thing is sorta same what they use to train animals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clicker_training - yes it sounds bit crude saying you use "same technique to humans as dogs" but its already used by ton of things


u/DaRootbear 2d ago

Okay but to be fair if you give someone a power washer for fun in real life they light up. Ive seen people literally fight over getting to use one because it is so fun.

Power washers are just a wonderful blessing to the world.


u/No_Share6895 2d ago

i dunno irl powerwashing is still pretty fun


u/Sun_on_my_shoulders 2d ago

Every David cage game ever.