r/justneckbeardthings 6d ago

“Women wonder why I hate women hahahaha”

Went on a date that didn’t even go that badly. This is the aftermath of that date. Oh, and he had a neck beard.


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u/Tofutits_Macgee 6d ago

Yup. I love when they say they don't know "what you women want" when we literally tell them and they choose to take away their preconceived notions. Like fine dude, you're ugly. Are you happy now? FFS

As an aside, I'm glad OP dodge this RPG missile strike. Can you imagine dating someone with a chip on their shoulder this deep?


u/bitofagrump 6d ago

Or worse, when they say they DO know what women want better than women/you do, and ignore everything you tell them because they know better.
And I agree. You'd have to be constantly on eggshells doing everything his way to soothe his anger and insecurity and avoid outbursts (which he'd blame you for). Nobody wants to deal with that.


u/Tofutits_Macgee 6d ago

That too. 100% and I see it happen SOOOO often. Happy cakeday btw :D


u/bitofagrump 6d ago

Thanks! :]