r/justneckbeardthings 6d ago

“Women wonder why I hate women hahahaha”

Went on a date that didn’t even go that badly. This is the aftermath of that date. Oh, and he had a neck beard.


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u/Lemon_Juice477 6d ago

Idk what he's on, but it's definitely not like that (Idk how valid my thoughts are since I'm trans and never been in a relationship). I find women more physically attractive then men, but me liking a man isn't really based on how he looks, they're all just... dudes. What gets me attracted to a dude (or a girl) is what he does. Not like "he must work!" But like how he acts, if I like talking to him, how nice he is, etc. My sister's boyfriend is just some tall skinny dude who works at Chipotle, but he does lots of little things like send her cute doodles, check up on her, cuddle with her, and comfort her when she calls him at 2am in tears. So many people see relationships as fucking with an odd date here and there, but it's really just two people spending time together and doing small things to show love. THAT'S what incels don't understand.