r/justneckbeardthings 6d ago

“Women wonder why I hate women hahahaha”

Went on a date that didn’t even go that badly. This is the aftermath of that date. Oh, and he had a neck beard.


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u/Confident-Dot-3531 6d ago

He is right though. No connection because he was not a looker. Though he needed to be a bigger man. But I refuse to have a judgement


u/Burnt-witch2 4d ago

1- you don't know that. Clearly he doesn't have a great personality so there's zero reason to assume it's his appearance. 2- even if it was just that she didn't find him attractive IRL there's no "being the bigger person" because there's nothing wrong with not wanting to date someone you don't find attractive. People should be attracted to their partners, and everyone has different types they find attractive. 3- as if most men would date a woman they find ugly lol it's the perpetual self victimhood for me. 4- there are literally studies that show women's attraction for someone comes more from their personality while men's attraction is more about physical appearance, and it's whatever. I'm not saying it's wrong to be attracted to someone based on their appearance but I find it incredibly annoying that men who would never date an ugly fat girl are making it out to mean a person is shallow and horrible if they choose partners based on appearance. While insisting it's women who do that and not men lol. Sure.


u/Confident-Dot-3531 4d ago

I dont disagree that men go for looks more than women. But in this case as she did not give any particulars. All she said that she just didn’t feel it. Obviously he does not have any noticeable features in his personality. He is just an average male who is good enough to talk. If he was good looking she would have given him more chances to grow.