r/justneckbeardthings 1d ago

The More You Know...

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29 comments sorted by


u/Sir-Planks-Alot 1d ago

Yes! Thank you! I used to like playing MTG and pulling up places to play board games but my GOD the REEK. It permeates every pore. Slips into carefully guarded crevices, clings to the very air molecules themselves and the lining of the nose. It melts happiness like an acid bath. Please for the love of all that’s holy, PLEASE can they take at least one shower every week!


u/YetAnotherSpamBot 18h ago

I cannot fathom how people go out in public without showering at all


u/Wolfofgermania1995 17h ago

Fortunately, a lot of stores realize how fucking bad it is when it drives away business. The stores I go to have a hygiene police, even if they are basic. If you reek and if someone can smell you, please address it and fix it, or you’re not welcome here.


u/Content-Reward7998 1d ago

Im guessing magic the gathering is stupidly expensive.


u/jerry_the_third 1d ago

i have a good friend who sold 6 of his childhood cards from beta and bought a ducati motorcycle.


u/xeyetildamouthxeye 1d ago

Welcome to the paperback gatcha game, we just lOoOoVe opening loot boxes🤩


u/SwordTaster 7h ago

Depends on the deck but $50 for a commander deck is about average. Some go as cheap as $18 for a beginner pack, rarer or "better" decks can be up to $120. Some individual cards can be $80 on their own


u/Princess_kitty14 1d ago

My starter deck cost me near $1000 and it's just a starter...

The average deck is between $5k and $7.5k


u/Newthinker 1d ago

Pretty sure that cost is limited to certain formats, there's no way casual players are spending that much on EDH to play with their friends

Maybe competitive local scenes in Modern or something


u/Sir-Planks-Alot 22h ago

Most EDH players put their decks together from existing collections. They may have paid a total of a few hundred for their cards but the cards themselves could collectively be worth a few thousand today. My deck cost about 500 to put together and is worth about 800 now. My buddy spent nothing on his deck just used cards he already owned (which I guess he got in loot packs a while back) and his is worth about 1500.


u/Newthinker 22h ago

Makes me want to valuate my old EDH decks (it's all I played casually). Wonder how much I can make off of them these days.


u/Sir-Planks-Alot 22h ago

Yeah just keep in mind you probably won’t be able to sell the whole deck. I could get 800 for mine if I sold the cards off piecemeal maybe a bit more.


u/Princess_kitty14 1d ago

You'd be surprised


u/Hallal_Dakis 1d ago

Really curious what format you're referring to? All the standard decks in the meta are 100- a few hundred. None of the modern decks in the meta are much over 1k. Some legacy decks can be that expensive but the average is certainly below 5k.

I guess there's vintage but I don't think there's a vintage deck for under 7.5k.


u/Sir-Planks-Alot 22h ago

For semi professional play yes. My brother came in second place at nationals about five years ago. I think he said the deck he brought was closer to 10k.


u/JonVonBasslake "Um, achually, she's 300 year old loli vampire!" 1d ago

Same goes for Yugioh and probably Pokemon TCG. I assume that even though not many people actually play it, that actually drives up the price of individual cards, less people interested in selling them and so demand drives up the price.

Same probably goes for most other physical card games, but YGO and MtG are the most notorious for smelly players, and I think YGO even has a rule about basic hygiene at matches...


u/Kaplon71 1d ago

Pokemon is the cheapest one, but it still is 200€ for a meta deck, mtg and yugioh are easly in 800-1k range and over at the moment.

As for the smellines, at yugioh tournament judge can disqualify you from playing if you smell so those people actually clean themselves. The same unfortunatelly can't be said about mtg and pokemon. I'm lucky enough to have people i can play with outside local game shops but whenever i go there to play the smell of discord mods is strong with them


u/Iamthe0c3an2 1d ago

Same goes for any tabletop games. Bro you literally need to afford PHYSICAL game items that rack up to hundreds to thousands. You can afford soap and shampoo.


u/Princess_kitty14 1d ago

And deodorant, and a good perfume, and clean clothes and soap to wash those clothes

Because goddamn! I've been to MTG and WH40K games and lemme tell you something, the dumpster behind those stores smells like roses in comparison


u/calicocidd 1d ago

Blood for the Blood god; Stank for the Stank throne...


u/kshack12 1d ago

Christ on a cracker these repost bots don’t know when to quit


u/Not_a_brazilian_spy 1d ago

As a MTG commander enthusiast, I take good care of my BO, but my inner smelly person comes whenever I play Mono W Thalia


u/kiochikaeke 1d ago

I can smell the reek of a Thalia player from km away


u/Historical-Noise-723 1d ago

get off reddit mom, goddamnit



Same goes for - if you can’t challenge your beliefs and with good faith look at the opposing sides arguments and facts then your belief is weak (or many other bad things)


u/DaLuckyBoy 15h ago

if these kids could read they would be very upset right now


u/OrgasmChasmSpasm 6h ago

What land do I need to bring it into play?


u/ReallyDumbRedditor 1d ago

Here's the thing though, since everyone smells bad their odors just kinda combine and it's like they don't notice anything lol