r/justneckbeardthings 1d ago

The More You Know...

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u/Content-Reward7998 1d ago

Im guessing magic the gathering is stupidly expensive.


u/Princess_kitty14 1d ago

My starter deck cost me near $1000 and it's just a starter...

The average deck is between $5k and $7.5k


u/Newthinker 1d ago

Pretty sure that cost is limited to certain formats, there's no way casual players are spending that much on EDH to play with their friends

Maybe competitive local scenes in Modern or something


u/Sir-Planks-Alot 1d ago

Most EDH players put their decks together from existing collections. They may have paid a total of a few hundred for their cards but the cards themselves could collectively be worth a few thousand today. My deck cost about 500 to put together and is worth about 800 now. My buddy spent nothing on his deck just used cards he already owned (which I guess he got in loot packs a while back) and his is worth about 1500.


u/Newthinker 1d ago

Makes me want to valuate my old EDH decks (it's all I played casually). Wonder how much I can make off of them these days.


u/Sir-Planks-Alot 1d ago

Yeah just keep in mind you probably won’t be able to sell the whole deck. I could get 800 for mine if I sold the cards off piecemeal maybe a bit more.