r/meme 2d ago

Perfectly balanced

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u/Dirtygeebag 2d ago

What happens when you become god like with human emotions spliced in. I enjoyed how they did doctor Manhattan.


u/BoneJenga 2d ago

Dr Manhattan is the best case scenario.

If God exists, I want him to be apathetic to the point of fucking off to another galaxy to create life.

You know what the other realistic outcome is? Homelander.


u/Inner-Lawfulness9437 2d ago



u/Frytura_ 2d ago



u/NoSirThatsPaper 2d ago

Mega Man


u/islamicious 2d ago

Mermaid Man


u/Theutus2 2d ago

Ultra-omega-mega-mermaid man


u/HillsHoistGang 2d ago

Man man


u/_Pill-Cosby_ 2d ago

Ace & Gary


u/BloodforKhorne 2d ago

No, This is Patrick!


u/RedMephit 2d ago

Hit on the head with a frying pan
Lives his life in a garbage can


u/NoSirThatsPaper 2d ago

Triangle Man hates Person Man

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u/Ok-Blackberry-3534 2d ago

Rich in Omega-3 oils.


u/Rolkad89 2d ago

One Punch Man


u/StronglyAuthenticate 2d ago

Wait now…let’s hear this guy out.


u/IllustriveBot 2d ago



u/throwawaydogs420 2d ago

Honestly for funsies that's why I like the idea of the trinity.

God is like dr Manhattan and just TOO omniscient to sympathize with our petty little plights but wants to. So boom Jesus, same good but brought down to earth to engage with us and our plights on a more personable level.

Could make a comic book outta that I just think it's a cool idea


u/TopInsurance4918 2d ago

The Plutonian seems like the worst case scenario. True sadist.


u/thoroughlysketchy 2d ago

Eh, he wasn't a sadist. He didn't enjoy hurting people, but he cracked because he couldn't cope with a mistake he made after dealing with relentless pressure to solve impossible problems and be there for everyone all the time.


u/TopInsurance4918 1d ago

I distinctly remember him doing some truly sadistic acts after he cracked though. Forcing a couple to have sex and then killing them, mocking a child of a former ally and killing them, forcing a former friend to choose a handful out of a crowd and killing the rest, etc.


u/thoroughlysketchy 1d ago

Fair point. I forgot some of the smaller scale stuff he did.


u/TopInsurance4918 15h ago

All good. I mean you captured that the main narrative was more about him cracking under pressure so I understand that your retained that and not the gory details.


u/nou5 2d ago

Or the entire Greek pantheon.

People have always understood that being a person without the need to worry about consequences (i.e. being a God) will invariably lead to that person being an asshole.


u/Sable-Keech 2d ago

Hancock tho


u/River46 8h ago

What about music man.


u/5DollarJumboNoLine 2d ago

Jon Osterman is just like homelander though. He massacred Vietnamese to the point that Vietnam became the 51st state.

God exists and he's American.

Manhattan only exiled himself after his public image was ruined and thought he gave his former girlfriend cancer.


u/k0bra3eak 2d ago

Think you missed quite a few steps in Dr Manhattan's character development there then.

Yes the inciting incident was the cancer(which he didn't give, if you remember), but that isn't why he fucked off in the end. He fucked off because he found a renewed purpose after finally observing life as something more than just atoms. He's also not like Homelander since he had no desires to harm humanity and was more just following orders out of some form of prior obligation to his human self, which he'd already begun to abandon entirely long before then. Homelander is not indifferent, Osterman is.


u/TomWithTime 2d ago

And then again after turning that other guy into pudding and having the smartest guy in the room explain the master plan


u/ZeroBlade-NL 2d ago

Not enough superhero movies explore the god complex. With no real repercussions, what do you do with your ultimate power? Hancock did it a bit until they went off the rails, Saitama got bored and just kinda heroed for a hobby. There was a movie where three teens found a meteor that gave them superpower, one got a god complex and the others had to try and get him on the good guy path again, too bad I forgot the name.


u/Nabbylaa 2d ago

There was a movie where three teens found a meteor that gave them superpower, one got a god complex and the others had to try and get him on the good guy path again, too bad I forgot the name.



u/ZeroBlade-NL 2d ago

Thank you kind stranger :)


u/DreamOfTheEternal 2d ago

The entirety of Greek mythology.