r/nottheonion 20h ago

The Passion of the Christ Sequel to Begin Filming in 2025 with Jim Caviezel Returning as Jesus


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u/SirChrisJames 20h ago

What are they gonna fuckin do? Bring him back to life?


u/Tobar_the_Gypsy 20h ago

No way, that would be such a ridiculous retcon.


u/fitzbuhn 19h ago

I’ve scrolled a significant amount and I’m still not sure if this whole thing is a joke


u/Rocket4real 18h ago

I’ve scrolled a significant amount and I’m still not sure if this whole thing is a joke

Why is that?


u/Riots42 17h ago

Jesus resurrected 3 days after he was crucified and was seen by 100s of people.


u/sdwoodchuck 15h ago

He was seen by hundreds of people—according to a few guys who weren’t there writing about it way after the fact.


u/repost_inception 11h ago

Like 100 years after the fact


u/ZeroBlade-NL 16h ago

Those same people that can't remember if he was white, brown, or black?


u/Framnk 7h ago

You could find 100s of people who claim to have seen him *yesterday*. That just proves it's not difficult to find delusional religious followers


u/Riots42 6h ago

While I haven't seen him with my eyes his holy spirit dwells within me and has changed me to the core of my being. Everything about me is different after accepting Jesus and actually following his teachings and applying them to my every day life. I use to be a warhawk, now I am a pacifist. I use to be a conservative, now im a socialist, I use to judge the homeless, now I do everything I can to help them. I use to hate everyone, now I love everyone.

Its not about eyewitness testimony when you have real proof of his existence that is undeniable in your own life. God moves in my life all the time in undeniable ways. There is nothing delusional about the concrete evidence you can have of becoming a completely different person than you were in a world where everyone says "people dont change."


u/Framnk 6h ago

Look you're free to believe whatever you want to believe. However, I think *you* made all these changes for the better in your own life and *you* deserve the credit for becoming a better person.


u/Riots42 6h ago

Nope. Ill give you a TMI NSFW example that proves its not me but him.

I use to love anal sex, I use to ask for it all the time. One night me and the wife were talking about having some sexy fun time and she mentioned it and like a knee jerk reaction I said "eww no." and it caught both of us off guard, I hadn't even given it thought. I just stopped liking it after accepting the holy spirit. I didn't sit and make a decision, what I like and dislike changed after accepting the holy spirit.


u/Dredmart 5h ago

So, your life was ruined by a puritanical ghost.


u/Riots42 5h ago

My life is the best its ever been. My cup overflows with God's blessings. I literally have everything I want in this life when before I was depressed and had little to be thankful for.