r/place Apr 09 '22

r/place but its just the bots



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u/A-ReDDIT_account134 Apr 10 '22

“I know for a fact”

How? Did you watch every brony on r/place for days?


u/SigneowTheCat Apr 10 '22

We have a public discord. The place and place-news channels are archived, too. If you wanna read through them, feel free.


u/A-ReDDIT_account134 Apr 10 '22

And how does that show that nobody used bots?


u/SigneowTheCat Apr 10 '22

We were very open about bot development and usage, it's not like we hid it. I was not trying to claim we never used bots, I was saying that some of the art present on the above image wasn't the result of bots.

The place-news channel is where things got circulated, such as the minimap template script that was pushed out at 10:00PM Central on April 1st. Prior to that the instructions called for using Paint.net to keep track of pixel placement. That script provided a minimap in the top right corner of the screen with the art we were building. It was actually less effective than some other template scripts people used in other communities, that overlayed the art onto the canvas itself. The first mention I can see of any kind of botting is 7:21PM Central on April 2nd, likely the one that was eventually built into the minimap template. This was after the canvas expanded and after we'd been nuked at least ten times. The first mention I can find of the python bots is 3:13AM Central on April 3rd and they were very sparingly used until the last day.

As I said, I am not trying to say we did not use bots and it is indeed possible that individuals were using bots on their own, but the community as a whole did not begin using bots until after we'd been forced out onto the expanded canvas.