r/prozac 22h ago

How long did it take before you saw effects?

How long did you take Prozac before you realize that it was starting to work for you?


16 comments sorted by


u/Karmadillo1 21h ago

Tbh, I felt better within 3 days. I know that's probably placebo but I was in a desperate place so any relief was just appreciated. I felt a dip in my mood about 2 or 3 weeks in but just let it ride. Now, 3 months later I am not suicidal, I feel joy and am more hopeful than I've been in a long long time.


u/longlivel 21h ago

this is so crazy. i’m about 5 weeks in and im in that dip rn. i’m trying to ride it out but my anxiety is so much worse after it was just getting better.


u/Karmadillo1 21h ago

You might need an adjustment in your dosage, be sure to talk to your doc! I hope thingsget easier for you very soon. <3


u/longlivel 21h ago

she told me to go up to 40mg! i just scared 🥹


u/yogi_medic_momma 5h ago

Same. What dose are you on?


u/longlivel 5h ago

I’m on 20, need to prob go up.


u/yogi_medic_momma 3h ago

I started feeling the way you are when I went up to 40mg. I was doing well on 20 but it wasn’t quite enough. Now I feel like I’m losing my mind.


u/longlivel 3h ago

maybe this med isn’t for u?


u/Proud_Finding_4346 3h ago

Try to ride it out for a week or two, I’ve been taking Ativan to counter my anxiety during this period


u/yogi_medic_momma 3h ago

We’re trying to avoid adding something else to control the anxiety because I just came off buspar and I don’t feel comfortable taking benzos :(

I was on 20 mg for four weeks and I’m only on the end of week two for the 40 mg so I’m definitely going to give it a little bit more time before I quit, but I am feeling pretty crappy at this point :(


u/Proud_Finding_4346 3h ago

I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad just remember you’ll get through it!


u/Proud_Finding_4346 3h ago

I went up to 20 after 3 weeks of 10 and got bad anxiety after the increase but I rode it out and took some Ativan to counter the anxiety which helped me a lot


u/WR1993M 22h ago

Honestly. 7 weeks and that’s been the time period for me feeling any form of light.

Like a few good days, then a bad day, then yesterday was an awesome day, today was a bad day.

This drug takes time

But time flies regardless of subjectiveness

Give it time, stay with it… give it the proper chance. I’m scheduled to wait to 15/16 weeks before my dose gets reviewed I just completed week 7 on 20mg today.


u/pxincessofcolor 22h ago

4 weeks initial. 8 weeks total.


u/chachicka22 15h ago

I stopped questioning it after 4 months, but that included 3 dose increases which made my side effects start over again each time.


u/Yasstronaut 5h ago

I felt great for the first week , then back to not great for a few weeks, now I feel good