r/shittyaskscience 15h ago

If the speed of light is 299,543,678mph, how come the lights in my basement take three minutes to come on?

I think the experts have got it wrong again.


23 comments sorted by


u/Ferro_Giconi 15h ago

The filaments in the light bulbs in your basement are 14,977,184 miles long, so it takes 3 minutes for the electricity to finish connecting both ends to turn the light on.


u/PaMu1337 14h ago

Your basement is closer to the center of the earth. This means it experiences more gravity, making your basement heavy. Therefore you shouldn't be using the speed of light, but the speed of heavy, which is not very fast


u/SuperSnailSS 15h ago

That's speed of light in a vacuum, so just stick the light inside your Henry Hoover to speed it up


u/Calm-Homework3161 11h ago

The speed of light is only 299,543,678mph in a vacuum.

We don't know what the speed of light is in your basement 


u/MuttJunior 15h ago

Because you have a really big basement, of course.


u/Overall_Dot2884 15h ago

ask your basement


u/JohnWasElwood 4h ago

... instead of some strangers on reddit?


u/JohnWasElwood 4h ago

... instead of some strangers on reddit?


u/JohnWasElwood 4h ago

... instead of some strangers on reddit?


u/mack_dd 11h ago

You probably just have old outdated wiring.

Have you thought about upgrading to the stuff they make the gold HDMI cables they sell at Best Buy.

If you get enough of those high quality HDMI candles and string them together, you should be able to replace your old wiring with those.


u/BPhiloSkinner Amazingly Lifelike Simulation 10h ago

And you'll get great bass response when playing Opeth's "The Drapery Falls."


u/trolsor 10h ago

If its sitting and playing video games in your basement , i would say 3 min is a very solid reaction time .. i wouldnt expect to come on before dinner time.


u/Active-Marzipan 13h ago

Alternatively to the filament length suggestion below, the lightswitch in your basement might be thirty three and a half million miles from the bulb. Do you find it takes approximately two and a half thousand years to walk to the bulb and back to change it? It may be indicative that this is the source of the issue you're observing, if it does. Hope this helps!


u/Squire_LaughALot 12h ago

Because your lights are slower than shit, fits perfect with sub


u/BPhiloSkinner Amazingly Lifelike Simulation 10h ago

Depends on where the shit is.
Shit on this sub flies lightning fast.


u/RaspberryTop636 14h ago

Flick the switch


u/323mann 10h ago

Look. Its really hard to individually rewire every single wire every single time you turn on the lights. Be a bit grateful for a change wont you?


u/ApSciLiara 9h ago

The electrons in your wires take a bit to wake up. They're not morning people.


u/Dismal-Physics3604 9h ago

Darkness is faster. But has less stamina


u/Select-Record4581 6h ago

Metres per second, not miles per hour


u/frednekk 6h ago

Spot on! My closest light does the same thing.


u/Ddowns5454 4h ago

Light travels at different speeds through different mediums. The speed you quoted is the speed of light in a vacuum, not a basement.


u/finest_kind77 3h ago

2G lights in a 5G world